Chapter 41 Farewell to Jiangnan
Before the sky was completely dark, Lu Hanjiang finally waited for the good news, Bian Guang and Huangfu Linshan led people to find this place.

After working for a while, the two finally got rid of this embarrassing situation. Huangfu Xiaoyuan was taken home, and Lu Hanjiang also returned to the local guard.

"There is still no news from Qin Zongqi?" Lu Hanjiang asked about it as soon as he came back.

"Brothers are searching along the river, but there is no progress yet." Bian Guang followed Lu Hanjiang, and said as he walked, "There is news from the capital that the Demon Dao seems to be making some moves recently."

"Tell me." Lu Hanjiang walked into the meeting room, but there was no one there, so he found a chair at random and sat down.

Bian Guang didn't dare to make a big deal, and stood aside honestly and said: "The Huangfu family is making a big splash, which makes many people in the Demon Dao very unhappy. They seem to want to join hands and make a big fight."

"Jiangnan is going to be in chaos," Lu Hanjiang narrowed his eyes, and said, "Our people should also contribute to the flames."

Bian Guang said: "Your Excellency, I have already thought about this matter and are making arrangements. Jiangnan will soon increase its manpower."

"Who has been arranged?" According to the usual practice, if manpower is arranged, Lu Hanjiang, who happens to be in the south of the Yangtze River, should take over, but this time is a bit special.

Commander Meng Yuan directly ordered him to return to Beijing, so this time the errand could not fall on him.

"Jiang Xian found out clearly, and said that Qiao Qianhu was booked." Bian Guang said.

For thousands of households like Lu Hanjiang's, the subordinates are generally allocated with hundreds of households, dozens of banner officials, a few strongmen, and several school lieutenants.

Normally, if Lu Hanjiang was away from home, he would choose one of Bian Guang and Jiang Xian to stay in the capital, one to handle some daily affairs on his behalf, and the other to deliver news at any time.

"Joe Shifang?"

Lu Hanjiang was really surprised that he chose this person to come to Jiangnan. It's not that his martial arts are not good. Among thousands of households, Qiao Shifang's ability is also one of the best, but the problem is not here.

Thousands of households like them will have their own headquarters. Counting the big and small, the total number of people is equivalent to one and a half big Jianghu sects.

Generally speaking, the headquarters of Qianhusuo is also a manifestation of strength. Under such a premise, it is a matter of course to cultivate one's own power. Almost every Qianhus cherishes the staff of the headquarters as wings.

Therefore, if it is not an emergency, when Jin Yiwei Qian goes out to do errands, he usually only brings two or three cronies with him, and the rest of the staff are directly recruited from the local guards. In this way, even if they are injured, they will not feel distressed.

However, not everyone does this. There are two exceptions in this year's Thousand Households, one of which is Lu Hanjiang himself.

Because to a certain extent, Lu Hanjiang didn't bother to take care of these things at all, so the policy he pursued was the cruelest final elimination system.

He doesn't know if soldiers who don't want to be generals are good soldiers, but as long as they can survive the battlefield, they are at least excellent soldiers.

At first, by means of strong stems and weak branches, Lu Hanjiang selected Bian Guang and Jiang Xian as the main cronies, responsible for managing all Jinyiwei under his banner.

Then there is no more then.

Lu Hanjiang only set the main tone of the elimination system, and delegated all the rest to the two. The combat power of subordinates can be guaranteed by the system. As for the other parts, that is their job.

Therefore, all along, Lu Hanjiang's men and horses have been among the best soldiers in Jinyiwei, but they are also high-risk subordinates who rank second in battle damage. Naturally, whoever is second must be number one, and this number one in front of him One is Qiao Shifang.

It has nothing to do with fellow sufferers at all. Lu Hanjiang's manpower loss is serious, that's because he upholds the law of beasts where the weak prey on the strong, which is barely excusable.

But Qiao Shifang was different. Every time this person behaved, it was hard not to make people think that he was an undercover agent of a Jianghu sect who broke into the court.

As a person who has no ability to control the battlefield at all, and has almost no command ability, what Qiao Shifang likes to do most is micromanagement.

His deployment is often attrition due to some meaningless orders, or a lot of energy is spent on some inexplicable goals.

If it is said that every time Lu Hanjiang takes people out, there are at least seven or seven or eighty eight when he comes back, then Qiao Shifang basically lost [-] places and replaced him with the opposite side.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is a problem with his tactics. After all, Jinyiwei is stronger than Jianghu sects in that they have more soldiers and more generals. Large numbers are their advantage.

However, with the crowd tactics being used to such an extent, one can imagine how trashy Qiao Shifang is.

In Fusi of Nanzhen, the number of times Qiao Shifang took people to fight others was very few, but every time, no matter what level the enemy was, he had the same record.

The reason why he has been able to stay in the position of Qianhu for so many years is that apart from his strong kung fu, the backstage is a bit tough.

Not to mention that his family is also a wealthy family, that is to say, he and the fourth prince are so good that they are about to wear a pair of trousers, and this face is not easy to lose, so they have to keep him in the capital and let him do whatever he wants.

"My lord, something is wrong."

The arrangement this time, not to mention Lu Hanjiang, even Bian Guang can see that something is wrong. No one in the Jinyiwei knows how many brushes Qiao Shifang has. He is a good player when fighting alone. Self-defeating might seem mean, but it's not a good candidate anyway.

There must be something wrong with it, this is nonsense, Lu Hanjiang simply put the matter aside, and left and right are going back to Beijing, no matter how much he guesses, it is not as good as going back and asking the truth.

It was getting late, Lu Hanjiang had no intention of staying up late, after a day of tossing around, he went to bed early.

On the second day, Jin Yiwei did not find Qin Yu, but he came back by himself.

He also knew the seriousness, and when he came back, he took the initiative to go to Lu Hanjiang, and honestly admitted his mistake: "This subordinate acted without authorization and broke the arrangement of the adults, and is willing to be punished."

There are rewards for merit and punishment for crimes. Since there are rules to follow, Lu Hanjiang naturally waved his hand and pushed it to others: "Bian Guang, you handle it."

"Your subordinate takes orders." Bian Guang led Qin Yu away directly, and Lu Hanjiang would not ask about how to deal with it.

Before leaving Jiangnan, Lu Hanjiang had to make some arrangements and hand over some necessary things, and after all these were done, he was going to meet someone.

Huangfu Xiaoyuan.

This girl did not break her promise, or perhaps, she had made such a plan long ago.

The two made an appointment to meet in a restaurant, Huangfu Xiaoyuan ordered a table of food and drink, but she didn't move her chopsticks, Lu Hanjiang tried it with a silver needle in a serious manner, and then began to feast on it.

When she was full of wine and food, she heard her say——

"Qin Yu's father is a member of Xuantian Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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