Chapter 514 Mantis Catching Cicadas
"Uncle Yu, it's getting dark, why don't we rest nearby for a night and continue our journey tomorrow?" On the way, a disciple of the Hengshan School suggested.

Yu Fang looked up at the sky and nodded slightly: "That's fine, if I remember correctly, we'll be in town not far ahead, we'll just rest there for the night and start our journey tomorrow."


The group of people quickened their pace, and soon saw the smoke above the town. When they arrived in the town, they found an inn with rooms still available after several inquiries.

"Who came to this town, why are the other inns full of people?" After completing the formalities, Yu Fang looked into the empty shop and asked.

"Guest officers don't have to be surprised. These people are all knights who came down from Mount Tai. I heard that something big happened to the Taishan faction. It provoked people from all over the world to come. No, there are more people in the inn. It's full."

The one who spoke was the waiter in the store. He had a happy expression on his face, and there was a bit of cunning calculation in his narrowed eyes.

"It was so."

Yu Fang nodded, without raising any objection, she said again: "By the way, please prepare a table of meals for us, with half and half meat and vegetables, no drinks."

"Okay, wait a minute, guest officer." Xiao Er responded and went down to prepare meals.

Yu Fang and the rest of the Hengshan disciples were sitting in the lobby. At this time, the sky outside was completely dark, the streets were empty, and the night was not yet deep, which already made people feel abnormally quiet.

A disciple of Hengshan said in a low voice: "Master Uncle, there seems to be something wrong. The little one said that there are many knight-errants passing through this place, but we have walked all the way, it seems that everywhere is deserted, and we have never seen disciples from other sects."

The other person also nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, uncle, I haven't seen any other customers in this store, and it feels a bit spooky."

Yu Fang looked at them with satisfaction, and said: "It seems that your vigilance is not bad, there may be another world in this store, you should all pay attention, don't make it too obvious."

The Hengshan disciple was surprised: "Could it be that this is a black shop? Uncle, if that's the case, why don't we smash it up immediately, these villains must have harmed many passers-by, we should do justice for the heavens, except for them!"

"Don't be impatient, have you forgotten what I usually teach you, the world is dangerous, and you must see the enemy's methods clearly, and you will be invincible if you strike late."

As Yu Fang spoke, she looked at the furnishings in the inn, and said indifferently: "In my opinion, these people are just ordinary little thieves, and I'm afraid they are relying on the kung fu of some three-legged cats and drugged-out methods. It’s just for you to practice.”

"Yes, please rest assured, Master Uncle, this disciple will definitely not disappoint you." Several Hengshan sect disciples seemed a little excited.

After a while, Xiao Er brought the food, but there were still no other customers in the store. Yu Fang picked up a mouthful of food, put it to the tip of her nose, smelled it, and nodded subtly to the others.

Several people understood and ate without incident, but in fact they didn't eat any food. After a while, several people pretended to pass out on the table.

Xiaoer hid behind the curtain and saw this scene, and hurried to close the door of the inn, and then all the people hiding in the back kitchen came out, including the shopkeeper, there were five of them.

"Shopkeeper, look, I'll just say it's okay, don't worry about her being a disciple of a great sect, if she encounters our brother's Mihunsan, she will have to lie down." Xiaoer said proudly.

"There's no harm in being careful," the shopkeeper stroked his goatee and said with a smile, "However, you're really good. It's worthless."

"Don't worry, ouch, does this girl look pretty? The shopkeeper is selling it to Lao Liu anyway, why don't you let the brothers go first?"

A lewd smile appeared on the man's face, and he reached out to touch the face of one of the Heng-Shan disciples, but unexpectedly, the sleeping Heng-Shan disciple suddenly opened his eyes, which made the man jump greatly.

The Heng-Shan disciple caught the opponent's claws and folded them forcefully, the man suddenly cried out in pain, stepped back a few steps and fell to the ground, clutching his arms and screaming.

"Huh, it really is a black shop. We met us today, so I let you know that the way of heaven is clear, and it is not leaking!" The disciple of Hengshan drew his sword while speaking, and the rest of them got up from the table and drew their swords one after another. Out of the sword to kill the past.

Several people in the shopkeeper saw the ghosts of the dead, they were all inferior in martial arts, no matter who were the opponents of Hengshan's disciples, they were all subdued in a short while.

Several people were taught so that their noses and faces were swollen, and they all knelt on the ground and begged for mercy: "Heroines, you are blind and offended a few of you, and please have a lot of adults, and let us go!"

"Yes, yes! Ladies and gentlemen, we promise to turn our backs on the evil and turn to the right, and never do this black business again."

A few people were weeping and kowtowed like garlic. Those Hengshan disciples were relieved a lot when they saw it, but they still put on a straight face and said: "Listen to me, we are Hengshan sect. disciple."

"Hengshan faction!"

Hearing about the other party's background, the shopkeeper's face was full of remorse and fear, and he repeatedly kowtowed for mercy: "Grandma, please forgive me, I really don't know that you are a disciple of the Hengshan School, otherwise I would not dare to deceive you if I had the guts .”

"Bah! Who is your aunt!"

The Hengshan disciple blushed slightly, and continued to teach: "It is your retribution for meeting us today, stop talking nonsense, and die!"

"Heroine, please spare me! I have seniors and juniors! You can't kill me!"

"Woman! I still have a wife and children at home, please forgive me this time!"

Seeing that the disciples of Hengshan were going to kill them, several of them begged for mercy and said everything, crying so much that they were sincere, as if they had sincerely changed their ways.

A few Hengshan disciples softened their hearts, and finally let these people go: "Remember me, I will give you a chance today, if you let me know in the future that you opened a black shop to harm others, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Several people begged for mercy and got their lives back. Naturally, they would agree to anything at this time. A few Hengshan disciples tied up these people and threw them into the backyard, intending to sleep peacefully first, and then untie them after leaving tomorrow.

Yu Fang didn't make a move or make a sound from the beginning to the end. When she saw a few disciples calling the shots to let these villains go, she shook her head slightly and didn't stop them.

After several people came back after dealing with it, one of them said: "Uncle Master, this disciple saw a lot of ingredients in the back kitchen. This table of food is not edible. Why don't you ask disciple to cook and make a new table."

Yu Fang thought for a while, then nodded: "That's fine, you should be hungry after a lot of hard work. You don't need to make a fuss, just keep it simple."

After she gave an order, several Hengshan disciples divided the work, the cook did the dishes, and the one who cleared the table cleared the table. After all was done, they sat around the table and began to eat.

When everyone was almost done eating, Yu Fang said: "After returning to Mount Heng this time, let's remove the banner in front of the mountain gate."

Several people were startled when they heard the words, and one of them asked cautiously: "Master, isn't that sent by Jin Yiwei? If we remove it like this, will it make them unhappy?"

Another person tried to ask: "Could it be that Uncle Master is planning to stop being abusive to Jin Yiwei?"

Yu Fang shook her head: "Now that our Hengshan faction is in decline, we can only submit to the imperial court, but we can't obey their wishes in everything. Always giving in will only make Jin Yiwei feel that we are weak and can be bullied. The result of this will only be A little bit of value was squeezed out, and finally they felt useless and kicked them away."

Hearing these words, several Hengshan disciples bowed their heads unwillingly, Yu Fang said in a deep voice: "So, we have to change our strategy, we can't resist Jin Yiwei, but we can't obey everything, this is my Hengshan survival In this way, Jin Yiwei is becoming more and more domineering, and one day, the wind direction of the world will change, and at that time, it will be the opportunity for me, Hengshan, to rise again."

As if infected by Yu Fang's words, several Hengshan disciples cheered up again. They stooped to be thieves just to wait for the opportunity, as long as their hearts were chivalrous, a little shame on face was nothing more than mediocre.

Just when the atmosphere was just right, an untimely voice sounded: "It is indeed a wise judgment. Yuxia Yu is indeed a person who can lead the Hengshan faction, and her knowledge is indeed different from that of ordinary people."


Yu Fang's expression changed suddenly, and she got up at the same time as several terrified Hengshan disciples, seeing the owner of the voice from left and right, she suddenly felt something, raised her head, and saw a silver-robed Qianhu on the beam of the room, with her head bowed, Watching them with interest.

At the moment when the lights alternated between light and dark, Yu Fang saw the other party's face clearly, her heart trembled suddenly, she gritted her teeth and revealed the other party's identity: "It's you! Jin Yiwei Qianhu, Ying Wushang!"

(End of this chapter)

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