Chapter 400
"Brother Huo, it's late at night, what do you want from me?"

Fan Sheng finally waited for Huo Tianya, and he didn't forget to complain: "Why do we meet here, the vegetation here is withered, it's cold and windless, it looks really unlucky."

After hearing this, Huo Tianya found it quite novel: "Brother Fan actually has research on Feng Shui, which surprises me."

Fan Sheng laughed: "It's just that I have nothing to do, and I happened to look through the books in the village. There are a few books about Fengshui, which are quite interesting to read."

Huo Tianya nodded with a smile: "That's very good, Brother Fan can live comfortably in Zhuangzi, so I can rest assured."

"If you want to exchange pleasantries, let's change the place." After Fan Sheng laughed, he asked seriously: "Brother Huo invited me here tonight, but do you have something to order?"

Huo Tianya was not in a hurry to talk, but cautiously added a sentence: "Brother Fan, has anyone noticed that you are here?"

"Brother Huo, don't worry, you know my martial arts, and no one else will notice."

After Fan Sheng finished talking carelessly, his face gradually became a little dignified: "Brother Huo, you and I have known each other in sincerity. I have received a lot of favors from you for nothing these days, and I feel ashamed. If there is anything that needs my help, brother Speak up, and I will never refuse."

Although Fan Sheng was born big and thick, he looks like a martial artist with a simple mind and well-developed limbs, but his heart is as delicate as silk.

As the owner of the villa, Huo Tianya couldn't have a conversation. If he insisted on going to such a dark corner, there was only one thing he could guess, and that was the topic they were talking about today, uncleanness.

Fan Sheng is a person who knows how to repay kindness, since he chose to accept Huo Tianya's kindness, he will try his best to repay it, even if it will be stained with some innocent blood.

After Huo Tianya sighed, he said slowly: "I dare not hide it, there is indeed something I want to ask Brother Fan."

Seeing that Huo Tianya hesitated to speak, Fan Sheng's heart sank, he hesitated for a moment, and made up his mind: "Brother Huo, if there are some things that you can't do yourself, I can do it for you."

Everyone saw the performance of the Huo family brothers today, Huo Yunqi was abolished as the young master, and it was only a matter of time before Huo Tianxing and Huo Tianya turned against each other.

Fan Sheng's words are equivalent to bluntly saying that he is willing to take action against Huo Tianxing for Huo Tianya, so as to avoid the reputation of killing his brothers.

"Brother Fan Gao Yi, I admire you very much."

A smile slowly appeared on Huo Tianya's face: "Brother Fan, do you know, what is that?"

As he spoke, he patted Fan Sheng on the shoulder and motioned him to look back.

Fan Sheng didn't know why, so he turned around and saw nothing but a huge sword furnace in front of him. While he was wondering, suddenly a fierce palm hit him on the back.

Unprepared, Fan Sheng spat out a mouthful of blood, flew forward a few feet, fell on the platform in front of the sword furnace, and barely managed to get up. He only felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced, and his chest Another mouthful of blood in the abdomen poured into the throat uncontrollably.

"Cough! Cough!"

While coughing up blood, Fan Sheng turned back in shock and anger, looked at the expressionless Huo Tianya, and asked angrily, "You! Who are you! Pretending to be Brother Huo and murdering me, what is your purpose!"

"Brother Fan, I didn't expect me to have such a place in your heart. It's really touching."

Seeing Fan Sheng's first reaction was disbelief, Huo Tianya couldn't help laughing and shaking his head: "Speaking of which, I'm sorry for Brother Fan. Originally, if the income from Zhuangzi could still be stable, I wouldn't be so anxious to deal with it. You do it."

"You, you are really Brother Huo"

Fan Sheng's expression was full of shock. He clutched his heaving chest and asked puzzledly: "Huo Tianya! Why! Back then, you and I became friends at the first sight, and you treated me generously, but I didn't feel sorry for you even if I asked myself." Where are you, why on earth are you trying to kill me!"

"indeed so."

Huo Tianya nodded calmly: "Brother Fan, there is no great feud between you and me. Although I didn't treat you sincerely, after getting along for so many days, I still think you are a person worthy of friendship. It's a pity."

Huo Tianya sighed softly, and slowly took out the thing wrapped in black cloth in his hand. It was the treasure of Zhujian Villa, the Wanling Sword, one of the three great weapons.

The Wanling Sword was slowly unsheathed, and the slender blade was bathed in the flames of the sword furnace, exuding a holiness beyond the world.

Even if he was not a sword user, Fan Sheng was fascinated by the Wanling Sword for a while, and Huo Tianya understood his slightly dull gaze.

"Brother Fan is lucky today. This is the magical weapon passed down from my Zhujian Villa. What do you think, brother?" No matter how many times he stroked the sword, Huo Tianya couldn't help but fall in love with it.

"Shenbing, Myriad Spirit Sword."

Fan Sheng came to a sudden realization, indeed, only magic soldiers can have such a demeanor.

But soon he came back to his senses, and yelled directly: "Huo Tianya! Don't talk about anything, you despicable villain, you sneak up on the shameless you from behind, the faces of generations of ancestors of your Huo family have been covered by you Lost it all!"

He scolded happily, and Fan Sheng was not idle in his hand. He stood up against his injuries. His martial arts were so strong that he would not be able to kill him with one palm, but he was successfully attacked by surprise. In the next fight, I'm afraid there will be more bad luck than good luck.

However, this kind of verbal abuse was meaningless to Huo Tianya. He said indifferently: "Brother Fan, didn't you just say that if I ask you, you will have nothing to say? Why did you break your promise so quickly."

Fan Sheng spat a mouthful of bloody phlegm on the ground, and said angrily, "Bah! Huo Tianya, you have ulterior motives and have been eyeing my life for a long time, haven't you!"


Unexpectedly, Huo Tianya admitted it very happily. He said: "Brother Fan, I entertained you with great gifts just to buy your life. Now you have received the money and enjoy the fun. This life is worthless." It should be handed over to me."

"I'll go to you—!"

Fan Sheng didn't finish his sentence, Huo Tianya had already drawn out his sword, and he suppressed the remaining half of the sentence. It's a pity that he didn't bring a saber on this trip because he was worried about showing his tracks. The bureau is afraid that it is close to death.

Huo Tianya's sword moves are vicious, but not fatal, like boiling a frog in warm water, cutting off Fan Sheng's resistance with a single strike.

The martial arts of the two were originally on par, but now Fan Sheng didn't have a weapon in his hand, and he was seriously injured by Huo Tianya's palm first. At this time, they were naturally retreating steadily, and after a hundred moves, they were already powerless.

Fan Sheng's last struggle was to turn around and pick out one of the broken swords standing in the furnace, and then slashed at Huo Tianya fiercely.

The whole body of the remnant sword was burnt red, and when Fan Sheng grabbed it, the flesh was so hot that it was steaming and cracked, the pain made him grin his teeth, but he had no choice.

It's a pity that this last struggle was ruthlessly shattered by Huo Tianya. He cut off Fan Sheng's arm with one sword, and flew out with the broken sword, hit the beam, and almost half of the blade sank into it.

And on the left and right sides of the red broken sword, Lu Hanjiang and A Lan, who were concealed, looked at each other, then held their breath tacitly, and continued to watch Huo Tianya's movements.

Huo Tianya glanced coldly at Fan Sheng with the broken arm, stepped forward and pierced his dantian with a sword, using all the power of the Wanling Sword.

Fan Sheng's eyes bulged, and he watched in horror as his internal energy flowed into Huo Tianya's body bit by bit along the sword.

"My inner strength! What kind of magic is this? Stop, stop!"

Fan Sheng weakened visibly with the naked eye. He grabbed the Wanling Sword with his remaining left hand and tried to resist, but it was in vain. In the end, he couldn't even utter a complete sentence, and could only look at it with pleading eyes. Huo Tianya.

That sword was like a poisonous flower that couldn't get enough of it, taking away his martial arts and life as nutrients, taking away bit by bit.

Fan Sheng considered himself a hero, he would be killed by one ordinary move, and eighteen years later he would be a hero again, he was not afraid of death, but this strange way of death greatly increased the fear in his heart, and his face and dignity were all lost at this moment. Abandoned by him, but he did not impress Huo Tianya.

After taking away everything from the other party, Huo Tianya felt that his martial arts had become a little stronger, and he retracted the Wanling Sword in satisfaction. Fan Sheng turned into a withered corpse, and only his sunken eyes remained. fear.

Huo Tianya brought up Fan Sheng's body, threw it into the sword furnace, turned around, only heard a loud noise, the beam collapsed, Alan fell to the ground, and the two of them stared wide-eyed.



Facing Huo Tianya's shocked gaze, Ah Lan didn't know what expression to show. She searched the surrounding beams vaguely, and saw that someone had changed positions a long time ago. At this time, she was still an old monk. Crouching in the corner as if in a state of concentration, the corners of her eyes twitched violently twice.

Lu Shiqi!You run fast!
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(End of this chapter)

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