Chapter 530
Seeing the arrival of the two General Banners of Jinyiwei, Guiyun's heart sank again, he saluted slightly, and said, "I'm afraid the two adults have misunderstood, Bao'er is just a new student from the Miscellaneous Academy I sent, how could he commit a crime with the imperial court?" What's the matter."

Kong Zongqi sneered and said: "Daoist Guiyun, you should know how our Jinyiwei does things. There is no wave without wind. Since Li Sibei said this, then we naturally have to take him back to ask for clarification."

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid it's against the rules to act like this." Gui Yun paused and said, "The Blood Ghost Hall has enmity with our Qingcheng faction, and Li Sibei's words are just to vent his personal anger and make random accusations, so it's not credible. Besides, Bao'er is a disciple of my Qingcheng Sect, so I ask your lord to take care of Qingcheng Sect's face and deal with it kindly."

Negotiations have negotiating skills, this black face let Kong Zongqi put on a bad face, Zou Zongqi put on a bad face, I saw him smiling slightly, and said: "Don't worry, the Taoist priest, the face of the Qingcheng faction is precious, we will naturally give it to you. But this disciple of the Miscellaneous Academy is not considered a disciple of your sect, right?"

Daoist Gui Yun frowned, and said embarrassingly: "That's the case."

Kong Zongqi sternly said: "Yes, yes, no, no! Daoist Gui Yun is vague, is he planning to use this ambiguous words to perfuse our brothers!"

"Hey, wait a minute, Brother Kong."

Zongqi Zou comforted Zongqi Kong, and turned to Taoist Guiyun, "Daoist Guiyun, in this way, we each take a step back, and we will give the face of the Qingcheng faction. You hand over the person to me, I promise, This matter will never implicate your faction, how about it?"


In fact, Gui Yun already felt that this condition was acceptable in his heart. He originally arranged for Bao'er to go to the Miscellaneous Academy, in order to separate his existence from the Qingcheng faction as much as possible, so that he could protect the sect in case of accidents.

But at this moment, he can't hand over Bao'er, because Bao'er's life experience has been "guessed" by the world. It was easy to get rid of this hot potato at first, but now it is difficult to throw it away.

Although Gui Yun had a premonition from the very beginning that Bao'er would never be able to protect him, but in his imagination, this should be the approach of the Jinyiwei army, and under the intimidation of many court masters, the Qingcheng faction had no choice but to compromise.

In this way, they can save enough face in terms of emotion and reason. Even if Dongfang Yuan came to ask for responsibility in person, they can still have a clear conscience, and they have done everything they can.

He can sacrifice Bao'er, but he can't just give up so easily. A few policemen, more than 20 guards, and two general banners came to the door with a few rumors and took him away. What has Qingcheng sent him into?

But now, these people came to ask for someone on behalf of the imperial court, and directly forced Guiyun into an awkward position. It's not that there is no way to save Bao'er, but he is unwilling to use it, because if he does that, the Qingcheng faction will have no way out .

Kong Zongqi looked at him coldly, and said gloomyly: "Daoist Guiyun, you have been refusing to hand over someone for so long. Could it be that the rumors about this kid's life experience are true, and you Qingcheng faction knew about it early?"

Zongqi Zou shook his head in shock: "Daoist Guiyun, if this is the case, it will really embarrass the brothers. It is not a small crime to hide the imperial court, but fortunately, the child is just a handyman in your sect, and he is not considered a family member. people."

The words of these two general banners have actually pointed out the critical point of the matter, and the connection between Bao'er and the Qingcheng faction is the most important thing.

In the final analysis, there are only rumors on this matter, and there is no real evidence. No matter how the world speculates, it can only be guesses if there is no evidence. Li Sibei's confession seems reasonable, but in fact it is listed with rumors. They are all things that can be believed or not.

Jin Yiwei's confidence in picking someone up lies in the fact that Bao'er is a handyman of the Qingcheng sect rather than a disciple of the sect.

Just as it was impossible for Jin Yiwei to take a disciple of the Qingcheng faction just for a little rumor, it was also impossible for the Qingcheng faction to turn against Jin Yiwei for a mere handyman.

So the key to breaking the game is whether Gui Yun has the courage to include Bao'er as a disciple. If he dares, then naturally the two general banners will not be boring themselves. It is possible to rob people by hand, so I have to let go of this matter.

Daoist Gui Yun was still silent, he couldn't make up his mind for a long time, but at this moment, a commotion broke out in the crowd that had been quiet outside.

Daoist Guiyun was taken aback for a moment, and soon he saw several Qingcheng faction disciples bringing Bao'er out, he couldn't help but sullen, and asked, "Who told you to bring people out!"

"Brother, please be calm."

After those Qingcheng sect disciples, Yushu Daoist, who was supposed to go to the Emei sect to discuss important matters, appeared here. Dao Gui Yun was taken aback, and rushed to greet him: "Senior brother, how could you?"

"Earlier, Junior Brother Kong Gu also sent me a letter to know about Feiyang. I was worried, so I postponed the Emei meeting for a while and returned to the Qingcheng sect first."

Master Yushu said, took Bao'er's hand and walked in front of the crowd. In front of everyone present, he asked Bao'er: "Son, are you willing to worship the old Tao as your teacher?"

"Senior brother...!" Daoist Gui Yun was startled suddenly, but he hesitated to speak.

Bao'er raised her head and asked expectantly: "I want to learn martial arts, very powerful martial arts, will you teach me?"

"Yes." Master Yushu patted Bao'er's head lovingly.

Bao'er nodded happily: "Then I will!"

So under the eyes of everyone, the real Yushu brought Bao'er to the main hall, worshiped the Qingcheng gods and Buddhas, knelt down to worship the ancestors of Qingcheng, and finally taught the door rules, and after the ceremony, he officially accepted Bao'er as an inner sect disciple.

The two general banners watched the whole process with a cold eye, and Master Yushu led Bao'er forward, and said, "You two, Bao'er is already my disciple, please invite both of you."

Zou Zongqi changed the gloom on his face, smiled like a spring breeze and said, "Where is the real person saying? Ask him to go back, otherwise, wouldn’t it be an offense to your faction.”

Master Yushu nodded: "Please rest assured, Bao'er is a veteran disciple, and he will definitely not have anything to do with the imperial court's criminals."

"It's enough to have a real person. Our brother interrupted us today. Let's go." Kong Zongqi gave them a sad look and left first.

Zongqi Zou smiled and said: "My brother has such a temper, I hope the real person will take more care of him, and leave."

The two Jin Yiwei left, and the county magistrate naturally wouldn't stay, and he also left in a hurry with his hands.

On the way, Li Sibei followed tremblingly, the magistrate noticed him, and asked the two general banners: "My lords, what should I do with this criminal?"

The two general flags looked at each other, Zou Zongqi stepped forward and patted the county magistrate on the shoulder, and said: "Personal offenders are naturally dealt with according to the law. Magistrate, the criminals are dealt with according to the court's laws. You have to act according to the law."

"Your official understands." The magistrate cupped his hands and ordered Li Sibei to be brought back to the prison to be executed.

Hearing this, Li Sibei, who was dragged away, struggled like crazy: "My lord! I have merit, my lord! You promised me! As long as I do things for you, let me live! You promised me!" O my lord!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?"

Zongqi Zou turned around curiously, and asked a few guards to bring him in front of him. He asked, "Which adult promised you that he would let you live?"

Li Sibei quickly knelt down and kowtowed at these words. He seized the last bit of hope and said, "That girl said it! She is also a master of Jin Yiwei! She promised me?"

"Girl? Strange, when did Jin Yiwei recruit girls?"

Zongqi Zou laughed loudly, and called a few guards over to order: "This man is crazy, gag him, and execute him as soon as possible, so as not to tarnish our reputation by talking nonsense."

"Yes! Don't worry, my lord! The villain will do it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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