Chapter 520

"Miscellaneous disciple?"

Hearing the report from his subordinate Jin Yiwei, Lu Hanjiang was taken aback for a moment, and then he was speechless for a while: "That old boy Yushu won't think that Jin Yiwei will let him go by playing word games with us like this?"

His subordinate Jin Yiwei replied: "My lord, according to the general theory of the world, a disciple of miscellaneous affairs is similar to a miscellaneous servant, and he is not counted as a member of the sect. Even if his status is different, he is only responsible for ignorance. If it’s a big deal, it will end up being unreasonable.”

Lu Hanjiang nodded slightly: "The truth is this, that is to say, if you want Bao'er to really play a role, the Qingcheng faction has to come forward in person to prove that this little devil is extraordinary, right? Let me think about it. Yes, Tell Ji Baihu to come over."


The Jin Yiwei retreated, and after a while, Huangfu Xiaoyuan came over in person, and then she saw Lu Hanjiang handing over a blood-red sign with the words "Blood Debt and Blood Repayment" written on it, looking creepy.

Huangfu Xiaoyuan took the sign, her eyes narrowed slightly, she said: "It is said that the 'Master of the Evil Way' Ke Hentian once worked for a killer organization called the Blood Ghost Hall, there is no one in the world that they dare not kill, this group People don't have a name, and they only recognize each other with a token when they meet. It is rumored that the token is like blood, and the words "blood for blood" are written on it. I didn't expect the legend to be true."

Lu Hanjiang said with a smile: "It's groundless, it's not without reason, there is always a source for rumors in the world, but that Ke Hentian didn't work for the Blood Ghost Hall, this killer organization was founded by him alone."

"Are you familiar with Ke Hentian?" Huangfu Xiaoyuan asked, Lu Hanjiang always had strange friends in the world, and she was no longer surprised by this.

Lu Hanjiang shrugged and said, "It's not a friend. To be honest, I haven't met that strange Taoist a few times. This token is just a coincidence. I met someone from the Blood Ghost Hall and got it."

"Take it?" Huangfu Xiaoyuan held a skeptical attitude towards this word.

"Don't worry, the members of the Blood Ghost Hall don't know each other, they only recognize the token, no matter where your token comes from, you can go to them to trade with it, this is a pass, you can save Go to trouble." Lu Hanjiang said.

"I see," Huangfu Xiaoyuan put away the token and asked, "What should I do?"

Lu Hanjiang smiled slightly: "There is an inn thirty miles to the southeast. You can show this token to their cashier, and then tell him that there is a new miscellaneous disciple of Qingcheng Sect called Bao'er. You can buy this for money." The life of the little ghost, this is 95 taels of silver, you keep it."

As he said that, Lu Hanjiang handed over the purse to Huangfu Xiaoyuan, who frowned, "The Blood Ghost Hall is in the business of killing people, so how come there are still odds and ends?"

"Ah, that's not true," Lu Hanjiang blinked, and said, "The blood ghost hall clearly marked the price, the price of the little ghost is 50 taels, with the background of the Qingcheng faction, double it, it's almost 100 taels, I don't have enough change , you help me lay it down first."

"." Huangfu Xiaoyuan glanced at him speechlessly, then took the money and left.

After Huangfu Xiaoyuan left, Lu Hanjiang dug into his pocket again. Except for the large banknotes given by the old money, there were only some copper coins squeezed out by the gang of beggars. He couldn't help but sighed and called Jin Yiwei under his command.

"Go back to the Central Plains and tell the brothers in the gang to pay the share money in advance." Lu Hanjiang ordered.

"This..." Jin Yiwei, his subordinate, was stunned, and said in a low voice: "My lord, we have received the money for 20 years, and we will collect it later."

Lu Hanjiang raised his brows, looked at him and said, "What? You want to succeed me as the leader of the gang?"

That Jin Yiwei quickly shook his head: "Your Excellency is serious, how dare you be in a lowly position."

"That's it, it's not you who will be the next gang leader, so you don't care what to do," Lu Hanjiang patted him on the shoulder and said: "The disciples in the Kuyiku Gang are also for their own good. Hurry up, we can all get what we need, this kind of merit-increasing thing, no matter how many people ask for it, we can't get it."

"I understand it."

Jin Yiwei didn't struggle for long after he retired. The beggar gang's collection of money is entirely voluntary, and the gang leader never forces it. Clear rules.

But to be honest, even if the head of the Lu Da Gang received the money for 20 years, and then brought up the matter again, there was still an endless stream of disciples who came to pay the money, and it was considered a willingness to fight and a willingness to suffer.

This is an obvious scam. Money is spent to make money, and only when you rise to a high position can you make money. However, in fact, even if you really rely on paying to get up to seven bags or eight bags, someone will still take their money , which is a dead end.

Because the beggar gang seems to be a high-ranking person who collects money and lives a very good life, but in fact this group of people are all Jinyiwei, actors arranged by the Lu Da gang leader, and most of the money collected is squandered by the gang leader.

When the group of people at the bottom reached the Nine Pocket Elder by paying money, they would really find out that as long as the leader is still alive, they will always need to pay money.

There is no solution to this problem, unless they get rid of the gang leader and take over by themselves. Of course, Lu Hanjiang also considers the risks of this approach, but after thinking about it a little bit, he doesn't care, after all——

According to his way of playing, at that time, whether the beggar gang still exists is a problem, so there is no need to worry about it.

On the other side, Huangfu Xiaoyuan came to the inn according to what Lu Hanjiang said. She bluntly said that she wanted to find the accountant, and the waiter in the store didn't feel anything wrong, and immediately called the accountant for her.

Mr. Accountant is an honest and honest middle-aged man. After Huangfu Xiaoyuan presented the token, the expression on the latter's face did not change at all. Instead, he cupped his hands kindly and asked, "I don't know what the guest wants to do?" Business?"

"Qingcheng sent a miscellaneous disciple named Bao'er, I want his life." Huangfu Xiaoyuan said in a hoarse voice, and then took out a bag of money, a total of 50 taels.

The accountant took the mat, narrowed his eyes and said, "This is a big business, I'm afraid."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan didn't say a word, and directly took out the second bag of money and handed it to the other party, still 50 taels.

The accountant said with a chuckle: "The guest is generous. Since this is the case, I will close the business. After the transaction is completed, I will tie a red scarf outside the door of the inn. After the customer sees it, they can go to inspect the goods."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan nodded, turned around and left. The accountant collected the money with a smile, as if nothing happened, and went back to the counter to pick up the abacus and continue to beat.

Xiao Er quietly leaned over and asked, "Master Li, what is that man begging you to do?"

The accountant chuckled: "The child in the family wants to go to the academy. It just so happens that my in-laws have some relationship with the county academy. She came to me for a way."

"So that's how it is. Reading, no wonder it's so important." Xiao Er suddenly realized.

"Your eyes are sharp, and you know that the weight is enough." The accountant tapped Xiaoer's head with a pen: "There are so many guests waiting for you to serve, go to work, or the shopkeeper will see it." , you just wait to be scolded."

"Yes, yes." Xiaoer left with a smile, the inn was as lively as ever, Huangfu Xiaoyuan's coming and going did not attract anyone's attention, everything was so ordinary.

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  PS, 2022 is coming to an end, and 2023 is coming soon. Xiaosheng hereby wishes everyone a happy new year in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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