Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 110 The First Shift Meeting

Chapter 110 The First Class Meeting
110 The First Shift Meeting
Fade Chen lined up and entered the dining hall. He walked in and looked around curiously.

The canteen here is a bit different from that of Steel Qilian.

Steel Seventh Company implements meal prep, each person has a plate, and when you eat, you hold the plate and order whatever you want to eat, but here is another way. For the guy who is eating, pick a table and sit down, and then you can start directly. The food is all on the table, and you can just take the spoon by yourself, and you don’t have to stand up and line up to cook.

Judging from the setting of the canteen, the food of the Seventh Steel Company is obviously better than that of the teaching team. In fact, the food of the Seventh Steel Company is considered very good in the 702 regiment. , Gaocheng also brought back a lot of benefits for everyone. Looking at the whole country, most of the troops are actually still teaching teams.

"The food standard of Steel Seventh Company is still higher!" Fade Chen glanced at it and secretly sighed.

Today's food is not bad, but it is estimated that the food will not be so good in two days, thinking that the teaching team will deliberately arrange some bad food for everyone, and deliberately hone everyone's will.

Since Chen Fei's team from the first district was among the first to enter, they were allowed to choose from the huge cafeteria.

Although the meals on the table are all the same, you can choose where to sit, and you can eat on a first-come, first-served basis, and you can ask the cooking team to add more dishes after you finish eating, but if you come late, the meals will all be added. If you are not full, you can only be hungry, so the benefits of advanced canteens are still great.

So, I still have to sing well in the future.

"Dinner time is half an hour, not more than one point, not less than one point, and those who exceed the time limit will be punished!"

Hei Xuejun roared, and finally emphasized one sentence.

Fade Chen was not in a hurry at first, and chewed slowly, but after hearing this sentence, he hurriedly lowered his head, and slammed the rice into his mouth, like a starved ghost reincarnated, no matter what, eat enough, drink enough, and nourish your energy , Storing physical strength, are the most important things in the coming days.

After eating, he returned to the downstairs of the dormitory. When he looked up, he saw the district captain Hei Xuejun standing on the lawn with a stopwatch.

Everyone was startled, stopped talking hastily, and stood up neatly.

After everyone had arrived, Hei Xuejun raised the stopwatch, glanced at it and shouted, "I'll give you 15 minutes, hang the guns by the bedside, and then come out and gather immediately after finishing the housework!"

After hearing this, the students rushed into the dormitory building in a hurry.

Fortunately, the room of the first district team is on the first floor. There is a large room on the outside, dozens of beds, Datong bunk, bunk beds, and a small private room inside, one bedroom and one hall. The hall is the room of the district captain, and the room is not used normally place for luggage and gear.

Because of the deterrence of the stopwatch, everyone dared not neglect, rushed into the dormitory in a hurry, and started their own housework, but the dormitory is not big, but there are many people and a lot of things, so it seems very crowded. They were all nervous and didn't dare to delay, so they crowded around and seemed a little chaotic.

Fade Chen quickly sorted out the internal affairs, and then put away his things as required, then trotted out of the building, and came to stand outside.

Most of the students were able to come back on time, but some of them were still slow for unknown reasons. Hei Xuejun didn't raise his eyelids, and said calmly, "Stand aside!"

Students who were late stood aside obediently, waiting to be dealt with.

After queuing up, Hei Xuejun stood in front of the queue and said, "You are actually the squad leader, and you deserve it too!? If you can't even settle yourself in 15 minutes, you should be punished! Remember what the squadron leader said, you are now Students, you are not ordinary soldiers!"

He turned his head and said coldly to those students who were late: "One hundred push-ups! Count them out for yourself, don't let me shout!"

This time, no Lengtouqing dared to question Hei Xuejun's request. When he heard the order, the latecomer didn't even think about it, so he immediately got down on the ground and shouted: "One, two, three, four... "

"Remember some of the rules here, it's a bit different from the company, and the standards are not on the same line! I don't want to punish you, but when you make mistakes, I don't mind punishing you! Here, you have nothing to complain about. ! No one can help you, you can help yourself!"

"Wake up at [-]:[-] every morning for training, and finish at [-] noon..."

"Three meals a day are not allowed to exceed half an hour, lights are turned off at ten o'clock in the evening, full training is six days a week, there are no weekends..."

Hei Xuejun asked one by one.

Everyone was satisfied because they had just eaten, and there were satisfied smiles on their faces, thick or light, but when Hei Xuejun listed the rules one by one, the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared. Even Fade Chen felt his scalp tingle for a while, teaching the rules of the team can make people collapse.

Fortunately, today is the first day, and no training is arranged tonight.

But it didn't keep everyone idle, all the shifts were organized separately on the lawn in front of the row house and the shift meeting.

There are a total of ten students in a squadron, a district team, and a class, including 2 first-year soldiers, 6 second-year soldiers, and 2 third-year soldiers.

The squad leader of class one is Hei Xuejun, so the class affairs of class one will be organized by Hei Xuejun.

As with any meet and greet, all students first introduce themselves.

After everyone had finished introducing, Hei Xuejun spread out a small notebook, took out a pen, and made a record without raising his head: "Okay, let's have a heart-to-heart talk, everyone Tell me why you came to coach the team."

The students who were called out immediately stood up, straightened their chests, and spoke loudly, as if reciting lines: "I heard that the teaching team is the most difficult place for our T division. Since the day I was a soldier, I have been I want to go to the most difficult place to exercise myself, challenge myself, and be the best soldier! I want to make my due contribution to our national defense!"

This kind of scripted thing, the speaker said it passionately, but most of the listeners lost their interest, and Hei Xuejun was obviously a little impatient. Before the guy finished speaking, he interrupted: "Yang Ming, I It is for you to talk about your heart and talk about your true thoughts, not for you to endorse!"

Hei Xuejun's eyes sank.

Everyone he saw trembled in fright and quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look at him.

However, Fade Chen was not afraid, and kept looking at Hei Xuejun quietly. Wherever Hei Xuejun saw, his eyes followed.

Hei Xuejun scanned around and found that everyone was avoiding his gaze, only Fade Chen met him, so his gaze finally fixed on Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, you come first, tell me why you are here first. Will come to teach the team!"

"Reporting to the squad leader, I came to teach the team because I heard that as long as I graduate, I can be the squad leader. As long as I become the squad leader, I can stay in the army. I want to develop in the army, so any method that allows me to stay, I'm going to give it a try!"

Hei Xuejun's eyes lit up: "Okay! Comrade Chen Fei, you've said it very well! People must have pursuits. If people don't have any pursuits, what's the difference with salted fish, right? I was also I want to stay in the army. My hometown is in the mountains. Serving as a soldier is my only choice. Being a soldier made me leave my hometown for the first time. It opened my eyes for the first time. After seeing the outside world, I never want to go back , So, I have to stay, so I set myself a goal, first to be the squad leader, then to be an officer, and finally, to be a general. Comrade Chen Fei’s idea is very good, just like me, everyone applauds and encourages !"


There was warm applause.

With Chen Fei's guidance, other people's hearts finally became more active, and soon some people were eager to try it.

"Okay, tell me!" Hei Xuejun pointed to the soldier sitting next to Fade Chen with his pen.

"Squad leader, I'm here to teach the team because I want my girlfriend to think I'm awesome, and I don't want him to look down on me!"

"Okay, have ambition! How can a man make a woman look down on him? Okay—" Hei Xuejun immediately encouraged him, and soon he smiled: "How old are you, are you only twenty? You only have a woman when you are only twenty Friend? You are a winner in life!"

"Ha ha ha ha--"

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

The atmosphere at the class meeting has now become active.

(End of this chapter)

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