Chapter 943
It is said that when the book is used, there will be little hatred, and the difficulty is not known unless it has passed through. The ancients were sincere and never deceived.

Although Shangguan Beicang volunteered to follow Gongsun Yi to help, when he actually arrived at the place, he didn't know anyone from the prescription to the medicinal materials, so he could only stare at him as he worked.

This is no wonder for him, medical career is not his strong point, he is just a rookie who has just entered the arena, which is normal.

Gongsun Yi saw the embarrassment of the other party, he was kind, and explained to Shangguan Bei Cang before taking the medicine, which opened the latter's eyes.

After the medicinal materials were put out of the furnace, the next step was to take care of and adjust the temperature. Shangguan Beicang was very excited from the beginning, but soon he became drowsy, without him. This step was really boring, and soon he offered to leave.

Gongsun Yi didn't deliberately restrain the other party, nor did he have any opinion on Shangguan Beicang's quitting halfway. There are many young knights in the Jianghu, but there are very few who can be called heroes.

Gongsun Yi has met many young people in his life, and there are a few of them who are outstanding, but unfortunately most of them are mediocre. The young master of the Shangguan family in front of him is just one of them, so it is not surprising.

After Shangguan Beicang bid farewell and left the pharmacy, he proposed to the Gongsun tribe leading the way that he wanted to take a stroll by himself. The latter had no choice but to remind him of several special places where he was not allowed to enter, and then left.

Shangguan Beicang wandered around bored by himself. The layout of the courtyard of the Gongsun family was not too different from his house, and it soon became boring to him.

Just when he was feeling bored, Shangguan Beicang suddenly heard a sigh coming from the pavilion in front of him, he followed the reputation, and a beautiful woman came into view, it was the eldest lady of the Gongsun family, Gongsun Yao.

Shangguan Beicang originally thought that he should not see or listen to evil, but he had already attracted the other party's attention. Gongsun Yao's gaze was so breathtakingly beautiful that he almost lost his composure.

"I've met Miss Gongsun." Shangguan Beicang couldn't avoid it, so he had to bite the bullet and go forward to salute.

"Mr. Shangguan," Gongsun Yao stood up and gave a blessing, then turned her body half sideways, hiding half of her sorrow, with a pretended strong smile on the corner of her mouth, she said softly, "I'm married, you should call me Mrs. Lu."

For some reason, when he once again realized that this delicate and beautiful woman in front of him was married, Shangguan Beicang felt an unconcealable pity in his heart.

Especially after hearing that the other party's husband was bedridden and unable to go to the ground all year round, the regret in Shangguan Beicang's heart became more and more intense.

When he realized his thoughts, even he himself was surprised, but once he saw Gongsun Yao's worried look, the inexplicable throbbing in his heart became even more unbearable.

"My lord, where are you going?" Gongsun Yao didn't seem to see Shangguan Beicang's blank and disrespectful eyes, she spoke softly with a warm voice like water.

"Oh, I, this is." After Shangguan Beicang woke up, his cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't speak coherently for a moment, and his hands moved up and down unconsciously, as if he was explaining something.

Seeing this funny scene, Gongsun Yao burst into a chuckle, she bent down so much that she smiled, a blush rose on her cheeks, and her eyes were shining brightly, as if the melting ice and snow in a river warmed people's hearts, or like flowers flying in a clear spring in a mountain in February. .

Shangguan Beicang froze in place. At this moment, he exhausted all his life's knowledge and couldn't describe the beauty of the person in front of him. At the same time, he couldn't understand where the burning flame in his heart came from.

Maybe he will understand when he grows up a bit, this flame comes from jealousy, Shangguan Beicang feels jealous towards a person he has never met, he can't imagine what kind of person is worthy of a woman like Gongsun Yao, Anyway, that guy who has been bedridden for a long time is definitely not worthy.

"Young master is new here, why don't you let me lead you around?" Gongsun Yao issued an invitation, and Shangguan Bei Cang agreed loudly almost immediately, and after he realized it, he blushed with shame for his impatience.

The two walked left and right on the gravel road in the courtyard, and the maid who followed five or six steps away looked downcast and closed her mouth, without making a sound, giving Shangguan Bei Cang the feeling that the two of them were alone.

This made him feel a sense of ecstasy. The unknown flowers planted on both sides of the courtyard seemed to be sweet-scented osmanthus.

It's human nature for a fair lady to be a gentleman, but Gongsun Yao has already married, and if Shangguan Bei Cang is too eager, it may be out of courtesy.

Gradually, Shangguan Beicang recovered from the bewilderment when they first met. Although he was stubborn, he had read books and understood etiquette. In addition, he often demanded himself with chivalry, so naturally he would not do such shameless things. thing.

But after all, he was only a half-grown boy, Gongsun Yao let out a faint sigh, and Shangguan Beicang's heart felt like a fire was burning, and he couldn't care about etiquette and morality.

"Girl. Ahem, Mrs. Lu seems to be worried about something?" Shangguan Beicang showed unprecedented enthusiasm. He tried his best to show his capable side, and he wanted to share the other party's worries when he opened his mouth.

"This servant speaks lightly, but if Madam has any embarrassing things, I will definitely help you with all my strength!"

Shangguan Beicang, who patted his chest to assure him, seemed to feel that such an attitude was a bit inappropriate for the two people who met for the first time, so he added a superfluous way: "Madam, don't worry about it. The Gongsun family is kind to my master, and it is only natural to repay the kindness." , um—of course."

Shangguan Beicang didn't know what he looked like, he looked very much like those prodigal sons who were vying for beauty for their sweethearts. Perhaps because of his outstanding family background, he might have added a chivalrous filter in the eyes of others, but the essence was not bad.

Gongsun Yao was surprised at first, and then tactfully expressed her refusal. She seemed to have sensed Shangguan Beicang's overzealous kindness, so she offered to leave as if avoiding suspicion.

It's just that before she left, she turned around and looked back with sorrow like silk, completely leaving a hazy shadow in Shangguan Beicang's heart.

Looking at the beautiful figure in the distance, Shangguan Beicang only felt lost in his heart, only the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus lingering on the tip of his nose made him linger.

After recovering from his senses, Shangguan Beicang was surprised to find out what a bold thing he had done.

He returned to the guest courtyard with a dizzy head, and faced his mother's questions, he was even more clueless.

"Medicine? What kind of medicine? Oh, by the way, mother, have you brought the medicine for Master?" Shangguan Beicang looked stunned, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Didn't you go to look at the medicine?" Le Zhili gave him a strange look, then turned her gaze to Wen Chenyang, who was sleeping quietly on the bed, with a relaxed tone in her tone: "Gongsun is worthy of you." For the sake of medical practitioners, Brother Wen's condition has improved a lot after taking the medicine."

"That's good." Shangguan Beicang also heaved a sigh of relief, he was completely satisfied because of Gongsun Yao's worried, delicate and pitiful eyes, he almost forgot about the business.

Time flies, it is night.

(End of this chapter)

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