Chapter 784
Master Lingzheng looked at the painting, and saw three monsters that were more terrifying than one another.

The headed monkey has a black armor face, holds a bloody long stick, and steps on corpses like a river. His face is full of murderous aura, and there is another man in the middle with a fat head, pig ears, a belly full of fat intestines, a mouth full of fangs, and a nine-tooth nail rake on his shoulder. There are two heads hanging on it.

The last person has a blue face with demon eyes, red hair with a grimace, a hundred skulls on his neck, and a wooden stick in his hand that is full of blood. A group of four people are in the same painting, and each of them looks like a stranger.

Looking at this painting, Lingzheng's brows were furrowed, and everyone of Xuan's generation felt uncomfortable.

"I heard that the three disciples of Master Xuanzang have all achieved enlightenment, but who are the three in this painting?" Lingzheng asked again, pointing to the three who had been smeared with strange shapes.

"A master told me the day before yesterday that the heart is the Buddha, the heart is the Buddha, the heart is not separated from the Buddha, the Buddha is not separated, Master Lingzheng is an eminent monk who has attained the Tao, no matter what he learns from ordinary people, he is obsessed with appearance."

Lu Hanjiang shook his head as if sighing, then raised his legs and walked past Lingzheng, jokingly said: "Buddhism teaches the world, isn't it like this, why should the master be humble."

A word made Lingzheng's eyes widen, and he scanned the painting of the four master and apprentice again, only to feel that the bloody aura that filled the sky was about to overflow from the pen and ink.

All the disciples of Xuanzi generation exclaimed, and then everyone looked at Lu Hanjiang with extremely unfriendly eyes.

Lingzheng glared, everyone looked coldly, Lu Hanjiang laughed loudly: "Look, isn't it the same?"

Leading people directly through the mountain gate without showing any sympathy, the disciples of the Xuan family were filled with anger. Among the crowd, Monk Xuan Ku looked at Lu Hanjiang's back and sighed slightly.

Shaolin Temple's good intentions to welcome each other were shattered by this gift, and now the two families can't even maintain the superficial peace.

The contradiction that occurred at the mountain gate, which was not considered a contradiction, was immediately heard by the abbot Lingkong of the Daxiong Palace.

"Abbot! This kid from the Xiaoyao faction dares to despise us so much, he really doesn't care about my Shaolin!" Hearing what Lu Hanjiang had done, someone in the hall immediately shouted angrily.

Abbot Lingkong's lowered eyes were calm, he just watched the entrance of the main hall calmly, waiting for the arrival of the Xiaoyao Sect as before.

Seeing that the abbot was unmoved by the others, a monk immediately said angrily: "Senior Brother Lingkong, this Xiaoyao Sect Yue Lifeng, Baobuqi is also in cahoots with that man, why don't you ask the younger brother to meet him first!"

The so-called worshiping Buddha in the temple, you have to enter the mountain gate first, Shaolin is a Buddhist temple, everyone can enter the gate, but at the same time, Shaolin is also a master of martial arts, Ling Kong, the abbot and abbot, not everyone can see it.

The meaning of this monk is obvious, Yue Lifeng looked down on them Shaolin, humiliated them, and they still asked the abbot to greet them here, isn't this a self-deprecation.

It's a pity, before this person could get out of the main hall, Abbot Lingkong shouted to stop him.

"sit down."

Abbot Ling Kong said calmly: "The guests come from afar, I can't lose my courtesy."

Although the abbot was not strict, his prestige in the monastery was extraordinary. The monk gritted his teeth and struggled for a while, then sat back down in his seat as if he had lost all strength.

The main hall became quiet again, and after the incense offerings on the table had been burned three times, the sound of women playing outside finally came from outside the door.

Lu Hanjiang and others, who had been sightseeing all the way, finally came to the front of the Daxiong Palace, accompanied by Cui Yixiao, Deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei, and seven hundred households.

"Abbot Lingkong, long time no see, how are you?" Lu Hanjiang stepped forward and cupped his fists, and greeted him kindly, as if the humiliation just outside the mountain gate was not done by him.

"The poor monk is old, not as young as Yue Shaoxia and the hero."

Abbot Lingkong and several elders stood up from the futon first. He stared at Lu Hanjiang with his old eyes and asked, "Young Master Yue and all the adults came from a long way away. I don't know why?"

"There are disturbances in the rivers and lakes, which bothers the adults of Jinyiwei, but the abbot does not need to worry, my son is not here for this purpose."

Lu Hanjiang's words caught these Shaolin eminent monks a little by surprise. They thought that he brought the Jin Yiwei here to question his master for the chaos.

"Amitabha, please speak clearly." Abbot Ling Kong said slowly.

Lu Hanjiang smiled slightly, turned his body sideways, out of the way, Caiwei from behind slowly stepped forward, and the monks were surprised to find that today's protagonist is not this Xiaoyao Sect disciple?
The clothes on Caiwei's body have obvious Hmong colors, and she has reported her family name: "Caiwei of the Lingyue clan, I have met all the seniors in Southern Shaolin."

Abbot Lingkong knew the identity of the other party almost immediately, he asked in surprise: "Could the benefactor be Your Excellency the Holy Maiden of Miaojiang?"

Caiwei nodded slightly, and Lingkong's eyes became more serious, he said: "The poor monk is also very worried after knowing about the tragedy of the Lingyue Clan, what is the situation of the Lingyue Clan now?"

Caiwei lowered her head sadly: "No one in the Lingyue clan was spared except Caiwei."

Hearing the calamity, the eminent monks present all showed mournful expressions, Abbot Ling Kong sighed: "Amitabha, the great elder of Miaodi and the poor monk also had a relationship for several times. It’s such a calamity.”

Monk Lingkong sighed, and said: "In the past, Elder Lingyue also had some kindness for me in Southern Shaolin. Now that Your Excellency the Holy Maiden is here, if you have any difficulties, you can speak up."

This remark surprised Lu Hanjiang a bit, he didn't expect that the Great Elder was really powerful, not only He Bei Mingzi, but also all the big figures in the Jianghu seemed to have some kind of friendship with her.

What Abbot Ling Kong said was not polite. He said such words as the abbot of Southern Shaolin. Even if Caiwei opened his mouth, the other party would only grit his teeth and admit it. After all, the words have already been spoken, and it is a matter of face. .

But Caiwei is an honest person, she didn't use this as an excuse to make Shaolin difficult, but directly asked her own doubts.

After listening to Abbot Lingkong, he was silent for a long time before he said, "The poor monk may recognize the person that Your Excellency the Holy Maiden is talking about."

This remark made both Lu Hanjiang and Caiwei's eyes brighten, and the latter hurriedly said: "Please tell the abbot!"

Unexpectedly, Abbot Ling Kong shook his head: "This man's martial arts skills are extremely high. If Your Excellency the Holy Maiden wants to seek revenge on him, I'm afraid it will be powerless."

To be able to make the abbot of Nan Shaolin say that his martial arts are extremely high, I am afraid that Taoist's ability is far beyond Caiwei's expectation.

But Caiwei didn't give up because of this, she said persistently: "Abbot, please remember the old love, and tell Caiwei the origin of this person's name and surname!"

Abbot Lingkong sighed slightly, folded his hands together, and recited Amitabha Buddha in his mouth. After a long while, he said again: "The poor monk knows that Your Excellency the Holy Maiden has a grudge in her heart, and the blood feud of the family cannot be resolved with words. Please rest assured, this person's name surname, the poor monk will tell you bluntly."

"Thank you abbot." Caiwei heaved a sigh of relief.

"However," Abbot Lingkong suddenly changed the subject, staring deeply at Caiwei and said, "This time the Lingyue has undergone a drastic change, although the saintess escaped a catastrophe, but the poor monk Guan Guanshou the saintess has been killed by the blood demon." You may be in danger of your life, please stay in the temple for a while, wait for the poor monk to wash away the evil spirit for you, and then seek revenge."

This remark shocked everyone in the audience, and Lu Hanjiang whistled heartlessly. Abbot Ling Kong's words meant that he wanted to keep Caiwei?
(End of this chapter)

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