Chapter 83
"Brother, may I ask how to get to Nan Shaolin?"

The man who was called back turned his head, and saw a handsome young man with a face like a crown of jade, standing valiantly, with a sword hanging from his waist, handsome and handsome with a three-pointed aura, one could not help but Like a hero out of a boy.

The man sized up the young man in white shirt in front of him, then clasped his fists and said, "Is the young master also going to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference?"

He was dressed in black clothes, with leather armor on his wrists and calves, and a short beard on his lean face. Behind him were four companions who were dressed similarly to him.

"Exactly, the Xiaoyao sent Yuelifeng, I don't know the names of the heroes?" Yuelifeng, or Lu Hanjiang, had quietly left the Jinyiwei's army at this moment, and came towards Nan Shaolin alone.

"We are disciples of Hunyuan Sect, and I'm going down to Lingo."

After notifying each other of their sect names, the man came up with several of his younger brothers and sisters. Lu Hanjiang met them one by one, and they all happened to be going to South Shaolin on the way, so they went together together.

Not seeing Lu Hanjiang's companions left and right, Lingo asked: "Brother Yue came alone this time?"

Lu Hanjiang smiled, but didn't talk to Lingo, suddenly he said, "I'm talking too much, brother Wangyue, don't take offense."

"It doesn't have to be like this. Brother Lin made a big fuss, but I have something to hide." Lu Hanjiang mentioned this, and this topic was skipped.

Although he doesn't reveal his martial arts at the moment, and he doesn't have a reputation, but relying on the three characters of Xiaoyao School is enough to make these Jianghu people treat each other with caution.

Although the Xiaoyao Sect does not rely on righteousness and evil, and is used to doing things in its own way, but for Hunyuan Sect, a small sect that has no reputation in the world and can only show its prestige in its own three-acre area, such a behemoth is obvious. It's not something they can afford to provoke.

In the final analysis, the last thing Jianghu sees is whose fists are hard. If other big factions dare not give good looks to the Xiaoyao faction, it is because they are strong enough themselves.

If the little shrimps on the side were replaced, they would have already pushed the Xiaoyao faction to the side of the magic way behind their backs, scolding them to the sky, and they had to hold them carefully when they really met.

This was the case with Ringo and his Hunyuan Sect group. With Lu Hanjiang's skill, he could hear clearly what the young people behind him were chewing in private when he was talking with Ringo.

"This time the heroes of the world are gathered here in South Shaolin, we must make that big devil Huangfu come and go!"

When the two talked about the arousal, Lingo clenched his fists and couldn't help being impassioned, while Lu Hanjiang listened noncommittally, and only asked at the end: "I heard that the masters of Shaolin Temple captured Huangfu Yushu son?"

"Exactly, I took this little devil first, and when his father came, I put him under charge together." Lingo said this with righteous indignation. If he didn't know the details, he might think that he had some deep hatred with the Huangfu family.

In fact, the Hunyuan Sect where Lingo is located is from the north, and the reputation of the Huangfu family can't overwhelm them. In the same way, the good and evil of the Huangfu family can only be heard from hearsay. It's not surprising that Huangfu's family would think so, but it's just copying what others say.

Lu Hanjiang just seemed to ask unintentionally: "Don't the masters of Shaolin Temple have compassion in mind, why did they start this kidnapping business, and use their family to force each other, aren't they afraid that they will be called despicable?"


Lingo was speechless when asked, he was not a disciple of Nan Shaolin, how could he know what the group of bald men were thinking, but the behavior of the Xiaoyao Sect disciple in front of him was really beyond his expectation.

Didn't they all say that the disciples of the Xiaoyao School act recklessly and are close to the way of the devil? Why did he meet a chivalrous and warm-hearted Bodhisattva?

"Hmph, where did the ignorant boy come from? A group of sneaky people from the Xiaoyao Sect, and now a saint has emerged? Haha!"


This sudden thunderous sound made Ringo and the others tremble. If this person did not sarcasm, but directly attacked, none of them would be able to escape unscathed.

However, Lu Hanjiang had already discovered that the old man had been hanging behind them all the time, but he refused to show up. At first he thought it was some weird-tempered old man who didn't repair himself, but he didn't expect that he was actually the enemy of the Xiaoyao faction.

Lu Hanjiang stared at the direction where the fallen leaves were falling, and said with a smile: "Senior, you have followed all the way, hiding somewhere like a worm, if you say sneaky, it is a bit worse than the despicable rumors in the world .”

"What a sharp-tongued kid, I just don't know if your martial arts can be half as good as your mouth."

The old man with white beard and hair flew down from the tree, with a pair of short halberds behind his back, and his hunchbacked appearance made people sigh, this old man is really old and strong, and he will not let Lian Po.

After he appeared, there were two more young men on his left and right sides, each with a ring knife on their waists, their ferocious faces were enough to stop a child from crying.

Lingo was nervous for a while, and after he looked at the white-haired old man carefully, he asked anxiously: "Dare to ask, is the senior Mr. Xiao from the White Horse Gang?"

"Huh, you have some knowledge." The old man raised his head, with an arrogant attitude of looking at people with his nostrils, which made Ringo even more awed.

The reason is very simple. Compared with the Hunyuanmen who are still jumping in front of their own house, the White Horse Gang is an outlier. They have jumped out of the shackles of the region, and they are also famous in the world.

The typical performance is like this now. As soon as Mr. Xiao shows up, Ringo can immediately call out his name.

"Junior Hunyuanmen Ringo, I have met Senior Xiao." Ringo didn't dare to neglect, and even brought a few juniors and juniors to greet him, and the younger ones didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Old man Xiao snorted twice, as if he had greeted him, he turned his gaze to Lu Hanjiang, and said with a hostile expression, "Boy from the Xiaoyao Sect, report your name."

"Yue Lifeng." Lu Hanjiang didn't raise his eyes, as if he was chatting with an ordinary old man, and the way he looked at him as usual really aroused the anger of this old man Xiao.

Many years ago, Gein also had such a talk with him from such a free and unfettered sect. At that time, he was still young, and he hated the arrogant people of these great sects the most. He never thought that he would encounter such treatment when he was old.

"I don't know the so-called boy, it's rare that your master didn't tell you that in this rivers and lakes, you can't enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree."

The old man's fiery temper was not inferior to the young man's, and he smashed his sandbag-sized fist as soon as he spoke.

But anyway, he still has a bit of face, knowing that bullying the small by the big is already a shame, if he takes out a weapon again, this old face will not be wiped off, but with his decades of cultivation, this punch is enough to call This kid is good looking.

This old man is disrespectful. Ringo and the others all lowered their heads, staring at the ground and dare not make a sound. They don't have enough strength, and they don't have enough status. Who dares to stand out.


Lu Hanjiang's figure flickered, and the old man Xiao felt as if a gust of wind had passed by in a trance, and he couldn't even see the shadow. He was terrified, and he couldn't care less about face. When he retracted his fist, he pulled out the short halberd behind his back , turned around and greeted the past with a sweep.

When the short halberd arrived, Lu Hanjiang didn't stop his palm, and the little Wuxiang Kungfu in his body immediately started to work, and his palm strength suddenly became ethereal, seemingly real but not real.

The palm on the short halberd was empty and weak, but it was Old Xiao who was holding the short halberd at the base of his arm, which suddenly sank. Hit a stone with an egg.

With a bang, Old Xiao's right arm was cut off by Qi Gen. He cried out in pain and held the severed arm, looking at Lu Hanjiang in horror and anger.

"The Xiaoyao faction, Baihong's palm power, may it have caught the eyes of the senior?"

(End of this chapter)

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