Chapter 509 The Frightening Truth

Guan Shanmo was brought back to Taishan, his defense was very pale in the eyes of everyone, and even Hao Bansheng felt that the other party started talking nonsense to save his life.

According to the Taishan sect's rules, killing fellow sects is definitely an unforgivable crime, but Guan Shanmo's talent in martial arts is good, so it's hard to guarantee that Hao Bansheng won't be soft-hearted, so Master Lingjue played a double reed with Lu Shiqi very cunningly. Raise the height to the likes and dislikes among sects.

Now, Hao Bansheng not only has to take care of the emotions of the disciples in his sect, but also the attitude of the Beggars' Clan.

Hao Bansheng asked Guan Shanmo to kneel in the hall, in order to give an explanation to the master and the world, he could not hesitate any longer.

Before dealing with Guan Shanmo, the members of the Hengshan faction went back to the temporary living room on the mountain, and they were very relieved that Shi Suxue returned safely.

But Yu Fang's expression was a bit heavy, she pushed everyone away, pulled Shi Suxue to a corner alone, and asked in a low voice: "Suxue, tell the truth with the uncle, are those disciples of the beggar gang really Guan Shan?" Killed by strangers."

The reason for asking this question was not what she thought of Guan Shanmo, but for Shi Suxue, Yu Fang always believed that the other party valued friendship, but she was not a person who confused black and white, so since the girl said that way outside just now, among them There are no secrets that no one knows about.

Sure enough, after hearing her question, Shi Suxue immediately replied: "Master, I dare not lie to you. Although we had conflicts with the disciples of the Beggar Sect, we definitely did not kill them!"


In all fairness, Yu Fang believed Shi Suxue's words, no matter in terms of influence or the consistent behavior of the two, the most important thing was that she knew what kind of person the other party was when she grew up in the Hengshan School. But that's all.

The facts are there, the person is indeed dead, and the identification is indeed made, so between the beggar gang and Shi Suxue, one of them must be lying. If it wasn't for this girl, then there must be someone from the beggar gang The problem is, even the leader Lu who covered him also
Yu Fang's heart suddenly throbbed wildly, she suppressed her flustered mood forcefully, and kept trying to convince herself that this kind of conjecture was really crazy.

Lu Shiqi had a problem, which a normal person could see. From the first time the other party acted against others, most people had already seen that he was a lunatic.

But crazy to crazy, no one has ever thought that there is something wrong with Lu Shiqi's background. At most, everyone thinks that even if it is a piece of rotten meat, it is rotten in the cauldron of the rivers and lakes. After all, it was personally selected by the former leader of the beggar gang. people.

However, if even this premise is wrong, then the truth of the matter will become very scary. The first thing that cannot be explained is how they bypassed Liang Benlang and snatched the position of leader.

Perhaps the younger generation of knight-errants would think that no matter how good their martial arts are, they can always be defeated as long as there are enough people, but in the eyes of Yu Fang's generation, this is not the case.

They have all experienced the turbulent era 20 years ago, and they have also seen the martial arts of Liang Benlang, the leader of the beggar gang, who looked down upon the world. To put it bluntly, it is not at the same level as theirs.

Yu Fang couldn't imagine that such a person would be killed or even replaced quietly, and there would be no news of it in the whole Jianghu. This is absolutely impossible!
Just when Yu Fang was restless, a disciple outside the door came to pass a message: "Uncle Yu, the leader of the Beggar Clan Lu is here to visit."


Yu Fang's eyes changed several times, but finally she calmed down and said calmly: "Please come in."

After the disciples of Hengshan went out, they quickly brought Lu Hanjiang in. After meeting, the other party greeted him warmly: "Nvxia Yu, congratulations, today's disciples from your sect have returned safely, you can be at ease."

"Governor Lu is too self-effacing. Suxue's return is thanks to the help of all the comrades in Jianghu. Yu Fang would like to thank you in advance." Yu Fang clasped her fists as she spoke.

"Since Yuxia Yu is so polite, then I will open the skylight and speak frankly," Lu Hanjiang said straight to the point after sitting down: "I hope that your sect can help me a little bit about Guan Shanmo."

Yu Fang frowned, and said: "Guan Shanmo has murdered his fellow disciples and killed his fellow disciples. I wonder how Chief Lu wants to help me?"

"Fact? Not entirely true. Yu Xia brought Miss Shi back early, so she must have asked all the necessary questions."

Lu Hanjiang's words made Yu Fang's heart that had just been let go again, and she brought it up again. She stared at Lu Hanjiang intently, and asked after a long while: "The brother named Xiang from your gang, is it true that Jin Yiwei put him in?"

Lu Hanjiang looked at her with a smile, and said lightly: "The evidence is convincing, Yu Xia may as well guess more boldly, in fact, this young master is also the same?"

Yu Fang stared, stood up in shock, the teacup on the table was knocked over, and fell to the ground with a clear and crisp sound of shattering, the expression of the disciple waiting outside changed and rushed in immediately.

"Uncle Yu!"

"Uncle Yu! What happened!"

Four Hengshan disciples rushed in, and when they saw Yu Fang with an uncertain face, Lu Hanjiang shrugged and looked at the latter with innocent but meaningful eyes.

When everyone was wondering, Yu Fang used all her strength to suppress the fear in her heart, and said to these disciples: "I accidentally knocked over the tea set, it's okay, you guys go out."

".Yes." Everyone seemed to feel something was wrong, but since Yu Fang didn't say anything, they didn't dare to ask more on their own.

After everyone withdrew, Yu Fang didn't sit down anymore, she stared at Lu Hanjiang with a gloomy expression, and asked, "You guys, how did you do it?"

"The facts are already in front of you. How did you do it? Does Yu Xia know or doesn't know? What's the point?" Lu Hanjiang folded his hands on the table and looked at Yu Fang calmly: "So, Yu Xia's The answer is?"

Yu Fang's clenched fists quickly loosened, her eyes were full of exhaustion, she stared at Lu Hanjiang and asked, "Why did you tell me, Chief Lu can keep me confused, as long as you don't admit it, no one will I dare to guess that the old man Liang really encountered an accident."

"That's so boring," Lu Hanjiang said with a chuckle: "Yu Nvxia can choose to cooperate with Jin Yiwei once, so there may not be a second time. Anyway, you have already led Hengshan to us, why not fall completely?"

Yu Fang asked feebly, "What do you want me to do?"

Lu Hanjiang clapped his hands and praised: "A person who understands current affairs is a hero, Yu Nvxia is indeed a person who understands. Since this is the case, I will make it clear that everyone has doubts about Guan Shanmo, but it is because there is not enough evidence, so I think, please send your time." Girl, come forward and testify."

"You! Shameless!" Yu Fang stared at Lu Hanjiang angrily, "Aren't you afraid that I will go out and tell everyone who you are right now!"

"You go," Lu Hanjiang couldn't help laughing out at the other party's angry expression, "Yu Nvxia's idea is very good, even if my son is strong in martial arts, he may not be able to stop the many masters here. It's easy for you to kill me, but—”

Lu Hanjiang got up, fiddled with the fragments of the teacup on the ground with his toes, and said with a smile, "Nv Xia Yu really wants to die? You can go out and call everyone, then my master's plan will naturally fail, but you guys What about the Hengshan faction, tsk tsk, Jin Yiwei's anger, can you bear it?"

"." Yu Fang clenched her teeth and closed her eyes in pain.

"Yu Nvxia is a smart person. We don't need to explain some things too clearly. Everyone knows them clearly."

Lu Hanjiang waited quietly for a while, seeing that Yu Fang was still unable to make up his mind, he said again: "What? Is it difficult? A person like Yu Nvxia, who understands the general situation, can't persuade a little girl to come forward as a witness?"

"I can't." Yu Fang seemed to be hesitating.

Seeing this, Lu Hanjiang changed his tone and said in a leisurely tone: "Nvxia Yu should think it over before answering. After all, you don't want the Hengshan School's century-old foundation and several generations of Qingming to be destroyed by your generation, right? Ah, if that's the case, what kind of face do you have to meet your ancestors?"

As soon as these words came out, Yu Fang's face was as pale as paper. After struggling for a long time, she was finally discouraged, and finally answered in a muffled voice: "Okay, I promise you."

(End of this chapter)

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