Chapter 535 Sword Demon Trace
"Ah—Fan! Brother Fan! Come here, everyone—!"

After the heavy rain in Hengshan, the air was filled with the fragrance of soil. The Hengshan disciples patrolling the mountain once again found a new victim in a corner.

Several disciples gathered around and dug out the corpse from the mud mixed with blood, their faces were full of sadness: "Damn it! Even Senior Brother Fan has been murdered!"

"Damn sword demon! Can't we do nothing but watch her act recklessly?!"

Several people scolded the sword demon in place, then silently brought the body back to the Hengshan sect, and found the first disciple Hu Qianzhong to explain the matter.

"I see, you guys go down, Master Fan's body must be buried safely." Hu Qianzhong waved his hands to make several disciples retreat, wandered alone in the room for a while, and then set off to Fengtianya to find the master .

Daoist Tianfeng has lost his legs since the Battle of Zhujian Villa, and he has no intention of fighting in the Jianghu. He even handed over all sect affairs to the disciples below, and moved to Fengtian Cliff by himself, living in seclusion life.

"Disciple Hu Qianzhong, please see the head master." Hu Qianzhong came to Fengtian Cliff, but before seeing Daoist Tianfeng, he bowed down at the entrance and called out loudly.

After a while, Daoist Tianfeng appeared in Hu Qianzhong's field of vision pushing a wheelchair, and he said calmly, "What's the matter?"

Hu Qianzhong said in a deep voice: "Master, the sword demon has become more and more rampant recently. This month, our Hengshan disciple has been killed, and it is the third time that we have been killed. Don't let her continue to do whatever she wants!"

After hearing this, Daoist Tianfeng didn't make a statement, but asked instead: "What do you think?"

Hu Qianzhong raised his head, and said firmly: "The disciple decided to lead people down the mountain to fight against the sword demon. Since she wants to deal with my Hengshan faction, it is better to come up with a trick and design to lure her out and kill her."


Daoist Tianfeng sighed dejectedly: "My teacher has already issued an order that disciples of Hengshan Mountain should not go down the mountain easily. You stay at the gate with peace of mind, and the sword demon will not dare to attack easily."

"Master!" Hu Qianzhong stood up in disbelief, and asked, "They have already called at the door, how can we continue to swallow our anger! Then everyone in the world will underestimate our Hengshan sect!"

Daoist Tianfeng was silent, and Hu Qianzhong continued: "Master, no matter how strong the Sword Demon is, as long as the disciples of the Hengshan School work together, she will definitely not be our opponent. Please allow me, Master!"

Tianfeng still said calmly: "Why do you care about the opinions of the people in the world? What the Hengshan School needs at this time is to lick their wounds to accumulate strength, not to go out and show off their prestige."

"But—Master!" Hu Qianzhong shouted unwillingly.

"All right."

Daoist Tianfeng turned the wheelchair and slowly disappeared from Hu Qianzhong's sight, leaving only a short instruction: "Tell my disciples that you must not go down the mountain without permission, if you don't go down, the sword demon will not dare to come up. "


Hu Qianzhong sighed deeply, then turned around and went down Fengtian Cliff. At the entrance of the plank road, two elderly Hengshan sect elders were waiting here.

"I have seen the two uncles." Hu Qianzhong stepped forward to salute.

The two of them glanced at Feng Tianya, and then at him, before asking: "What did the sect master brother say?"

Hu Qianzhong shook his head silently, and the two sighed: "Senior brother really seems to have no enterprising spirit anymore."

Hu Qianzhong said: "The master told me to restrain my disciples and not to go down the mountain if there is nothing to do. He said that if we don't go down, the sword demon may not dare to come up."

"The Hengshan faction is heavily guarded, so the sword demons naturally don't dare to break in easily, but is that the problem?" The man said, touching his wrist and sighing: "I've been bullied to the door, and I can't even fight back. Shame on me, Hengshan faction When did you suffer such humiliation?"

"But the head of the sect has made up his mind to be a coward, so what can we do." The two uncles sighed, and shook their heads and left without talking to Hu Qianzhong.

Hu Qianzhong saw it, but he didn't talk to him according to what he wanted. These days, because of the rampant sword demons, the Hengshan faction has no countermeasures, and the morale of the entire division is low.

After returning to the front hall, Hu Qianzhong recruited all the disciples, announced the decision of the head, and further reduced the strength to ensure the stability of the Hengshan School and prevent the sword demon from attacking suddenly.

As a result, that night, the Sword Demon saw that the Hengshan Sect had withdrawn even the patrolling disciples, and directly set fire to burn the Hengshan Sect's mountain gate.

The two senior uncles shook the table violently, and said angrily: "Hengshan School has never encountered such a lunatic in the past hundred years, and she must not be allowed to continue to be presumptuous!"

"It is true! We must take the initiative to attack! Capture her and let all the factions in the world see. My Hengshan faction has never been a soft persimmon!"

The crowd was excited, Hu Qianzhong was sitting among them, but his face became more and more serious, he was more considerate than others, although the sword demon became more arrogant, but he always felt that the other party did not intend to humiliate Hengshan.

The other party first killed the disciples of the Hengshan sect, and then humiliated them by doing big things several times. It is not so much that this person is really changing Fala and stepping on the Hengshan sect, it is better to say that she is testing the bottom line of the Hengshan sect step by step.

However, what is the purpose of the Sword Demon doing this?
Hu Qianzhong couldn't figure it out. Everyone in Hengshan had been arguing all night. Although there was still no result, everyone's anger was obviously aroused. Next time, even if there is an order from the head, everyone may not be able to Can't stand it.

But Hu Qianzhong, who was suspicious, did not tell the Taoist Master Tianfeng what happened here, but silently observed what happened next.

During the three days that the Hengshan faction waited in full force, the sword demon appeared again. This time, the opponent's target was the boundary marker of Hengshan. She took advantage of the darkness to destroy the stone boundary marker, sent the remains to the mountain gate, and injured two more A disciple of Mount Heng.

Everyone in the Hengshan faction held their breath, but the sword demon was haunted, and no one could find the other party's traces. Naturally, it was impossible to talk about prevention or tracking.

However, walking by the river often does not wet your shoes. This night, the sword demon finally showed his weakness. When she was about to make a move, the disciples of Hengshan School discovered her and rushed to tell her.

"The sword demon is in the north of the mountain! Everyone, hurry up and chase her! Don't let her escape again!"

As soon as the news spread, the Hengshan disciples, who were already suffocating, couldn't care about the prohibition of the head, and were chased by the north of the mountain one after another.

Amidst the crowd, a black shadow walked quietly against the current, easily bypassed the few remaining guards on the mountain, boarded Fengtian Cliff, and met Daoist Tianfeng.


Tianfeng Dao let out a long sigh, and turned the wheelchair to face him squarely. Under the cold moonlight, the sword demon took off the disguise that covered his face, revealing his true face underneath.

"It's you, so that's how it is." Daoist Tianfeng saw the other person's appearance clearly, and a moment of surprise flashed in his eyes. At this moment, he finally understood why the other person's killing trajectory was so special.

The one standing in front of him was none other than Chi Qianyun, the daughter of one of the Seven Sons of Wudang, the daughter of a former Taiwu hero, the sister of Chi Cangping, an abandoned disciple of Wudang, who was once held hostage by the Wuyue Sword Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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