Chapter 590

Yan'er left, but not because she was persuaded by Gongsun Cheng, but because the other party's words completely plunged her into an endless loop of suspicion.

The message left by the mysterious person yesterday, in addition to disrupting Yan'er's fragile defenses, has a more important effect, that is, it makes all of Yan'er's doubts and guesses in the future based on the fact that "Li Quan is dead." "It started from this point.

But at this moment, Gongsun Cheng completely denied this point, and even a few so-called chivalrous men from central Sichuan proved for him that Li Quan was still alive.

But Yan'er understood her father. Although that man was loyal to the young master and even sacrificed his own daughter for the sake of the young master, he was not a cold-blooded person. Even because of this, her father always felt guilty. If the other party was still alive, It will definitely be reported by someone.

Even the letter that the imperial court had committed against Lord Lu was able to be sent back, but there was no reason why he couldn't bring back the letter from an ordinary guard. Moreover, when talking about this matter, Gongsun Cheng's unnatural expression on his face was also felt by Yan'er. Sensitively noticed.

Once the seeds of doubt are planted, they will quickly take root and germinate. If you want to trust someone wholeheartedly, it may take ten years or even decades to accumulate, but if you want to doubt someone, you only need one thought.

Yan'er didn't believe anyone at the moment, Li Quan had no news at all, and Gongsun Cheng's behavior on this matter was very strange, so she had to think in the worst direction. Could it be that what was said in the letter was true? ?

The wedding is imminent, but Yan'er has no intention of lifelong affairs. All she wants to know with satisfaction is the news of his father, whether he is alive or dead, whether he met a thief or was killed by Gongsun Cheng.

That night, Yan'er, who had endured a hard day all day, fell into a drowsy sleep, but the nightmare was still tormenting her. This time, besides Lu Peng, there were also her father who died tragically and Gongsun holding the butcher knife. Inheritance.

Yan'er woke up from the dream again, the moon was bright, and the night was silent, she got up from the bed covered in cold sweat, subconsciously looked towards the window sill, there was no one there.

But that ghostly mysterious voice rang in her ears: "Miss Yan'er, good evening."

Yan'er rolled to the end of the bed in a jerk, she covered her mouth and didn't cry out, she looked back in horror, the mysterious man from yesterday was standing at the head of her bed, watching her with a smile.

"You——" Yan'er subconsciously lowered her voice, stared at him firmly and said, "Why did you come here? I will never believe the craziness you said yesterday."

"Since that's the case, why don't you call everyone over louder and arrest me?" The mysterious man responded calmly, as if he had a plan in his mind.

Sure enough, Yan'er was speechless for a while, if she was really as firm as she said in her mouth, she would have called out a long time ago, why bother to speak out.

The mysterious man smiled, and said in a controlled tone: "Miss Yan'er, I know that you are being troubled by doubts. If you want to know the truth, then follow me."

Yan'er was surprised, but still hesitated, but the other party didn't wait for her to get ready, and directly used the same trick to touch her acupoints, lifted her up and walked out the window.

Being treated so lightly by the same man twice in a row made Yan'er feel ashamed and angry, but she was powerless to resist, so she had to swallow the pain silently.

The mysterious man led her along the eaves and walls, and soon stopped on a familiar courtyard. Yan'er immediately recognized that this was Gongsun Cheng's courtyard.

In the dead of night, Gongsun Cheng's study room was still brightly lit. The mysterious man put her on the roof without unlocking her acupuncture points, and he himself became like a sculpture, motionless.

Yan'er didn't understand what he meant, but subconsciously heard Gongsun Cheng's voice in the room below.

"Haven't you checked it out yet? They're all trash!" Gongsun Cheng's angry voice echoed in the room.

Another voice replied in a low voice: "Master, please rest easy, Li Quan may not be alive, maybe it's those Jiang Hu people who are talking nonsense?"

Li Quan!Upon hearing this name, Yan'er trembled all over, she could hardly believe her ears, and she heard Gongsun Cheng scold angrily again: "You talk nonsense? I think it's an excuse for you guys to mess up your errands! If you can't even get rid of Li Quan, what use do I want you for!"

Gongsun Cheng's words were like a heavy hammer, smashing the only remaining hope in Yan'er's heart. Her thin lips like cicada wings trembled slightly, but she couldn't make a sound, and tears of pain came out of her eyes.

"Li Quan is still alive! He is in the middle of Sichuan! I want you to do everything possible to find him and kill him!"

After hearing Gongsun Cheng's resolute words, the light in Yan'er's eyes finally dissipated completely. The mysterious man looked at this scene with satisfaction, and then lifted her up. Bricks on the eaves.

This little movement immediately made Gongsun Cheng below tense all over. Without him needing to speak, a servant in front of him flew out of the house and climbed up to the roof.

After a while, the servant came back with a wild cat in his hand. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, my lord. It's a cat that came out to look for food. I'll send it away right away."

"En." Gongsun Cheng waved his hand impatiently.

The few remaining servants understood, and they who had been talking about Li Quan just now became bored and kept silent.

Gongsun Cheng had nothing to say to them at first, but tonight someone suddenly brought up Li Quan's matter, so he couldn't help but teach him a lesson, and now he was angry, so he waved everyone away .

The servants exchanged eye contact, all smiled knowingly, and each retreated back to the house to rest.

On the other side, Yan'er was sent back to the boudoir intact, but at this moment, she has become a corpse that can only breathe. She is lying upright on the bed, her eyes are distracted, and she seems to have lost interest in everything.

The mysterious man unlocked her acupoints, whispered to her, "Now that the girl knows the truth, what do you want to ask?"

After a long silence, Yan'er's ashen eyes moved slightly, and she said hoarsely: "My father, what the hell."

"Dead," the mysterious man shattered Yan'er's last hope with a single sentence. He said, "Your father was killed by Young Master Gongsun long ago. Now these rumors are all tricks to fool people."

Yan'er's tears had already dried up, but at this moment she suddenly turned over and got up from the bed, rummaged through the closet, and took out the skull from yesterday, whimpering incessantly from her throat.

Seeing this, the mysterious man jokingly said: "There is one more thing to tell the girl. After Li Quan was killed, his body was thrown into the big lake. At this moment, it has already become a meal for fish and shrimp. This head is just brought down to share with the girl." Just a joke prop."

But Yan'er didn't listen to what he said, she just hugged the skull that someone didn't know who threw it in the mass grave and mourned.

The mysterious man shook his head helplessly: "Miss Yan'er, if you feel that the hatred of killing your father is nothing more than that, you can continue to play a good sister in the hands of Gongsun Cheng, but——if you have even half of your desire to be filial Thoughts, maybe I can help you a little bit."

Slowly, Yan'er's mood calmed down, the silent tears had already flowed dry, she turned around.

At this time, the clouds and mist covered the moonlight, Yan'er's eyes lost their light and cast deep shadows. When the wind blew up, the mysterious man magically took out a bunch of red flowers, and the flying red petals accompanied her. Yan'er's long hair danced lightly, like splashing blood.

This scene made the mysterious man slightly distracted, and he couldn't help sighing: "Sure enough, as my lord said, only the color of blood stains is the most suitable for a woman like you."

The wind stopped, and standing on the wreckage of the flower, the girl who stood against Yan'er's appearance and was already occupied by some kind of monster inside said: "I can do things for you, but I need a reward."

The mysterious man nodded, and then took out a porcelain bottle and handed it to the other party: "As long as you let Lu Peng swallow this thing, Gongsun Cheng, we will personally hand it over to you, and you can dispose of it as you like."

(End of this chapter)

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