"what happened?"

"Where is it so noisy?"

Not long after the Sword Tasting Conference started, everyone's attention was attracted by the movement elsewhere. Everyone whispered to each other, and many people turned their attention to Huo Tianya, the owner of Zhujian Villa.

"Brother Huo, is there something wrong with Zhuangzi?"

On the side of the high platform, on the seat of Zhujian Villa, a man with a big beard asked aloud. This person is named Fan Sheng, and he is one of the many masters of the rivers and lakes who was honored as the guest of honor by Zhujian Villa. Because he loves horses, Therefore, Huo Tianya often bought a good horse with a lot of money as a gift.

Hearing this person's question, Huo Tianya changed his previous indifference, and explained with a smile: "It's just that a group of desperate thieves went the wrong way. After all, there are always many people who covet the treasure of Zhujian Villa."

"I see."

Fan Sheng had a nine-ring knife on his waist, and he slapped it jinglingly at this time, he said loudly: "Since that's the case, I only need a word from Brother Huo, and I'll go and get the dog's head of that thief."

"Brother Fan is Gao Yi, but the disciples of the village have already gone to clean up, so there is no need to bother Brother Fan to take action this time."

This sentence was addressed to Fan Sheng, and it was also explained to everyone present, Huo Tianya smiled and raised his teacup: "Come on, Brother Fan, everyone, let's drink tea first."


Fan Sheng has a generous temper, since Huo Tianya said he didn't need to make a move, he just sat and watched the competition in the arena with peace of mind.

Here Huo Tianya spoke in person, and everyone gradually calmed down, but they didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly, and the owner had just finished speaking, when a disciple from Zhujian Villa wailed and was thrown into the ring .

"Sword Tasting Conference, why don't you let me wait for brothers to make a show?"

The haughty words resounded throughout the audience, and the hulking men rushed onto the ring one by one, and the two contestants who were still in a daze were directly slapped off the stage one by one.

Song San and his group who arrived later had even more gloomy faces. They never imagined that the group of Zhujian Villa disciples failed to stop them, and let them run to the ring to show off their power.

The six troublemakers looked at the surroundings arrogantly, and in a burst of exclamation, someone in the audience revealed the identities of the six: "Look at the black-clawed tiger on that person! He is the master of the Heitian Village!"

"It's the master of the great village, You Renxi! And those few people are all masters of Heitian village!"

"Demon Dao thief, dare to act wild here!"

Many heroes of the righteous way directly drew their swords. In the host's seat, Huo Tianya also looked cold. Although he didn't care about the opinions of outsiders, it was hard to bear the anger in his heart when he was slapped in the face like this.

"Heitian Village" Huo Tianya got up slowly, and his awe-inspiring gaze swept over the six people on the stage.

"Brother Huo, you don't need to do anything about this matter, leave it to me!"

Before Huo Tianya could make a move, Fan Sheng put down his words first, and then without waiting for a response, he pulled out the Nine Ring Saber, jumped onto the ring, and pointed the blade at Nayou.

"Demonic monster, take your life for grandpa!" Putting down the harsh words, Fan Sheng yelled, and cut him off without saying a word.

You Renji grinned coldly: "Madman, I'll kill you first!"

The two of them didn't talk much, Fan Sheng used the sword, You Renxi used the claws, they fought together, the nine-ringed sword was clasped by the claw-like fingers, and there was a sound of gold and iron. …

"Hero Fan is doing great!"

"Hero Fan, I'll help you!"

When the two were fighting, several people flew onto the ring and fought with other demons from Heitianzhai. For a while, the righteous and demons fought together, and the atmosphere suddenly became hot.

There are many righteous people in the audience, and there are only six people in the evil way. I have the advantage, and there is a burst of applause. Only the Beggar Gang seems to have a flat reaction, and Lu Hanjiang seems to lack interest.

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After Yongle was frightened at the beginning, he became more interested in this meeting, and together with Shang Luo, he watched the battle between the righteous and the devil.

"Xiao Lu, where is Heitian Village? Those people reacted so strongly. Could it be that they are some powerful demon school?" Shang Luo asked enthusiastically.

Lu Hanjiang sipped hot tea, and said slowly: "Heitianzhai, the ability is average, but the reputation is indeed not small. They are rampant and have offended many righteous people in the world, and many people hold grudges."

There are naturally strong and weak demon forces, such as the Wandaomen Xuantian Sect, they are all rare. It is already considered remarkable to be able to reach the height of Xuehua Palace, but Heitianzhai can only be regarded as mediocre.

Most of the powerful forces in the Mo Dao have a characteristic, that is, the main combat power of the forces is concentrated on several or one person. The typical one is the Wandaomen. Except for the sword king Li Guishou, almost all other members of the sect are foils.

This kind of power, once the core figures are finished, disintegration is imminent.

Shang Luo asked this question only because she subconsciously compared Heitianzhai and Wandaomen, and Lu Hanjiang had almost given the answer she wanted.

But she continued to ask curiously at this time: "Why are they here? From what the owner of Huo Zhuang said just now, they came to steal treasures?"

I don't know if it reminded her of some long-term memories, Shang Luo seems to be more interested in the motives of this group of people

"Perhaps, it's just that since they were able to break through under the obstruction of the disciples of Zhujian Villa, but they ran to this place to die, it can only be said, um——Everyone has his own ambition?"

Lu Hanjiang's expression was as confused as his tone. Many magicians, it should be said that many Jianghu people have such a strange problem.

He loves to show off, or in other words, he is always wrong about his own position. The choices of this group of demons are so confusing. With Huo Tianya's caring attitude just now, he can escape in another direction.

But he chose to run to Zhengdao's arena to taunt. This is good, lest Lu Hanjiang make a move, and he himself will be torn to pieces by the enraged Zhengdao Jianghu.

"Xiao Lu, do you know him?"

Shang Luo's expression suddenly became weird, and she seemed to be able to hear a bit of indignation in Lu Hanjiang's words.

Hearing this, Lu Hanjiang poked Shang Luo's head lightly, but did not answer.

Shang Luo covered her mouth, and said in a low voice: "Xiao Lu, you really know him. Could it be you who persuaded him to steal things?"

Lu Hanjiang was not polite this time, and went straight to his head, but the little girl dodged. She ran behind Yongle and made a funny face.

The three of them fought back and forth, and the beggar gang still wanted to make a statement in the chaotic battle between righteous and demons at the scene. Elder Qi came up in time to ask: "Guild master, do you want me to deal with them later?"

It's not surprising that Elder Qi asked this question, because even when dealing with demons, the righteous Jianghu people in the ring are very disciplined, and they are basically one-on-one, so the battle is stalemate instead.

Lu Hanjiang thought for a while, then nodded: "Alright, it's the duty of my beggars' gang to eliminate demons and defend the way. You take people up and form a dog formation."

He would also like to see where You Renxi got the confidence to bring such a few people to dare to stir up the Jianshan Villa.

"Disciple obey!"

Elder Qi bowed down, led a group of beggar sect disciples, and rushed up to the ring. Seeing this scene, You Renxi, who was still at ease, finally changed his expression, but soon calmed down again.

You Renxi sneered in his heart as he watched the disciples of the Beggar Clan who were approaching every step of the way. A group of reckless warriors, even if they win in martial arts, so what? Standing behind him is Lord Jinyiwei Lu. Who dares to touch him!

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