Chapter 63 tit for tat
People in this world, such as Qiao Shifang, who are as open-minded as Qiao Shifang, who show their cards and tell everything clearly, are generally divided into two categories.

One type is an idiot, and the other type has enough strength and no longer needs to hide.

Obviously, Qiao Shifang thought he was the latter, so he didn't care if these people rose up to resist after the showdown. Most importantly, he had already got Lu Hanjiang's agreement, although it seemed a little unreliable.

There are four people on Yan Feng's side, and five people on Qiao Shifang's side. The advantage of one person is neither big nor small. After all, this person is Jinyiwei Qianhu.

As for Yan Feng, the last hope lies in Lu Hanjiang's attitude.

Although Qiao Shifang seems to have a great advantage, in fact he has no idea. Lu Hanjiang's proportion of thousands of households is even more important than the four around him.

The reason is also very simple. Over the years, Qiao Shifang has won the power of these five thousands of households by relying on coercion and temptation. It was fair and impartial, and no one was missed.

Even in order not to arouse the vigilance of these people, he even worked hard on his own people.

All this resulted in three results. First, Yan Feng's right to speak was reduced to a minimum, and second, the right to speak of Qianhu who was attracted by him was also reduced, so he controlled it with him.

Moreover, these people who have lost their hands have a stronger centripetal force towards the team. From their point of view, losing their hands means they have lost their money. Before they get back enough benefits, they are unwilling to do whatever they want. .

And the third result is that Lu Hanjiang, the only one who was not tricked by Qiao Shifang, has a complete manpower and is even the strongest in terms of combat power. He alone can easily control the balance of the balance.

Yan Feng and Qiao Shifang were waiting for Lu Hanjiang to express his opinion, but this bastard who had nothing to go to the Three Treasure Hall was late again.

But Lu Hanjiang's absence doesn't mean that people on both sides will wait in peace.

"Qiao Qianhu, do you know that if the official submits a confession statement, you, Qianhu, will spend the rest of your life in prison." Yan Feng threatened.

Qiao Shifang smiled and nodded: "Brother Yan is right, but you and I have this right, but you have to bet on who the adults above will believe."

"There are people from you." Yan Feng's heart sank. Although he had guessed this a long time ago, hearing Qiao Shifang say it himself gave him a different sense of shock.

"It's not just Jinyiwei, our power is far beyond the reach of a frog in a well like you." Qiao Shifang looked at Yan Feng with a mocking face and said.

"Rebellious officials and thieves." Another thousand households beside Yan Feng said with a sneer, his name was Zeng Hong, he was considered a loner in the group of thousands of households, he never made friends with anyone, but he didn't offend anyone much.

"What a rebellious minister and thief."

Qiao Shifang's eyes gradually turned cold. He got up and left his seat, and turned to look at the portrait of Yue Wumu behind him. There was a horizontal plaque on it, with the words "loyalty and dedication to the country" written on it.

"Then let's discuss who is the traitor," Qiao Shifang said in a word, "You gang of 'Meng Jiajun' thieves."



As soon as Yan Feng slapped the table, he suddenly stood up and said to Qiao Shifang: "Qiao Shifang, do you still want to frame Commander Meng?!"

"Whether it's a frame-up or not, you know it in your own mind!" Qiao Shifang fought back mercilessly, saying, "Foreign relatives interfering in politics and acting arbitrarily, such is the ambition of a rebellious minister, monopolizing power, and contemptuous of the royal family. Isn't it a traitorous minister's business?"

"Absurd!" Zeng Hong yelled decisively: "Jin Yiwei supervises the officials of the imperial court and coerces the forces in the Jianghu.

"The dignified royal dragon son, it depends on the expressions of you servants. If you look dispirited, how can you not be a rebellious minister?" Qiao Shifang said.

"Oh, you've finally shown your feet," Yan Feng sneered, "You, Qiao Shifang, thought you were hugging the prince's thigh, but don't forget that Jin Yiwei is directly under His Majesty!"

"It is precisely because His Majesty has abandoned the government for many years that you unworthy fellows are allowed to sit here for a vegetarian meal." Qiao Shifang opened his arms and said proudly: "What we are going to do, is it that you are so humble? Others can understand."

"Qiao Shifang, you are lofty, you are great, but you come from an official position, so you don't have the face to feel superior to others." Zeng Hong said sarcastically.

"A noble person has self-knowledge. This official is of noble birth, so he is naturally different from you mud-legged people."

Qiao Shifang's self-satisfied words attracted those people's glaring looks, and he said indifferently: "The affairs of the Jianghu are just a disease of scabies, and the affairs of the court are the big ones. Let the root cause be cleared up, and you, the thieves who have no respect for you, will be dealt with." , is what matters.”

Yan Feng laughed loudly, and said: "It's a righteous statement, you, Qiao Shifang, are just coveting the position of the commander, trying your best to please the master, and you just want to win the merits of the dragon, what are you pretending to be noble."

Qiao Shifang gave him a cold look, and said flatly: "I just want to say one thing, if you obey the orders, you will be rewarded for your merits after you succeed. If not, we will see if your bones are hard enough to carry Can withstand the torture of this imperial prison."

As soon as these words came out, the people on Yan Feng's side immediately glared angrily, and the people on Qiao Shifang's side also got up, neither of them would give in.

At this moment, Zeng Hong suddenly said: "Qiao Shifang, don't think that if you have a large number of people, you can do whatever you want. You are just relying on your status as the prince of the Fourth Highness. Don't forget that after the Great Highness goes down, the remaining The six His Royal Highnesses are all the same, they are neither heirs nor elders, no one is more noble than anyone else, what qualifications do you have to fight for?"

"That's right. Since ancient times, the order of respect and inferiority, the word qualification, is naturally the most important."

While talking, Lu Hanjiang finally arrived, and the brigade stopped outside the hall. He walked in slowly, and Qiao Shifang immediately greeted him with a smiling face.

"Brother Lu, you're here."

Qiao Shifang glanced at the men and horses he brought, and the smile on his face became even more unpredictable: "Everyone is here today, so let's talk about it, brother Lu, please express your opinion."

"Since we are all brothers, there is nothing to say. You don't have to pay attention to me, you just do your own thing."

What Lu Hanjiang said made Qiao Shifang nod with a smile, while Yan Feng and the others paled a little. There is no such thing as neutrality in this kind of thing. If Lu Hanjiang didn't take a clear stand on their side, then he planned to test Qiao Shifang. .

Yan Feng even said in a deep voice: "Old Lu, why are you crazy?"

Lu Hanjiang comforted him with a smile: "Brother Yan, don't worry, the show hasn't even started yet, so it's so boring to blow things up like this."

After he said so, Yan Feng had no choice but to give up.

And Qiao Shifang, who was compared to an actor by Lu Hanjiang, didn't care. After all, he and Lu Hanjiang made fun of each other, which was also his recognition of Lu Hanjiang's identity.

Don't look at Lu Hanjiang as being indifferent, he is also from the Lu family after all, and he is no worse than Qiao Shifang in terms of status. It is precisely because of this that Qiao Shifang treats Lu Hanjiang differently from others.

Suppressing other thoughts in his mind for the time being, Qiao Shifang said loudly, "Deputy Qin Qianhu, please come forward."

(End of this chapter)

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