The setting sun is like fire, the small bridge is flowing, the water surface is sparkling, Tianquan lowers his eyes, seems a little melancholy.

He bent down and stretched out his right hand, his fingertips touched the ripples on the water surface, in the swaying reflection, the woman's beautiful shadow flashed away, Tianquan turned his head subconsciously, only to see an empty space.

Tianquan couldn't help laughing wryly, he somewhat understood why Qian Xiaoxiao started avoiding him again, it was a good thing for him to have a longer distance between them when they were so sensitive.

Qian Xiaoxiao didn't want her status to affect her, especially now that the Shangguan family's masters had gathered and they were gearing up to come to seek justice, and Tianquan shouldn't cause more trouble.

But this time, the irrational person became Tianquan himself. There seemed to be a flame in his heart, which kept evaporating his rationality. Even if he knew it would cause misunderstanding, he still wanted to meet him. There were too many things he didn't say exported.

But Qian Xiaoxiao didn't let him get what he wanted.

It should be said that Yuelifeng who "resurrected from the dead" completely shattered Qian Xiaoxiao's reckless good hopes. No matter how hard the Shangguan family made progress, they had the real Yushu sent by the Qingcheng sect to shield Tianquan from the wind and rain. .

But Yue Lifeng from the Happy School, this lingering guy has always been the biggest threat.

Qian Xiaoxiao is now in a great panic. She is very afraid that once Tianquan leaves her sight, it will be a farewell at that moment.

So she had to endure the pain of not being able to see each other, while silently guarding each other in secret.

At both ends of the stream, there are Tianquan, who is looking around in the light, and Qian Xiaoxiao, who is suffering in the dark. A round of setting sun falls into the west mountain, and the hazy moonlight is accompanied by the cold light like blue mist, slowly covering all of them. .

"very similar"

Huangfu Xiaoyuan's gaze was slightly distracted, she took off the mask on her face, her gentle movements were as graceful and moving as walking out of a painting.


Lu Hanjiang formed a circle with black stones on the chessboard, and the surrounded white stone looked so helpless and pitiful.

This time Huangfu Xiaoyuan did not remain silent, her eyes drooped slightly, she bent down and picked up a white ball, rubbed it between her fingers, and then threw it into the sunspot surround.

"It's incomprehensible."

Lu Hanjiang frowned, and said in distress, "Thinking about it carefully, they don't seem to have many unforgettable memories, so why are they still desperate like moths to a flame?"

Huangfu Xiaoyuan's expression was a little silent, and after a while, she said, "Probably because of love."

"Hiss" Lu Hanjiang turned his neck, and said a little funny: "You are so serious, but I am a little embarrassed."

Although not to the point of getting goosebumps, Lu Hanjiang was still a little at a loss for Huangfu Xiaoyuan's straightforwardness.

"What you want to say is love at first sight, ah, it does look like that. After all, according to the little girl's appearance back then, it's really unlikely that Brother Tianquan fell in love with her."

Lu Hanjiang's words are very disturbing. When the picture can only be understood, it is measured by the short and long of life. The sense of fragmentation of the dream that is torn apart by reality is very boring.

It's just that it's hard to find an absolutely suitable word for the relationship between Tianquan and Qian Xiaoxiao, even if it is described in words.

But Huangfu Xiaoyuan seemed to be able to understand that Qian Xiaoxiao's feelings for Tianquan were more like the only ray of light in that lonely world, not salvation, but apart from him, this girl had nothing else.

Either choose to embrace this beam of light, or continue to sink in the lonely world alone.

"It doesn't seem like that"

Huangfu Xiaoyuan's sigh had a sad beauty that overshadowed Baihua. Lu Hanjiang cast a concerned look in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan's raised eyebrows suppressed all sentimentality, but the corners of her mouth moved slightly, as if she was crying.

She put the mask back on, and her tone was a bit more deliberate and humorous: "I just realized again that we are indeed a group of villains, always destroying these seemingly beautiful things."

"If I did something to make you think I'm a good person, then I'm really sorry."

Lu Hanjiang twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said: "Also, if you can, please don't talk like that stinky girl. After all, there are already many people who give me headaches."

While speaking, a fireball in the distant sky pierced the moonless night sky, and Lu Hanjiang handed over the Moon Shadow Sword in his hand: "It's newly released, let's try it."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan picked up the sword and leaped out from the window sill. During several ups and downs, she never took her eyes off the increasingly noisy brook.

Under the mask, a faint sigh came out: "It really doesn't look like it."

Huangfu Xiaoyuan turned around and ran in the completely opposite direction. Behind her, as the fireball slowly passed by in the night sky, more and more knight-errants rushed from all directions. Next, the sound of fighting gradually rose.

On the edge of the creek, there is a wide river bank. Not a single lamp is lit here, but compared to other places, the fire here is frighteningly large.

Tianquan's hand holding the sword was unexpectedly steady. Under the dim moonlight, the air was filled with a pungent stench that made it hard to breathe.

It was the smell of blood, which was unpleasant and disturbing, but Tianquan's face remained normal, perhaps because the scene in front of him had been performed countless times in his mind.

Through the many moving torches, in the twilight of the moonlight, the figure of a woman in black can be vaguely seen.

"Daoist Tianquan, if you go astray and turn back, I won't make it difficult for you. If you are obsessed and don't realize it, then don't blame me for not giving Yushu real face!"

The warning from the person in front of him brought Tianquan's thoughts back to reality, he smiled wryly, but did not put down the sword in his hand.

When more and more evidence points to Qian Xiaoxiao has truly become a witch, once, Tianquan had no choice but to ask himself such a question——

If one day, the little girl is besieged by the heroes of the righteous way, will he choose to stand with the other party, or can he choose to stand with the other party.

He couldn't answer the latter question, but he now knew the answer to the first question, and he couldn't choose to turn a blind eye to Qian Xiaoxiao being besieged.

Tianquan's unshakable eyes made everyone's complexions sink, and the leader sighed: "Tianquan Taoist seems to have been confused by the demon girl. If that's the case, let's do it."

Tianquan was unable to make the "correct" decision that everyone expected him to make, and he still retained that innocence in his heart. Even if the two sides were bloody, he was still willing to believe that there was a way to persuade everyone to let go of their hatred.

This is an idiotic dream, and he actually knew it, but he resolutely chose to go down this road. This is not stupid, but a kind of great courage.

He definitely did not weave a self-deceiving excuse to avoid the truth, but a down-to-earth approach to pursue an illusory future, which cannot be achieved without great perseverance and courage.

Just like the strongest move of the Qingcheng School's Yujian Jue, the sword light created by the fractal sword is not a fantasy, but a real possibility. It is the true intention of the swordsman to see and slash for it.

Tianquan hangs his sword high, holding the sword art in one hand, the glass-colored sword shines straight into the sky, amidst the crisp sound of the sword like a clear spring in a valley, the night sky above his head seems to be a whirlpool, and countless stars are spinning and shining in it.

In an instant, the sword scorpion in the surrounding area was like the wind, setting off a frenzied tide like a wave, and shining stars above the head. Amidst the ear-piercing whistling sound, 13 sword lights shot out in all directions, and the light hit the ground like a meteor and shook all directions.

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