Chapter 955 The Building Will Fall

After Yu Cheng got up at night, it was difficult to fall asleep. He was walking in the yard, stroking his mustache, and saw a white face when he looked up.

The head of the Gongsun family died again. This time it was Gongsun Yao, the eldest daughter of the Gongsun family who had just taken over the power of the family. The Shangguan family was unlucky and happened to hit this juncture, so naturally there was no way to go away.

As a master of the Shangguan family, Yu Buping also took on the duty of guarding the head of the family, so it was impossible for him to just walk away. They had no choice but to help the Gongsun family deal with Miss Gongsun's funeral.

Originally, Gongsun was a big family, so this trivial matter would not bother outsiders. However, after the Gongsun family suffered successive blows, most of the outstanding talents in the family withered.

The only few left are all young and inexperienced, not being able to convince the public is the second priority, and their own abilities are also uneven. The only reliable Gongsun Yi is now a drunk, embarrassing to use.

The youngest elder of the Gongsun family, who is also the person with the highest martial arts and medical skills in the family, cried a lot on the day the eldest lady Gongsun Yao died, and then lived every day with the wine jar in his arms. It is obsolete.

In desperation, the leaderless Gongsun tribe cast their eyes on Shangguan Shaoqin, and brazenly asked him to come forward to preside over the overall situation.

Shangguan Shaoqin's first reaction was to shirk. After all, among the big clans, it's better not to do such things as overreaching, but the Gongsun clan couldn't stand the pleadings one after another.

On the one hand, it is true that because of the sudden collapse of the family, the elders are autistic and alcoholic, and there is no one available, they have no choice but to ask outsiders.

On the other hand, Gongsun Yao's death also dealt another heavy blow to the already precarious Gongsun family. As one of the three great aristocratic families in the world, it is now the only one left. It is inevitable that the Gongsun family will be in trouble.

Ever since Gongsun Huan's identity was exposed, and Gongsun Wang and other elders were all killed in battle, the Gongsun family has actually been strong on the outside, not much better than an empty shell.

However, relying on the accumulated connections and the centuries-old reputation of the Gongsun family, they were able to barely stabilize the situation after Gongsun Yao seized power.

Now, Gongsun Yao has died inexplicably, the last beam of the Gongsun family has been broken, and when the building is about to collapse, no one can stay out of it.

Shangguan Shaoqin is here, sent by heaven to save their Gongsun family, as long as they ask the other party to help them at the most critical moment, and when Gongsun Yi recovers in the future, the Gongsun family can continue to live in peace.

Otherwise, without mentioning anything else, let's just say that the current situation is very troublesome. They are also powerful in the world, and the reason why Gongsun can carry the word "family" behind him is naturally because their family business is big enough.

With the medical city as the core, surrounded by several state capitals, almost half of the world has the property of the Gongsun family, whether it is a medical center, or a medicine garden. The industries in various places are like the branches of a big tree. The collapse of the foundation is imminent.

Just after Gongsun Huan, Gongsun Wang and other veterans had accidents, the Gongsun family encountered a crisis. For example, the management of those industries suddenly became difficult, and the good medicine garden began to be constantly found by others.

After Gongsun Yao took over the power, she immediately began to operate with the contacts accumulated by the Gongsun family for many years. Through the exchange of favors and the combination of interests, she cooperated with the big factions of the rivers and lakes, and let these people come forward to support them. People retreat when faced with difficulties.

This trick is really easy to use. If the Gongsun Family's signboard is placed here, there will never be a shortage of people willing to cooperate.

Now what the Gongsun family wants to do is to repeat the old tricks, using the prestige of the Shangguan family to scare away those hungry wolves for them. After all, the decline of the Gongsun family is essentially a fault in the family inheritance.

Once outsiders find out that they are actually a group of paper tigers, the countless hungry wolves who are still watching will pounce on them and devour them all in one go. With the current interests, even threats from those gangsters may not be effective.

Many people even pessimistically believe that once the Gongsun family is over, those big factions who once called them brothers and sisters may be the first to rush forward to share their inheritance.

Shangguan Shaoqin repeatedly declined, but the Gongsun family had made up their minds, and some members of the family even knelt in front of his door, which forced him to compromise and chose to come forward.

The Gongsun family was grateful for Shangguan Shaoqin's benevolence, and there were endless voices of praise. Looking at their expressions, Shangguan Shaoqin couldn't help feeling that the Gongsun family was indeed exhausted.

The reason why this group of people came to ask Shangguan Shaoqin to come forward was because they unanimously recognized Shangguan Shaoqin's character. On the other hand, it was also because the Shangguan family also had a great business, and in terms of pure wealth, it was far superior to the Gongsun family.

Therefore, this group of people believed that Shangguan Shaoqin would not covet the property of the Gongsun family, and because they were also a big family, they would try their best to help the Gongsun family. Not only could they gain an ally and countless favors, but they could also gain a good reputation as a gentleman.

And this is what they take for granted. In this arena, it is never the case that the big fish eats the small fish. But for the sake of fame and face, everyone will not do it so straightforwardly.

But no matter how good-looking the whitewashing is, the reality is still cruel, and even Shangguan Shaoqin is far more dangerous than those second-rate and third-rate forces who are not popular.

Only those who have eaten meat will want to eat meat more. Having tasted the delicacy of benefits, Shangguan Shaoqin is very curious about such a big piece of cake from the Gongsun family, why do they think they will not be tempted.

It is impossible to grab it directly, so is it difficult to nibble away step by step?While Shangguan Shaoqin lamented that the Gongsun family was full of idiots, he quickly began to plan to seize the other party's foundation.

Although Gongsun Huan never looked down on the Gongsun family, it didn't mean that the other party allowed others to carve up his family business at will.

Therefore, Shangguan Shaoqin acted very quickly. Even if the other party reacted in the future, everything would have become an established fact. In addition, there was such a threat as the Crown Princess. The other party did not want everyone to die together, so they had no choice but to hold their noses and admit it.

So Shangguan Shaoqin reluctantly accepted the invitation of the Gongsun family, and began to preside over the overall situation for them, while sending his confidants to bring gifts to beg Jin Yiwei.

It's not that Shangguan Shaoqin wants to show his loyalty so much, but that he knows that once the Gongsun family collapses, he may not be able to eat all the meat in such a short period of time.

He reckoned that the biggest possibility was that he ate the biggest portion, but the rest would definitely be shared by various forces. After all, there are many smart people in the world.

Therefore, anyway, this part of the benefits will not fall into his pocket, so instead of watching others take the benefits for nothing, it is better to let him give it to Jin Yiwei as a favor.

(End of this chapter)

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