Chapter 738 Powerless

Bai Yechen spat bloody phlegm on the ground, looked down at his left arm twisted into a strange shape, and said coldly to Li Yan in front: "You are quite insidious, how many tricks are you hiding?"

Li Yan at this moment is not as embarrassed as Bai Yechen, but his robes are torn, and his breath is still stable. He is holding a strange weapon in his hand, which is actually the hilts of two long swords intersecting. , and then tied together with a cloth wrap.

Ever since he couldn't hear the sound of fighting outside, Li Yan's expression became more serious. He held the improvised weapon, looked at Bai Yechen, and said expressionlessly: "Bai Yechen, you are seriously injured. , If you continue to fight, you will only die faster."

If both of them are in good condition, their martial arts should be on par with each other, but after the previous chase and the arrow shot by Jin Yiwei Cui Yixiao, it is obvious that Bai Yechen is no longer suitable for fighting up.

The reason why the two have been able to fight until now and have not yet decided the winner is that on the one hand, Li Yan restrained himself when he started. He concluded that Bai Yechen's betrayal must be extraordinary, so he wanted to catch a living.

On the other hand, it was also Bai Yechen who seemed to be crazy, regardless of his injuries, and constantly forcibly mobilized his true energy to fight Li Yan. This madness regardless of the cost made the latter more certain that there must be something unusual behind this change. the reason.

What price is Zhengdao offering?Or did Jin Yiwei secretly negotiate some terms with this person?
The two sides that Li Yan could think of were not simple characters, so he was even more reluctant to kill the other party, because he felt that he would definitely get more valuable information by catching a living Bai Yechen.

However, as the sound of beatings and killings outside gradually disappeared, Li Yan's heart also slowly sank to the bottom of the valley, especially when he first heard the arrogant speech of the thousand-faced Dharma King, and then heard the anger of the other party when he fled. scold.

Dharma King Qianmian scolded people in place, biting Shangyangzi's name in his mouth, almost chewing it up, Li Yan naturally heard it clearly, which also made his heart feel cold for a while.

Wudang Grand Elder Shang Yangzi, who was able to defeat the Thousand-Faced Dharma King and at the same time wrestle with the former Youyun Dharma King at will, was not something Dharma protectors like Li Yan could match.

What's more, if the opponent really kills, I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to escape.

As the movement outside became less and less, Li Yan's mentality also began to change, and his eyes on Bai Yechen began to turn a little bit harder. Since he couldn't capture him alive, then naturally he couldn't let this traitor continue to live for the right way. Add bricks and tiles.

They were all of the same kind, and Bai Yechen could see Li Yan's killing intent at a glance, and he could naturally guess what the other party could detect.

Needless to say, after Thousand Faces Dharma King escaped, this would be Zhengdao's home court. Unless Jin Yiwei left early to compete with Wudang Grand Elder, Li Yan would definitely have nowhere to escape.

Of course, the premise is that you must be able to hold back the other party.

Li Yan brandished the improvised double-edged sword in an instant, and blatantly cut down two sword lights. The terrifying power overturned the tiles of the roof, and the deadly light went straight towards Bai Ya.

At this time, Bai Yechen also became ruthless. He poured his true energy into the sword in his hand, and forcibly fought the opponent's internal strength. This was obviously unfair to him who was more seriously injured, and even killed him.

But Li Yan's expression changed very quickly, because he discovered the other party's intention, that is, he hoped to entangle himself with such hurtful means, and when Shang Yangzi came, the outcome could be decided in an instant.

But at this time, Li Yan's decisive side was shown. He ignored Bai Yechen's backlash and took a fatal wound from Bai Yechen. After spitting out a mouthful of blood, he clutched his chest and ran away.

One of the two used a whip and the other used a gun. No one was much better at swordsmanship than the other. Although Bai Yechen had the upper hand due to the situation, this sword didn't make Li Yan much sad. The opponent still ran Like flying.

But Bai Yechen is different, he is like a leaky house and it rains all night, he is hurt more and more, if Li Yan makes a few more moves, he will be defeated naturally without the opponent's action.

Bai Yechen fell back and sat on the ground, looking at the big hole in the roof above, through the broken bricks and tiles, he saw the crescent silver plate hanging high in the night sky.

Nothing else, but at the calm moment after the fierce battle, Bai Yechen suddenly felt that the bright moon was so beautiful.

He who once devoted himself to killing in the rivers and lakes did not have the leisure to appreciate the beauty of the moonlight. At this moment, looking at the cunning moonlight falling on his body, he seemed to have found something he had lost.

"That kid has a bit of responsibility and courage for a guy like me. After retiring in the future, it seems good to be a hunter?" Bai Yechen said to himself, with a slight smile on his lips.

At this moment, the heroes of the righteous way arrived at the fierce battle place, and when they looked up, they saw the gatekeeper knight who had died tragically on the ground, and Bai Yichen, who was half covered in blood, sitting crouching on his knees.

"The thief is bold!" The red-browed master who rushed to the front gave a fierce look, and swung the crescent shovel in his hand towards Bai Yechen almost without hesitation.

These two disciples guarding the door are both chivalrous men who practiced in the Bodhi Temple. Although they are disciples from outsiders, they have not yet been ordained as monks, but they have long been regarded by Master Chimei as younger generations. How could he not be angry when he saw the tragic death of these two people? .

"Senior, wait a minute!"

The person who made the noise was Tianquan, he survived the chaotic situation where the Qianmian Dharma King slaughtered all directions, perhaps because the Qianmian Dharma King looked down on him, a weakling.

But what was more likely was the entrustment of the saint Qian Xiaoxiao before she left. This demon girl warned Qianmian Dharma King not to hurt Tianquan in front of everyone, which also put the latter into a very embarrassing situation.

But now, Tianquan who rushed from the rear saw this scene, and immediately tried to stop Master Chimei.

It's not that he is ruthless and has no compassion for his comrades, but Tianquan thinks this is weird, judging from Bai Yechen's behavior before, the other party really has no reason to turn against them at this time.

However, Master Chimei obviously wouldn't sell the face of a mere junior disciple, and Si Luochao, who had always been protecting Tianquan, hesitated for a moment because of what happened tonight.

This fatal moment of hesitation caused Master Chimei's crescent shovel to stab Bai Yechen right through.


Bai Yechen spat out a mouthful of blood, as if he had just recovered from his trance, when he looked up, he saw the red-browed master with an angry expression, the righteous heroes with similar expressions, and the powerless and small man standing at the end Tianquan.

"Ha ha."

Bai Ye laughed abruptly twice, his eyes passed through the crowd and landed on Tianquan, his eyes seemed a little surprised, a little resentful, a little unwilling, but in the end he fixed on the silent sarcasm .

Under the merciless blow of Master Chimei, Bai Yechen's vitality was quickly cut off, only the mocking eyes remained on Tianquan's body until his death, like an invisible chain, which set his innocence in check. In chains.

(End of this chapter)

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