Chapter 604
On this day, there was a piece of news that made the atmosphere of the already overwhelmed medical city even more dignified.

Three members of the Gongsun family who were patrolling outside the city were brutally murdered, and the unrecognizable corpses were blatantly thrown in front of the gate of the Gongsun family by the assailants, which was extremely humiliating.

Gongsun Wang and the rest of the elders were angry, but also fearful, because what they were really afraid of was that they didn't know whether the murderer was the Xuantian Sect or the Jinyiwei!

It's funny to say that murders by demons are always aboveboard, and there are even many lunatics who leave poems and words after killing people, so as to promote their own reputation.

On the contrary, when Jin Yiwei killed someone, he sneaked around, wiped his neck and ran away, so that no one could find any trace of the murderer.

This time, members of the Gongsun family were killed and thrown at the door. They were angry that the Xuantian Sect was deceiving people too much, and worried that Jin Yiwei was deliberately using the name of the Xuantian Sect to commit murder.

Jinyiwei and Xuantianjiao are like two clouds of mist, covering the medical city and making the Gongsun family fall into a vortex of suspicion and troubled.

Even Lu Hanjiang admired the thoughtfulness of Dharma King Youyun. He accurately guessed the thoughts of the Gongsun family, so he took advantage of the situation and let them fall into this kind of self-panic continuously so as to drain their energy.

This Dharma king is like a cunning fox, constantly using false voices to confuse the Gongsun family, while he himself waits for the opportunity to move. This is completely inconsistent with his reputation in the world. No one knows that he is a murderer. Dharma King Youyun still has such scheming plans.

It's just that Gongsun Cheng, who was locked up in the Siguoyuan, didn't know what happened outside.

Molesting Tianquan was indeed because she fell in love with the other party. There was not much reason, it was because the other party was good-looking. The core of Qu Lianqin's photography skills was derived from the seven emotions of human beings, and what she chose was desire.

"Let me out! I was wronged! Everything was done by that bitch!" Gongsun Cheng rushed to Gongsun Yi and shouted loudly.

Tianquan also expressed his understanding that the relationship between Xiaoyao faction and most Jianghu sects is not good, no matter good or evil, so it is reasonable for the other party to stay out of the matter.

Gongsun Yi went out, cupped his fists and apologized to all the knights waiting outside: "There is such a rebellious son in the family, I made everyone laugh."

Even the person who delivered the food couldn't talk to him. Gongsun Cheng's acupoints were blocked and he was locked in this small room. Every day, he could only stare at the small piece of blue sky outside the skylight above his head in a daze.

Except for the three meals a day, which were delivered by a special person, Gongsun Cheng never saw an outsider.

Not to mention that Tianquan couldn't bear it, the others couldn't bear it either, everyone was already tense because of the existence of the King Youyun, now that the little demon girl made such a tease, someone immediately got up angrily, drew their swords and said angrily : "The witch, shut up!"

Gongsun Yi glanced at him indifferently, waved his hands expressionlessly, and two Gongsun clansmen behind him came forward to seal his mouth, tied him up with ropes, took him out, and placed him in another In a corner room.

The little demon girl was interrupted by him, and she said coquettishly: "Another ugly monster, what is fierce, so what if you hold a sword, it's not useful, so you dare to kill my old lady?"

"Yes." The clansman behind him responded and began to greet the staff.

What's even more embarrassing is that after Gongsun Yi taught him a straight face, he was actually shut up by the little demon girl's "ugly monster".

After he vented in the confinement room, he didn't pick up that hypocritical mask again. What he showed at this moment was his true appearance, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him anymore.

Gongsun Yi, who was originally taciturn, now said nothing, just put on a dead face and stared blankly. Tianquan was even more embarrassed when he had no one to speak for him.

After such a long time, Gongsun Cheng's life finally changed, and Gongsun Yi appeared in front of him again.

So it is her nature to act according to the desire in her heart, and she is just showing it undisguisedly at the moment. Her eyes are like silk, her fragrance is like orchid, and her mellow jade voice makes people feel numb all over.

Gongsun Cheng struggled, his murderous eyes fell on them, but Gongsun Yi didn't care, after moving the other party away, he looked at the messy room, frowned and said: "Ask someone to clean it up."

Counting him, there are sixteen people staying in Siguo courtyard to deal with King Youyun, and Guan Qulianqin's house must not be able to accommodate so many people, so Gongsun Yi moved Gongsun Cheng away and put the two connected The house is opened.

This feeling of being unattended drove him almost crazy, but Gongsun Cheng still held back forcefully. He forced himself to be in anger and hatred every day in an almost self-harming way, so as to avoid being truly decadent.

Although this move is risky, it can really count on the other party. The little demon girl is a hot potato, but it is also a deadly bait. If they are thrown into the mouse, maybe they will really make a difference. This is one of the few people who can deal with the King Youyun at this time. means.

Gongsun Yi and Tianquan stood in front of the bed, on the left and right, and on the bed was the little demon girl Qu Lianqin whose hands were bound. If the other people couldn't sleep because they were worried about when King Youyun would attack, then they were trapped by Too annoying to sleep.

Although the little demon girl was restricted in her freedom, the Gongsun family did not shorten her food and drink. Apart from suffering a little due to someone in the first few days, the problem that bothered her the most in the rest of the days was boredom.

It was late at night, but everyone kept their eyes open and did not dare to sleep. Even though a night watchman had been arranged, the dark cloud of Xuantian Sect was hanging over their heads, and no one dared to be careless.

Among the 16 people, only Tianquan was alone and didn't know anyone. The Zhao brothers and sisters who were traveling with him were too low in martial arts to get involved in this matter, but Lu Hanjiang and Huangfu Xiaoyuan expressed their attitude of not getting involved.

Although it was very dangerous, the Gongsun family was not really shameless enough to let outsiders like them die, and Gongsun Yi also took the lead and stayed here.

Ever since Yan'er came to visit him that day, she knew that she was like a clown. Gongsun Cheng, who had been severely teased by the chess pieces in his hand, became like this.

Then, Gongsun Yi pointed to the closed room next door and said: "The one who is locked in that room is the little demon girl. You have been wronged to live here temporarily for the past few days. When the King Youyun comes, we will use this to ambush him." One hand."

"What a handsome little brother, I don't know where he came from?" The little demon girl lying on the bed has no sense of being a hostage at all, and she is looking at Tianquan with great interest at the moment, flirting with words from time to time, embarrassing the latter endlessly.

Although everyone felt itchy in their hearts that Gongsun Cheng had made a mistake, they still didn't dare to say anything, it was to give the Gongsun family a face.

At the moment, his hair was disheveled, like a beggar, and his dark eyes were full of hatred. This desolate look and the calmness and warmth of the previous few days were completely two extremes.

In Qu Lianqin's heart, her grandfather Youyun Dharma King is the most powerful person in the world, so she doesn't have to worry about her safety. After she no longer has to worry about the future, she can relax and act according to her likes and dislikes.

Although she was also worried why Xuantian Sect didn't come to save people, she didn't act too much. Seeing this group of people coming in with weapons, she immediately guessed that it was grandpa.

Gongsun Yi, who would come to visit him before, issued an order not to allow anyone to visit him shortly after Yan'er left, and he was truly forgotten in a corner.

The man was scolded all over his head and face, his blood surged immediately, he rushed forward and stabbed him with a sword, the little witch couldn't stop smiling, showing no fear at all.

The murderous intent pointed at by Jianfeng was awe-inspiring, but in the end he was stopped by someone, and the knight glared away: "What are you doing! Why don't you let me kill this witch! Could it be that you were bewitched by her!".

It was Tianquan who stopped her, and he said in a deep voice: "If it's an upright contest, I'll have nothing to say if you kill her, but at this time, taking advantage of someone's danger is not a real man."

The man was in a hurry, but several people came forward to stop him, everyone also realized that the little demon girl cannot be killed, if they don't want King Youyun to kill, then they can't attack Qu Lianqin at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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