The news that Mr. Lu was returning to Beijing gave all the already heated forces a reasonable excuse for a truce. Even if it was to deceive themselves and others, at least they had really stopped fighting each other.

The frightening reputation of the Jin Yiwei was very useful, and many people were speculating whether it was because the fighting between the royal highnesses went too far, so His Majesty recalled Lu Hanjiang in order to make everyone calm down.

However, the fight between the princes became more and more intense, essentially because the emperor was getting older day by day. The imperial power has not declined, but the people in power have become old.

When the tiger grows old, those who covet the throne can't help but set their sights in that direction.

And because after the assassination of the prince, the old emperor had not canonized a second adult prince for more than 20 years. Unlike previous dynasties, the princes of this dynasty had an extremely rare and embarrassing situation of having no title but no fiefdom.

From the second prince to the seventh prince, every prince has married and established a family. They all call themselves kings, but the emperor has never canonized any of them.

From the beginning to the end, these six princes did not have their own fiefdoms, nor did they have people who could obey their orders legally. Each of them was a rootless duck, and they could be completely overturned by the slightest storm.

The fourth prince and the seventh prince have told everyone with their own actual experiences that as long as the old emperor wants, he can depose any prince in one day without any impact on the court.

All the forces attached to these His Highnesses are also in danger, because the emperor has decisive suppression power over the prince. This suppression is so strong that the prince has no ability to resist.

Without fiefdoms and people, these princes did not even have the ability to rebel. With only a few hundred or so servants in their houses, they would not be able to make even a splash in the capital. If the emperor wanted to, he would be trampled to death. They are as easy to crush as ants.

So the princes were eager to get support, especially from the army.

The imperial army is divided into three categories. One is the guards guarding the border. These troops are so far away that even if they win, they will not have much significance except for their momentum.

The second category is the guards who defend the capital. These are the standing army of the imperial court, with a total of nearly 20 troops scattered in various camps around the capital.

This force is very powerful, but it actually means little to the princes, because the court has strict orders that these armies cannot approach the capital at all.

Moreover, the walls of the capital city are so tall that it is extremely difficult to break through. Even if that day comes, even if these troops are won over, the corpses of the princes will probably be cold by the time they break into the imperial city.

Therefore, whether the princes want to protect themselves or risk their lives to take advantage of the chaos, they can only rely on the power existing within the capital.

Due to the special nature of the capital city, the only two armies that can be used in the city are the Forbidden Army and the Jin Yiwei.

There is no need to think about the imperial army. If you have the ability to poach people from under the emperor's nose, then there is no need for the princes to worry.

Therefore, the remaining Jin Yiwei are their only breakthrough. Unlike the Forbidden Army, the Forbidden Army is responsible for guarding the Imperial City and has little connection with the previous dynasty. No matter which prince takes the throne, their status will not change.

But the Jin Yiwei is different. Because Meng Yuan is too strong, and his successor Lu Hanjiang is too independent, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Jin Yiwei has power over the government and the public.

Today's Jinyiwei, through the efforts of two generations of leaders, has extended its tentacles to every corner of the court, and its power has reached an incredible level.

The position of one person below ten thousand people is indeed very powerful, but it is also a burning fire. Everyone can see that once the new emperor comes to the throne, the huge force of Jinyiwei will definitely be the first to be attacked.Unless they personally support a highness to go up, of course, this will inevitably lead to the possibility that the rabbit will die and the dog will be cooked. But even so, this is the only path they can choose.

As for the last and most terrifying possibility, that is to rebel and replace them. To put it bluntly, with the strength of the Jin Yiwei today, it is not impossible for them to enter the imperial city and seize the throne, and the success rate is not low.

But this is a dead end. Although the Luo Dynasty today has a freak like the old emperor who loves cultivating immortals rather than going to court, the people of the world have not been greatly affected by this.

Thanks to the presence of such a respected Confucian leader in the imperial court, no matter how absurd the emperor was, people everywhere could still live and work in peace and contentment. The threat posed to them by uncontrolled knights in the world was far greater than the emperor's absurdity.

Moreover, the world has been at peace for a long time, and the people have been ruled by Emperor Luo for a hundred years. Regardless of whether the Jinyiwei is surnamed Lu or Meng, as long as they are not surnamed Luo, they will not be able to win the hearts of the world at all.

It is said that the Duke of Zhou taught the world to return to its heart, and the people did not know who Duke Zhou was. However, after a hundred years of precipitation in the Luo Dynasty, Emperor Luo has become the lord of the world recognized by the people. As long as this flag does not fall, the people of the world will eventually unite. Under their command.

As long as the Jinyiwei dare to risk the disapproval of the world, then what awaits them will be wars and chaos, and the world will be in complete chaos until they are overwhelmed by this wave.

The choices and retreats of the Jin Yiwei were seen by everyone. Either they would cut off an arm and disappear into oblivion, or they could only secretly stand in line and fight for the future.

The old emperor did not make it clear who would inherit the throne, so no matter how the Jin Yiwei chose, the fact of their "betrayal" would be confirmed, which was also a treasure card for the various highnesses to win over them.

Although Mr. Lu, the commander of Jinyiwei, has not returned to Beijing yet, countless invitations have already filled his study room, and countless lobbyists have visited his door countless times.

The price tags of the princes are all the same, which is nothing more than to ensure that Jin Yiwei's power will not be reduced. Apart from that, there is nothing much to say. Today, Jin Yiwei, except for the throne, can control almost everything.

With the eager anticipation of all the princes and the silent expectations of the adults in the court, two months passed in a hurry, and the commander Lu Hanjiang finally returned to the capital.

Everyone thought that even if Mr. Lu would not keep distance from His Highnesses, he would still return all the gifts to show his loyalty.

But the result was shocking. Not only did Mr. Lu not return the gifts, he not only accepted all the gifts from the princes, he even accepted the gifts from the East Palace.

According to the young eunuch who gave the gift to the East Palace, Mr. Lu muttered after accepting the gift: "Why is the Crown Princess of the East Palace so shabby?"

Cao Yuan was also impartial and reported all these things to the emperor himself.

After hearing this, the old emperor just laughed it off: "This shameless look really seems to have been taught by Meng Yuan."

"." Cao Yuan shut up and stopped talking. It seems that His Majesty's trust in Jin Yiwei has never changed.

Thinking about it, instead of pretending to refuse, it is better to accept it openly. Anyway, His Majesty already knows everything about that boy's virtues.

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