Misfortune is not as good as wives and children, this is a saying often said by people in the Jianghu, but in fact it is nonsense, because the Jianghu vendettas have always killed as many as they can, and few people would want to kill them if they are red-eyed. Let go of the enemy's wife and children.

Most of the people in Hongshan Town are ordinary people, but they also act according to the ways of the world. When they are hostile to the Qian family, no matter whether it is the culprit in the past or the lonely aunt and nephew now, they treat them equally.

After learning about the experience of the little beggar, Lu Hanjiang immediately asked a very important question: "Miss Qian, if your aunt can't make it through this test, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Lu Hanjiang is the same as Tianquan, both of them have a little knowledge of medical skills, but unlike the latter, he has been in the rivers and lakes for a longer time and has a wider knowledge.

So he could tell at a glance that the woman on the sickbed was exhausted, and even if he invited the doctors from the Gongsun family, they would be powerless to recover, and at best they would survive for a few more days.

After hearing his words, the little beggar had a dazed look on her face. The Qian family was gone when she was a child, and she lived with her aunt for so many years. She never thought about what would happen if the other party disappeared.

After a long silence, the little beggar showed resentment, and she said, "If my aunt is gone, it will be their fault. I want to avenge my aunt!"

The little beggars probably included not only the green forest in Xiaofei Gorge, but also the townspeople who ignored their aunts and nephews.

Lu Hanjiang saw this anger and hatred in his eyes. He didn't make any comments, but said: "Girl, you have no power to restrain a chicken, so I'm afraid it's hard to do this. Besides, Fellow Daoist Tianquan will not just watch you going astray."

"Why!" the little beggar asked in bewilderment.

Lu Hanjiang spread his hands, and said: "Tianquan Taoist is a cultivator, he may have read the principle of 'If you have a big grievance, there will be grievances, and peace can be good', I think he should Will try to persuade you to forgive those people."

If we use the words of Buddhism, this is the time to repay grievances. You have to forgive others and forgive others. When forgiving others, you are also forgiving yourself. Only by letting others go can you truly liberate yourself from hatred.

However, everyone can say the truth, and it is another problem to really ask others to do so.

Obviously, the little beggar didn't have such a high level of ideological awareness. She gritted her teeth and said bitterly: "I will never forgive them! They caused my family to be ruined, and they caused my aunt to be seriously ill and unable to be cured. I absolutely, absolutely Will not forgive them!"

After listening to her words, Lu Hanjiang just responded in silence, he neither agreed nor objected, just quietly watching the other party act according to his own ideas.

Lu Hanjiang had promised Tianquan, but the other party hadn't come back after dark, and he couldn't be alone in a room with two orphaned girls as a grown man, so he had to go back to the inn first and come back the next day.

However, shortly after he left, a group of people gathered outside the broken courtyard. The leaders were the few beggars who were taught a lesson in the mountain temple outside the town. They brought many townspeople and threatened to drive the little beggar and her aunt out. .

"Everyone listen to me! These little bastards from the Qian family have found powerful helpers! They will definitely take revenge on us! We can't sit still and wait for death!"

The leading beggar stirred up the crowd, and most of the townspeople gathered were bullied by the Qian family, so they shouted in unison, and several people pushed and shoved the little beggar away.

Pity her, a little girl's family, who is no match for this group of people, and was kicked out of that dilapidated courtyard. This was originally the house of the Qian family, and they have lived here all these years, but now the townspeople even have a shelter. No shelter from the wind and rain was left for them.

The house was already barren, so the townspeople rushed in, and there was nothing to smash. After kicking over the only medicine, the big guys drove the two of them out of the town together.

The little beggar carried the unconscious woman on his back and was forced to go out of the town. They were not allowed to come back. Fortunately, after Lu Hanjiang went back, he thought of this and arranged for Huangfu Xiaoyuan to come over, which prevented them from living on the street.

However, everyone in Hongshan Town did not welcome the Qian family, and Huangfu Xiaoyuan had no choice but to take the two of them to find a ruined temple outside the town for the time being.

"Why! Why is it that the Qian family is gone, and they still won't let us go! Do they have to force us to death!" The little beggar cried to heaven and earth, breaking down in tears.

"." Huangfu Xiaoyuan looked at her, but didn't say anything to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say.

As a member of the Jiangnan Huangfu's family, she has a personal experience of the little beggar's experience. When Huangfu Yushu killed Jiangnan until blood flowed into rivers, those enemies still hold Huangfu Lingyun extremely hated, wishing to kill him as soon as possible.

Then do you think Huangfu Lingyun did something wrong? In fact, he didn't do anything, but because he was reincarnated as Huangfu Yushu's son, he naturally inherited the hatred of his parents, and there was no room for excuses.

The little beggar was sobbing while taking care of his aunt. The cruelest thing in the world is to give people hope first, and then extinguish it with his own hands.

Originally, the two daughters of the Qian family were desperate, but the appearance of Tianquan gave the little beggar a little hope. He was a good person, not only did not care about the little beggar stealing money, but also paid for their medical treatment and helped them go to the next town to run errands to buy food. medicine.

The little beggar thought that he was going to finally get the rewards of suffering, but unexpectedly, not only did his already bad life not get better, but once again ushered in drastic changes, and at this most critical moment, Tianquan just disappeared.

Although Lu Hanjiang and Huangfu Xiaoyuan were there, they were finally different from Tianquan, and had different weights in the little beggar's mind.

But at this moment, Xiaojian in Tsing Yi, whom the little beggar placed high hopes on, was actually living in Xiaofei Gorge.

He was going to the next town to buy medicine, but unexpectedly on the way back, he was approached by the green forest of Xiaofeixia.

With Tianquan's martial arts, these bandits who bully the weak and fear the strong are naturally not opponents, and he was easily beaten into Longtan, and then he finally met the legendary leader of Xiaofeixia - "Iron Palm Piercing the Cloud" Ba Buping .

The other party was wearing a tiger-skin short jacket, carrying a large simple knife on his back, with a thick beard curled up in a ball, exuding a rough wildness all over his body.

"Hahaha, Taoist priest, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Unexpectedly, this Ba Buping's attitude towards Tianquan was very friendly. At the same time, Tianquan also discovered that this big leader walked like a dragon and a tiger, and his movements were calm and powerful. with two brushes.

Ba Buping was very friendly when he came up, not only didn't care about Tianquan's injury to his brother, but contrary to normal, he enthusiastically invited him to drink together.

"The big boss is sorry, I am not good at drinking, and your kindness is just that." When I was out of the house, it is better to drink less alcohol from strangers, Tianquan declined the kindness of the big boss.

But Ba Buping laughed: "Why is the Taoist leader so polite, that's all, anyway, you and I will be brothers in the same family in the future, and sometimes we have the opportunity to drink together."

Tianquan frowned: "What does the big boss mean by that?"

Ba Buping drank the wine from his own big bowl, wiped his mouth, and said straight to the point: "I see that the Taoist priest is also a good player, so I want to invite the Taoist priest to go up the mountain and enjoy ourselves in this Xiaofei Gorge with our brothers. You see how?"

The big leader's words made Tianquan feel extremely absurd, and he immediately refused: "Thank you, big leader, for looking up to Pindao, but Pindao has joined the Qingcheng School, and the rules of the teacher are high, so I am afraid it will be difficult to obey."

Ba Buping waved his hand, and said: "I, Ba Buping, are the most respectful in doing things. The Taoist chief shot and injured Xiao Feixia's brother. Originally, we must have a fight, but if the Taoist chief is willing to join the gang, it's a small matter." During the holidays, I can take the place of Dao Changping."

Tianquan looked at Ba Buping intently, and said: "The poor Taoist is no more than a mere person, and he should not be so valued by the big boss. Besides, your brother used force in Hongshan Town to act recklessly. The poor Taoist took action to stop it. There is nothing wrong with it. Dao The leaders were also persecuted by bullies and corrupt officials in the past, but now they allow the brothers to harm the people like this, what is the difference from the villains."

"I am a hero, how can I be confused with those bastards!" Ba Buping was furious, and he jumped up and said: "It seems that the Taoist is toasting and not eating and drinking, brothers! Do it!"

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