Chapter 826
Amao and Master Yushu successfully escaped the catastrophe, but the villagers who went up the mountain suffered. Although the eight members of the beggar gang broke one Wang Tie, the remaining seven were not easily dismissed.

The disciples of the beggar gang with more than three bags will practice a martial art called Huntian Kungfu. This martial art uses both hands and feet, and fights without any rules, just like street gangsters fighting, so it is very useful in chaos.

Because of Wang Tie's death, the remaining seven people regarded the villagers as enemies, and they fought extremely hard. The two sides fought bloody for about half an hour, until both sides were almost exhausted, and then the offensive was slightly slowed down.

The villagers were either dead or injured, and there were not many left who could stand and continue fighting. On the side of the beggars' gang, all seven people were injured. Except for one person who was seriously injured, the remaining six people were also injured, but they still had strength left.

Just when the balance of victory and defeat was tipping, a loud shout suddenly came from not far away: "Catch the bandit! Master Guancha! The bandit is right ahead!"

Shouting loudly accompanied by crowds of people, the seven of the beggar gang were startled, Ruan Er exclaimed: "No! People from the government are here!"

Bian Dong looked at Wang Tie's corpse on the ground in pain, and finally let go of his clenched fist, and he growled weakly: "Go!"

When the six people heard the words, although their faces were ugly, none of them continued to persevere. They all turned around and left, and soon fell into the darkness of the mountains and forests.

The villagers who survived the catastrophe breathed a sigh of relief, looking around at their seriously injured companions, they couldn't help feeling sad.

The limping village chief was helped up by the crowd. The old man had just taken the lead and went up with a hoe, so he received a lot of punches. He was still awake at the moment, so it can only be said that he is really old and strong.

The village head was supported by the people and came to the direction of the sound, but they waited for a long time, but they did not wait for the official servants, only saw a group of sneaky children.

The face of the village chief changed suddenly, and he yelled sharply regardless of his injuries: "Why are you here! Didn't I tell you to stay in the village and not come out!"

Several children were too frightened to speak, one of them was Anping, a middle-aged boy, who bravely came out and said in a low voice: "Grandpa the village chief, please take everyone away, there is no official post at all, if you don't leave, If we're caught, we're doomed!"

The village chief was startled, and looked at the torches in the hands of the children and the half-length dummies made of twigs and rags, and immediately understood what tricks the other party was playing.

While he was shocked, he couldn't help admiring the courage of the children. The village chief stopped talking and told everyone to bring the seriously injured and dead villagers and quickly go down the mountain.

The night passed, Yushu Zhenren and Amao, who had been hiding in the depths of the mountain all night, did not leave their hiding place until sunrise and quietly returned to the mountain temple.

Amao originally wanted to volunteer to go out to investigate the situation, but thinking of how powerful the bandit was last night, he was a little timid.

Master Yushu saw the child's difficulties and proposed to go with him. Amao was naturally full of joy, but he was also annoyed that he missed another opportunity to perform in front of the other party.

An old man and a young man walked down the mountain road and came to the place where the two sides fought fiercely yesterday. The seven members of the beggar gang were frightened by the name of the government, and they didn't have time to bring Wang Tie's body on the ground. At this time, they happened to be discovered by the two.

Master Yushu frowned. He bent down and inspected Wang Tie's body, but found nothing to prove his identity. It was inevitable.

Due to the problem of the number of disciples, the disciples of the Beggars' Gang do not have a unified service, and secondly, they do not have a token to prove their identity. In addition, there are many sub-helms and altars in various states in the world, and it is most difficult to distinguish between good and bad people.

Except for the sect master, the other disciples who wanted to make Jianghu recognize their identities at a glance could only follow Yan Fengyun's path and become famous all over the world by virtue of their high-strength martial arts.

Master Yushu didn't see Wang Tie's origin, but he saw that this person's martial arts was based on the way of fist and foot external skills, and there are few bandits who are proficient in internal skills, because this way has never worked through the ages.

A bandit with high martial arts skills can either change his ways and return to the righteous way to find a decent way out for himself, or set up a martial arts and bodyguard agency.

Failing to see through Wang Tie's background, Master Yushu didn't take it to heart. What really worried him was the traces of the chaotic battles of the people around him.

Obviously it was the vicious fight between the two groups that left such traces. Thinking of this, he couldn't help looking at Amao who was dodging.

The other party lowered his head and did not dare to speak, which made Yushu feel more bad in his heart. Regardless of his injuries, he insisted on going down the mountain to find out. Amao couldn't stop him, so he had to go with him with a heart hanging .

At the foot of the mountain, a small village came into view, and Master Yushu had a slight impression of it. This mountain is rich in products, and there are several small villages around him to eat.

It's just that the small village that used to be peaceful and beautiful, with the smoke curling up from the kitchen, is now mourning.

The layout of the village is simple, and a large number of villagers gathered in the center can be seen at a glance. Master Yushu went forward with anxiety, and saw a small village of more than a hundred people with rolls of white cloth, and there were seven or eight corpses lying on the ground.

Dozens of women and children threw themselves on the corpse and wept bitterly, their expressions of grief were touching.

This is of course, the loss of a loved one is painful, and what is even more desperate is that these people who died were all young and strong in the village, and they were basically the top figures of each household.

Now that this pillar has collapsed, leaving orphans and widows, how to survive in the future makes people feel sad.

In the crowd, the village head looked painful and ashamed. He took people out, but he failed to bring them back safely. This was his negligence.

Just when everyone was mourning, Daoist Yushu came over. When everyone saw the purple-robed Taoist, they didn't know what to do for a while, and they all froze in place.

It wasn't until they saw Amao who was far away and didn't dare to come forward, that they suddenly realized.

"It's you! You give back my man's life!" A woman yelled, rushing forward, grabbing Ah Mao's shoulders and shaking them non-stop.

Amao was so frightened that he let the woman yell. He was like a wooden man, not daring to make any moves. At the same time, he saw a few babies grabbing his trouser legs, crying with tears— —

"You give back to my dad! You give back to my dad!"

Seeing this scene, the villagers felt only anger in their hearts. Their attitude towards Amao was the same. The reason why they went up the mountain yesterday was that Amao pretended to be crazy and asked everyone to save people.

Now it seems that this purple-robed Taoist is what Amao wants to save. The other party looks very dignified, like a fairy. On Amao.

From the anger of these people, Master Yushu roughly pieced together the truth of last night. He found the village head again and asked about the details of what happened last night.

Seeing his kind face and the shame in his eyes, the village chief let go of his guard and told the whole story.

After Master Yushu finished listening, his eyes widened slightly, he stood there silent for a long time, and finally looked up at the sky and sighed: "This is all the sin of the poor, it is the poor who have harmed you."

True Yushu's confession was forgiven by the village chief, so what if he didn't understand, it was already extremely difficult for this master of Taoism to bow his proud head to apologize to them, how could he dare to think about it.

However, the village chief wanted to get it wrong. The real Yushu wanted to make amends. This was not just talk. He lived temporarily in the village against the angry eyes of the villagers.

At the same time, the real Yushu also proposed that these children in the village should be taught some martial arts so that they can defend the village in the future, so that the tragedy like last night would not happen again.

This was a complete surprise to the village chief. He knew that the big sects in the Jianghu had strict rules, and martial arts could not be easily spread to the outside world.

Martial arts are the foundation of the people of the Jianghu, and it is also an important factor that separates them from ordinary people. Last night, seven disciples of the Beggar Clan were able to kill and injure dozens of villagers, and finally they were able to retreat. This is their unique martial arts. of greatness.

The village head didn't care about 21, [-], and immediately filled the village with all the people of the right age, from young men who can stand on their own, to kids who are still playing in the mud, and a few young boys. .

This is naturally a bit too much, the village chief thought, the other party felt ashamed now, and he took the opportunity to ask for more benefits. Although he was playing a hooligan, he was still aboveboard.

Daoist Yushu kept his promise and kept these people, and then passed on to them a set of basic boxing skills of the Qingcheng School, and taught them some superficial internal skills.

Don't underestimate these entry-level martial arts, there are not many people who can reach the level of internal strength, except for these great sects.

These people have different talents and abilities, and they also have different degrees of acceptance of these martial arts. Daoist Yushu taught them all seriously. As for how much they can learn, it depends on their talents.

And Amao was also among this group of people. Although he was collectively rejected by the villagers, facing the temptation of martial arts, he still endured those resentful gazes and stayed cheeky.

But soon, Amao discovered that the martial arts taught by Master Yushu were fundamentally different from the peerless martial arts he yearned for. Something has changed.

Seeing the children in the village practicing every day in a daze, Amao was rather disdainful. He thought that these were just bluffing skills, which should have been passed on by the real Yushu to the villagers to repay the guilt in his heart.

So Amao disdained these martial arts. For more than half a month, he did not continue to practice martial arts. Instead, he continued to do what he had done before.

Another month passed, and most of the injuries on Yushu's body were healed, and he was finally about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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