"Master, he is dead."

While Yu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, he immediately knelt down in front of Shangguan Shaoqin and pleaded guilty: "This subordinate is incompetent, and I still work hard for the master to do it himself, and ask the master to punish him!"

At this moment, he is both scared and ashamed. He is indeed a little bit self-important. He even regarded Gongsun Yi as an ordinary drunk, and looked down on him, so that he fell such a big somersault.

If the other party didn't trust Shangguan Shaoqin, once this matter was brought to light, even if he could get rid of the suspicion, it would cause some trouble for the family head's next plan.

Yu Cheng knelt tremblingly, his chest full of remorse, something went wrong the first time he was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the head of the family, he could imagine that in the future, he would sit on the bench for a long time in the family.

But Yu Cheng was wrong, and Shangguan Shaoqin had no intention of punishing him.

"Get up, you did let me down."

Shangguan Shaoqin's indifferent words made the other party so ashamed that he couldn't lift his head, only to hear him ask again: "I ordered you to poison quietly, but why did you go to the warehouse yourself?"

Yu Cheng replied: "As for the return home, the subordinates have investigated it. Although the Gongsun family has been hit repeatedly, the family background still has a certain degree of security. The warehouse is heavily guarded. If the subordinates sneak into it, I am afraid there will be a risk of exposure."

Xu was worried that this explanation was not enough, so Yu Cheng quickly added: "But please don't worry, the Patriarch, the subordinates are going in the name of the Patriarch to inform the Gongsun people guarding the gate to prepare some drinks for the guests who come to express their condolences. Arouse their suspicion."

Shangguan Shaoqin was noncommittal and said, "Have you ever thought that if Gongsun Yi really died from the medicine you administered, people in the Gongsun family might suspect you?"

Yu Cheng nodded: "Don't worry, head of the family, although the warehouse is an important place, there are so many people coming in and out in the past few days, so the other party is always suspicious, and the subordinates also have valid reasons. At this time, they are grateful to us, and they will definitely not doubt the subordinates." Get down."

Yu Cheng seemed confident, and Shangguan Shaoqin finally nodded with satisfaction: "Well done."

"Thank you, Master!" Yu Cheng lowered his head excitedly. Just when he was so excited that he was rewarded for making his own decision, instead of doing anything wrong, he suddenly saw a headless corpse in front of him, accompanied by the spray of blood on his neck. Blood flowers seem to have a different kind of familiarity.

Yu Cheng's head rolled several times on the ground and landed next to Gongsun Yi's body.

Shangguan Shaoqin took a few steps back to avoid being splashed with blood on his clothes. He lowered his head and looked at the two corpses on the ground, then turned around and strode out of the room.

At the same time, two silent figures appeared from the darkness. They silently picked up a corpse and disappeared under the cover of the night in different directions.

The next day, the tribesman who brought food and drinks to Gongsun Yi knocked on the door for a while, but never got a response. He boldly opened the door and saw Gongsun Yi lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

He leaned down tremblingly and stretched out his hand to detect the other person's breath. Soon, fear climbed onto the face of this tribesman.

Not long after, the Gongsun family received another piece of bad news. After the eldest daughter Gongsun Yao, another clan member they had high hopes for died unexpectedly.

The Gongsun family has practiced medicine for generations, and there are many people in the family who are highly skilled in medicine but not famous. Soon the cause of Gongsun Yi's death was found to be poisoning.

Residual alcohol was found in Gongsun Yi's mouth and body. After the clues were connected, people in the Gongsun family naturally thought of the mole.The wine comes from the warehouse, and the clan's important warehouse area has not been invaded by foreign enemies. It is heavily guarded, and only insiders can poison the wine.

Moreover, these people had even more divergent thinking. Although Gongsun Yi had been living in a state of intoxication these past few days, some things had already penetrated deep into his bones and would not be forgotten when he was drunk.

Gongsun Yi was a master of medicine, so it was extremely difficult to poison him. If the poison was light enough, it would be discovered before the attack occurred. If the poison was heavy, the other party would find out the clues immediately.

If he hadn't forced his mouth open and poured it in, then I'm afraid the poisoner was someone whom Gongsun Yi trusted very much. Only in this way would the other party be so undefended.

The members of the Gongsun family are not all incompetent people, what they lack is vision and structure, and the courage to stand alone, not without brains.

These people not only suspected that there was an insider in the family, but also suspected that Shangguan Shaoqin had fallen in love with an outsider.

And just when this suspicion became more and more intense, another piece of news came, which dispelled their suspicion.

In the warehouse, the body of Yu Cheng, a master of the Shangguan family, was found. He was beheaded with a sword. The death condition was exactly the same as that of the eldest lady Gongsun Yao. This was obviously done by the same person!
After grief, Shangguan Shaoqin told everyone the "truth" he knew.

"Last night, Brother Gongsun came to look for me quietly. He said that he found something strange in the wine. He wanted to ask me to investigate, so I sent Brother Yu Cheng to the warehouse to investigate. Who would have thought?"

Shangguan Shaoqin sighed and said, "I was the one who killed Brother Yu Cheng. I never thought that the thief would be so rampant. He came to kill people once or twice. He really didn't care about us!"

One sentence made the Gongsun family feel ashamed, but also furious.

Yu Cheng's death basically dispelled everyone's suspicion of Shangguan Shaoqin, and the next question was before them, who was targeting their Gongsun family? !
If there is no answer to this question, that would be to deceive oneself. But if there is, so far, except for the Shangguan family, which has ruled out suspicion, almost every outside force that has come to express condolences may be the culprit.

The feeling of being surrounded by wolves made everyone in the Gongsun family feel insecure. At the same time, they also became more and more dependent on the Shangguan family. After all, Shangguan Shaoqin still dared to make trouble. Without him, what would have happened? They couldn't imagine it.

In the end, the result of this matter was that the Gongsun family fell into unprecedented tension, and Shangguan Shaoqin could openly intervene in various affairs of the Gongsun family.

After all, it's not him who wants to intervene now, but people are begging him, asking him to help one or two. Yu Cheng's death makes this group of people shocked and angry, but also a little secretly happy. The Shangguan family who died will definitely not After giving it up, they now truly became allies on the same ship.

And just when Shangguan Shaoqin quietly started to change things, another question was posed in front of him.

After all, Gongsun is a powerful force in the world, and a family cannot be without a master for a day. The eldest daughter Gongsun Yao and the elder Gongsun Yi are both dead. As for the eldest daughter’s husband Lu Peng, when everyone thought of him, they only found his body in the room. corpse.

Unlike Gongsun Yi and Yu Cheng, Lu Peng did not die of suicide, but starved to death in his room.

I heard that the eldest lady was in charge of the food and daily life in Lu Peng's yard. After the eldest lady died, the servants were leaderless and for a while they forgot about delivering food.

However, at this critical juncture, this insignificant matter is no longer worthy of everyone's attention. At this time, the people of the Gongsun family wanted to elect a representative figure, and unexpectedly it was the already notorious deposed young master, Gongsun Cheng.

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