Chapter 980 At Sunset
When Wen Kongheng learned that his son had been taken away by Jin Yiwei, he seemed to finally become serious and immediately said he wanted to go to Jin Yiwei's Yamen.

This made the commanders of the Forbidden Army, who had been worried for a long time, very relieved. They were afraid that this gentleman would just say something official and then abandon the matter. The second reason was that Mr. Wen had been wronged. The main reason was that the Forbidden Army would lose face.

On the other side of the Jinyiwei Yamen, Lu Hanjiang, who had finally waited for Wen Kongheng, felt relieved. After listening to Wen Jinzhi's cool self-narration, he also had doubts about whether the commander-in-chief would move here. manner.

If the commander-in-chief is not there, just relying on the current small fights may be able to prevent it for a while, but it may not be able to stop everyone. After all, there are never a few people who like to take risks and like to take chestnuts from the fire.

Wen Kongheng came in person. Although Wu Qiming wanted to ask for help to negotiate with the other party, Lu Hanjiang rejected him. This was a rare opportunity and he also wanted to meet the commander in person.

Lu Hanjiang's understanding of Wen Kongheng was very limited. Since he had almost no opportunities to contact him on weekdays, he only knew that the commander of the Forbidden Army was a character that Mr. Meng found troublesome.

But it is unclear whether this trouble comes from the other party's position or from the other party himself.

"It's really hard work, Commander-in-Chief, for condescending to come here." Lu Hanjiang ordered someone to prepare tea. He raised his hand to signal to the other party: "Please."

Wen Kongheng looked at where the other person was sitting at the top, his eyes paused slightly, and then he sat down at the bottom calmly, but he said this sentence: "Back then, Meng Yuan changed your recorded information. , taking the path of the Forbidden Army."

Lu Hanjiang raised his eyebrows. This was something he didn't expect, but with Wen Kongheng's ability, he could see through his better-than-nothing disguise without the need for evidence.

However, the other party's words were thorny, but Lu Hanjiang was also straightforward. He put down the teacup and said with a smile: "I often heard Master Wen say that Young Master Wen is extremely intelligent. When I met Mr. Wen today, I realized that Mr. Wen has taught me well."

Wen Kongheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his sharp gaze was a bit piercing, but Lu Hanjiang seemed unaware. The solemnity in the air disappeared in a flash. The commander-in-chief rubbed the teacup with his fingertips, and at the same time slowly opened his mouth and got to the point. He said: "I don't know what the dog did to end up like this."


Lu Hanjiang blew the hot tea in the cup and said without even raising his eyes: "The main reason is that the commander-in-chief is a respected person, and the Jinyiwei Temple is such a small one. I am afraid that I won't be able to invite adults, so I have to take this step."

Wen Kongheng frowned: "When did Commander Lu ask for this commander?"

"The meaning is this. You don't need to delve into the inner meaning," Lu Hanjiang said casually, and then said: "Young master Ling is safe and sound, but I have to trouble him to stay in the prison for a longer time, so I specially invited the commander-in-chief to come and explain this. thing."

"Why?" Wen Kongheng asked.

Lu Hanjiang said slowly: "The imperial city wall is high and the gates are heavy. The commander-in-chief is far away from the outer court, so naturally he does not find the noise annoying. However, I have to work outside the palace wall, so I have no choice but to do this."

Wen Kongheng's gaze paused, and he quickly guessed Lu Hanjiang's purpose for doing this. His tone was slightly cold: "The Forbidden Army is an official weapon of the imperial court. How can you be allowed to use it so casually? I'm afraid Commander Lu's move is inappropriate."

Lu Hanjiang's hand holding the tea paused slightly in mid-air. He glanced at Wen Kongheng and said with a smile: "This is interesting. The Forbidden Army has always been His Majesty's personal belongings. When did it become a public weapon of the imperial court? Don't you think the Commander-in-Chief can do it?" You think so?"

Wen Kongheng's eyes grew colder. After a moment of silence, he said, "Did you make the decision on your own?"

"I don't understand what the Commander-in-Chief said again. I am the commander of the Jinyi Guards, but I have to bear the word 'unauthorized' in how I do things." Lu Hanjiang spread his hands, his eyes full of teasing, as if he meant something.

Wen Kongheng stopped talking. After a moment of silence, he stood up and cupped his hands, then turned and left without saying a word of farewell.

After the commander-in-chief left, Yan Feng and Zeng Hong came to resume their duties. After Wen Kongheng arrived, many people from the Forbidden Army also came and were waiting outside. They were worried that Tao Yuanlang's incident would happen again, so the two of them Qianhu is also responsible for dealing with the aggressive imperial troops outside.

"Sir." After the two people saluted, they coincidentally saw the untouched cup of tea.

"The commander-in-chief is unwilling to help?" Yan Feng asked with a frown.

Lu Hanjiang raised his head and drank the tea in the cup, and then said leisurely: "That's not necessarily the case, maybe he found out that I put laxatives in the tea." Hearing this, Yan Feng's mouth opened wide, as if he had seen a ghost. Zeng Hong stood beside him. He even looked like he couldn't believe what he heard.

The two thousand households all looked at their immediate superior in stunned silence. Yan Feng couldn't hold it back and asked directly: "Sir, wouldn't your Majesty blame you for doing this? Although Master Meng was always in trouble I had trouble with the Imperial Guards, but at least I didn’t.”

Yan Feng held back what he said later. He might not be able to accuse Lu Hanjiang of having no reputation in front of him.

However, Lu Hanjiang laughed after hearing this. He stood up and walked past the two of them towards the outside. At the same time, he left a strange sentence: "If I am as flawless as the old man in everything, then your majesty will blame me."

The battle between the Forbidden Army and the Imperial Guards seemed to have come to an end, but Wen Kongheng personally went there but failed to bring Mr. Wen out of the imperial prison. Obviously, this battle was far from over.

The excitement in the capital city changes three times a day. A while ago, it was a shocking case of the young master of the Lu family falling into the water. Today, it is the case of the young master of the Wen family being taken away by the Jin Yiwei.

While the common people and officials in the capital were watching the excitement, His Majesty the Emperor, who was far away in the palace and devoted himself to cultivating immortality, actually knew about these things.

As Cao Yuan is the chief eunuch of the inner palace, any disturbance outside the palace will eventually fall into his ears. Moreover, both sides of this fight are heavyweights, so it is even more impossible for him to hide this matter from His Majesty.

After His Majesty heard this, instead of being annoyed, he even joked with Cao Yuan: "Meng Yuan does have a good eye. The son-in-law he found for me is indeed extraordinary, haha."

Cao Yuan smiled apologetically but lowered his head, fearing that his smiling face would offend His Majesty. However, even though he was as calm as he was, he was a little bit offended by His Majesty's overly biased attitude.

Lu Hanjiang has become so presumptuous, or in other words, Meng Yuan has tested His Majesty to this extent. Does Your Majesty really not care at all?Is the love we have shared over the past few decades really as hard as iron?
Even though Cao Yuan tried his best to hide it, his unwillingness was still caught by the emperor. The eunuch who noticed his gaffe immediately knelt down to plead guilty. This time, the emperor did not punish him again.

After a long time, the emperor let out a tired sigh and waved his broad sleeves: "Go down."

Cao Yuan stood up and left numbly, but when he was about to do so, he suddenly turned around and knelt down. He gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty! Please forgive me for arrogating, and allow me to risk my life to remonstrate! I'm afraid Meng Yuan has already been heartbroken. If he thinks about it, Your Majesty can no longer let it go!"

Cao Yuan was ready to be beaten and scolded, but the emperor's anger never came. He raised his head in surprise, only to find that His Majesty's eyes fell on him, but that gaze seemed to look beyond him and towards More distant places.

"How come I don't know." After a long time, the emperor said this.

Cao Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed. Just when he was about to strike while the iron was hot, the emperor's next words made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"As for you, my great eunuch with the palm seal, haven't you already chosen a retreat for yourself? Even if you didn't, with all your descendants, would everyone be willing to follow your path to the end?" Emperor He said quietly.

Cao Yuan's legs went weak and he collapsed to the ground. He huddled up together, knelt humbly, and kowtowed tremblingly: "This slave will die! Your Majesty, calm down!"

He knew that the emperor's words would not be unintentional. What he did might have already fallen into the eyes of the other party. It was ridiculous that he thought he was infallible.

However, the emperor still did not scold him, but suddenly talked about the past.

"Back then, I was just an inconspicuous one among the late emperor's sons, and you, the great eunuch of the Palm Seal, before you followed me, were just a low-level slave of the Royal Horse Prison. A Yuan was a powerless and wanton man. My son, Kong Heng came from a concubine who was despised by others."

The emperor talked about the past, and his face that became colder because of the question couldn't help but feel a little warmer: "Who would have thought that it was us guys who were never taken seriously by others who finally won the throne. In those years, we I will never forget how difficult it was to walk."

Cao Yuan's head lowered, and he heard the emperor continue to say: "I know, I all know, you don't have any second thoughts towards me, you are just worried that you will not end up in the future, so you have to do this, I know it, so, I That’s why I asked for immortality.”

The emperor stood up slowly, walked past Cao Yuan, and slowly stretched out his hand to open the door of Zixiao Palace. Looking at the setting sun, the red sun on the horizon was reflected in his eyes, like a ball. The fire is burning.

(End of this chapter)

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