Chapter 378 Playing Games
It's really not a big deal to eat enough, Shangluo was alive and kicking again after a while, and she ran away without a trace after being chased by Lu Hanjiang for debts.

Lu Hanjiang took out his purse, weighed it, and sighed again.

The long curtain by the window moved slightly, and Huangfu Xiaoyuan's figure appeared in the room. After Lu Hanjiang put away the purse, he asked, "How is it?"

Huangfu Xiaoyuan shook her head: "The sword room and the dungeon are all heavily guarded. It is very laborious to find out the news, and the other groups of people have nothing to gain."

Of course, Huangfu Xiaoyuan was not the only Jinyiwei who sneaked into Zhujian Villa, and there were many subordinates at her disposal. If she could not let only one person explore this huge villa, I don't know when it will be.

"Then take your time. I'll go to Miss Alan's place to try my luck first, and ask if I can find anything."

Lu Hanjiang said, and when Huangfu Xiaoyuan was about to leave, he suddenly stopped her: "Wait, who is leading the team when Huashan is here to participate in the Sword Tasting Conference?"

"It's the wife of Shang Jidao, the former head of Huashan, Gu Qianhan," Huangfu Xiaoyuan thought for a while, and said, "After Shang Jidao died, she took over the management of Huashan School, but she didn't seem to intend to formally take over, so I have never sent a note to all the factions in the Jianghu."

"It's her."

Lu Hanjiang thought of the dead Shang Jidao, thought for a moment, and said with a smile: "Then it will be much easier. Tonight, you will meet Mrs. Gu once as Jin Yiwei, and negotiate a deal with her."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan seemed to have thought of something, she was taken aback for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "What are you talking about?"

Lu Hanjiang sighed softly, took a pen and paper, wrote something on a note, handed it to Huangfu Xiaoyuan, and confessed: "In exchange for her secret, let her hand over Qi Li."

This time Huangfu Xiaoyuan was silent for a long time, she looked at Lu Hanjiang, who also followed her gaze, and her eyes met, she said in a deep voice: "Is it because of Shang Luo, aren't you worried that things will go out of your control?" , she's not that dull."

Lu Hanjiang smiled softly, picked up the teapot, but found that it was empty, so he had to put it down slowly, he looked away, and said calmly: "Xiaoyuan, you got it wrong again this time, that girl is very smart, smarter than you imagined Much more, she knows everything."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then frowned: "If that's the case, why is she?"

Lu Hanjiang closed his eyes and began to recite: "Fan's demise, the common people have a bell, if they want to bear it and go away, the bell is too big to bear. Destroy it with a hammer, and the bell will still make a sound. I'm afraid people will hear it and take it away. Cover your ears."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan frowned more and more: "Although I come from a wealthy family, I have read the story of deception. You mean, Shang Luo did it on purpose?"

"Obviously, isn't it?"

Lu Hanjiang got up, poured clean water into the pot, put it on the stove and began to boil, and said slowly: "Revenge is only once and countless times, she has been deceiving herself all the time, as if her martial arts talent is actually It's not that it's too bad to be hopeless, but it always avoids it with a lazy attitude."

"Why?" Huangfu Xiaoyuan asked in puzzlement.

Lu Hanjiang stretched out his hands to the stove to keep warm, and the warm feeling quickly filled his whole body, but his eyes were still cold: "She deceived herself with stupidity and incompetence, and chose to escape with her own weakness, so she can forget about it with peace of mind. The former hatred, live freely."

While speaking, the lid of the kettle was blown open by the rising heat, Lu Hanjiang put his hands on it, and tightly covered it.

Huangfu Xiaoyuan stared at the stove in a daze. After recovering, she looked at Lu Hanjiang with a complicated expression and said, "In this case, wouldn't it be useless for you to find Qi Li?"

"Originally, maybe it was like this, but it's different now."

Lu Hanjiang let go of his hand, and the hot air rushed the lid of the kettle away. He stared at the boiling hot water and said softly: "In short, she has been too involved in the drama, and she seems to have forgotten what she should be like in the past. What's it like."

While speaking, Lu Hanjiang threw away half a stick of firewood and threw it into the stove. The splashing fire was reflected in his dark pupils, and he said casually: "Almost, it's time to wake up from the dream."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan didn't speak, and quietly watched the raging fire.

"To tell you the truth, I still had a lot of fun. It was a unique role-playing game. She turned herself into a carefree little sister, while I played the image of a good big brother. It's a pity that she seems to be addicted to it. .”

After Lu Hanjiang's words fell, the cold wind blowing in from outside seemed to lower the temperature a few more. Even though the fire was so hot, Huangfu Xiaoyuan's heart seemed to have sunk into a frozen lake.

"I'll leave this matter to you. Maybe that girl will pay more attention to martial arts in the future, or maybe... who knows, what will happen next, to be honest, I'm also looking forward to it."

Lu Hanjiang's smile was very cold and faint, but very real. With a movement of his eyes, he came forward to fasten Huangfu Xiaoyuan's loose cloak belt naturally, and then nodded in satisfaction: "Don't freeze, yes Alright, any more questions?"


Huangfu Xiaoyuan saw it very clearly, that was Lu Hanjiang's real appearance. In front of her, he never deliberately hid his dark thoughts.

Cruel tenderness, but sincerity, her body greedily longs for this truth, even if it is a heart-biting poison, the sweet taste has made her unable to extricate herself.

She suddenly felt a little stuffy in her heart, silently shook her head at Lu Hanjiang, and then left the room, the cold wind blowing against her face disturbed her heart.

His badness and distortions were something he had experienced long ago. The pretending game he talked about seemed to have his own shadow. Even though he didn't want to admit it, Huangfu Xiaoyuan seemed to have fallen into it too.

She is trying to imitate the person she hates the most, because only in this way can she get close to Lu Hanjiang, and only in this way can she continue to stay by his side.

Stupid, sad, but can't let go.

Huangfu Xiaoyuan found an unoccupied corner to hide, and on the treetops as far as her eyes could see, twisted flower buds slowly bloomed in a spiral shape. On the edge of the shadow, she worked hard to move towards the world full of sunshine.

She picked up a pebble and flung it with a whoosh, knocking down the flower, and saw it sink into the dirt, losing its luster.

"That's fine, as long as it goes on like this"

Burying her head in her arms, Huangfu Xiaoyuan kept repeating the same words, letting herself stay in this forgotten place alone.

Not long after Huangfu Xiaoyuan left, Ah Lan came, she took Lu Hanjiang's tea unceremoniously, drank it, and said with a smile: "I seem to have seen your sister go out just now, is she okay?"

"It's just enough to eat, it's not a big problem."

Lu Hanjiang poured another cup of tea for her, and asked, "Speaking of which, I haven't asked, Miss Alan, why did you come to Zhujian Villa this time?"

Alan paused for holding the tea, she hesitated for a moment, put it down, looked at Lu Hanjiang and said, "Master Lu, you know that my two sabers were forged by Master Gu Ming of the Sword Casting Villa. "

Lu Hanjiang nodded and said: "Many people have been spreading the news recently, and my son has heard of it."

Alan took off the double swords on her back and put them on the table. The blue and red swords were placed together, which contrasted with a strange brilliance. She slowly said: "Mr. Lu and I are friends, then I I don't want to hide anything, my father once said that there are actually three weapons he commissioned Master Gu Ming to forge."

Lu Hanjiang's eyes narrowed slightly, pretending to be ignorant and saying: "Is there such a thing?"

"Besides Moon Shadow Burning Sun, the third weapon is named Xingxuan, and I am here to get Xingxuan back."

Alan looked at Lu Hanjiang seriously, and asked, "Master Lu, can you help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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