Chapter 112

112 five-kilometer armed raid

That night, Fade Chen slept soundly and deeply, as if his body knew that he would not have a good day from the next day, so he consciously seized the time to rest, and fell asleep as soon as he went to bed, and even if there were many people beside him. Noise does not affect, sleep like a dead pig.

But other people are not as lucky as him. When many people think that they will start an inhuman life the next day, they feel nervous and uneasy, and there is a little bit of excitement. All in all, they are very cheap. I want to go to bed early and sleep well, but I just can't fall asleep, can't fall asleep when I should sleep, and can't wake up when I should wake up.

Time passed quickly, and it was the next day in a blink of an eye.

At five thirty in the morning, the reveille sounded on time.

As soon as the horn sounded, the district captain Hei Xuejun's loud voice rang in the row: "First district team, take your guns and individual equipment! One minute! I will see you on the lawn in one minute. You guys! Otherwise, you will be fined ten push-ups every second for being late!"

In fact, Fade Chen woke up when he heard the wake-up call, and he didn't wake up step by step, but it was like a switch controlled by a click, and he immediately entered a fully awake state.

He immediately got up, put on his clothes and trousers, turned over and knelt by the bed, held the two corners of the cup with both hands, made a bang sound, and shook it vigorously, then quickly folded, compacted, folded again, and finally tidied up quickly Tap a few corners, and when you are done, jump forward, just jumping on the shoe, insert your foot into the shoe, move it left and right, pull the tongue again, it’s done, and finally tie the shoelace, Stand up, put the training hat on your head, sweep the sheet with your right hand, look at the tofu block, one corner is a little crooked, re-adjust it, it is straight at [-] degrees, perfect!

After that, he quickly hung up the bullet belt, gas mask, satchel and water bottle, and fastened them with the armed belt.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the gun was in his hand.

I got the gun last night and put it next to the bed.

When he packed up his equipment and walked out of the dormitory, the district captain Hei Xuejun had just left.

"Huh?" Hei Xuejun heard someone walking out behind him, looked back, and was very surprised when he found that it was Fade Chen.

"Squad leader, give way!" Fade Chen grinned.

Hei Xuejun stepped aside.


Fade Chen rushed out, and when Hei Xuejun blinked again, Fade Chen had already stood upright on the lawn.

"This kid?"

Hei Chenxue scratched his head, quickened his pace, and quickly came to the playground.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Soon, one after another soldiers rushed out of the dormitory and rushed to the playground.

Hei Xuejun waited expressionlessly. After a while, he picked up the stopwatch and counted down loudly: "Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven..."

He pressed the stopwatch with one hand and raised his hand to block a few students who were rushing over, with fierce eyes.

"You guys, stand over there!"

Hei Xuejun put down the stopwatch, pointed with his eyes, and his voice was cold.

Last night, the humorous and cute district captain seemed to have been taken away, and Black King Kong came to the teaching team.

After the students who arrived late stood aside, he walked over and pointed to the one standing in front of him: "You! 100 push-ups!"

"You! 120!"

"You! 150!"

The few students who were late were all about to cry after hearing the numbers they had to do.

But the Hei Xuejun didn't just scare those who were late, all the other soldiers who were not late were also silent. From this scene, everyone felt a feeling of sympathy for each other. It is these soldiers who are unlucky today, but who can guarantee Is it not me who will be unlucky next time?
In the deathly silence, Hei Xuejun's icy voice sounded, not loud, but with a kind of cold indifference: "Get ready for push-ups!"

Following Hei Xuejun's order, the five students who were late put their guns aside, took a big step forward with their right feet, and put their hands on the ground.

"Count it yourself, I don't have time to count it for you!"

He turned to all the students who had already lined up and said loudly: "Remember, this is the rule of the teaching team. There is a time limit for everything. If you exceed it, you will be punished. Don't tell me how you are in the company and your squad leader!" How magnanimous and how humane, there is no humanization here, only rules here, our rules!! If you refuse to accept, as the district captain, I will never force you, you can tell me to quit, and there will be a car to take you away the next day. Go back to the original company that you think is the most comfortable! As long as you are here for a day, you have to abide by the rules for a day!"

Hei Xuejun's eyes swept over every student one by one, and everyone who saw him trembled.

"Today is the first day for you students to teach the team, so we carefully prepared a training plan for you. The first is a five-kilometer cross-country. You are new students, so my requirements are not high. You have 21 minutes and 30 seconds to complete This time, for the five-kilometer distance, those who reach the goal do not need to run again, and those who fail to reach the goal need to run again. If the students score more than 23 points, they do not need to run any more, and they will return to the original company directly. This kind of training level is not suitable at all. The teaching team is training, let your company chief officer get something better, the teaching team is not a garbage dump!"

After finishing these words lightly, Hei Xuejun's voice became a little louder: "Everyone is there, prepare for five kilometers!"

Hearing the command of Hei Xuejun, the team dispersed, everyone took their positions, and started their preparations. Everyone rolled up their trouser legs and folded the buttstock of the 81-1 automatic rifle so that they could hold the barrel while running on your shoulders.

These are the skills summed up by veterans. If the gun is hung on the back, a piece of skin can be worn off after a five-kilometer trip!


Fade Chen let out a deep breath. He thought it over, gave an order, and immediately ran wildly to seize the first position, and then kept it.

"For the first time running five kilometers, the squad leader will take you to run. You should follow you and remember the route. We taught the team that there are at least four routes for cross-country raids, with different levels of difficulty! Today you are running the lowest level of difficulty. It is a five-kilometer route, so check your equipment and weapons, whether the water bottle is full, whether the grenade is carried, and your gas mask and four magazines. If one is missing, you will immediately pack your backpack and wait to be sent back to the original place Company! I am teaching the brigade that cheating is absolutely not allowed! If you find one, deal with it!"

"Prepare - run!"

Hearing the command to run, Fade Chen immediately swished, and was the first to rush out.

The route of Steel Seventh Company is mostly roads, all of which are cement roads, because most of the five kilometers of Steel Seventh Company are basically carried out in the camp area, but here are almost all wild roads, muddy, rugged, and uneven. It will make people wrestle. Fortunately, Chen Fei used to go out to get some fresh air when he was in the No. [-] Steel Company. He often rushed to the top of the mountain in the name of running a five-kilometer cross-country. In addition, he was born in a rural area. , I've been used to being wild in the mountains since I was a child, so he really didn't take these bad roads to heart.

He quickly rushed out of the crowd, separated the people behind by at least ten meters, and rushed to the first place.

The squad leader who led the way ran along.

At the beginning, Fade Chen and the squad leader leading the way ran side by side, leading the large troops behind to run together, but after running for a while, Fade Chen started to walk away, because the squad leader leading the way had to take care of the team behind and could not run It was too fast, and Fade Chen didn't know the route, so he could only run for a while and wait for a while.

After running forward for four or five minutes, Fade Chen became a little bored, and asked helplessly, "Squad leader, where are you going? Please show me the way first, and I'll run first!"

If he waited any longer, his body that had just warmed up would have cooled down.

The squad leader who led the team glanced at him as if he was looking at a monster, and then pointed out: "Go straight from the fork in the direction of eleven o'clock, and run to the big mountain bag—see it? That big mountain bag, Run there and turn back, back the same way.”

Fade Chen took a look and nodded: "Thank you monitor, I understand, then I won't wait for you, I'll run first!"

After finishing speaking, Fade Chen turned around and started running humbly.

Without restraint, he gradually let go of running. The faster he ran, the more comfortable he ran. The unfamiliar environment, beautiful scenery, and humid air all made him feel extremely happy. He felt that he was in a particularly good state today, so He ran faster and faster, and when he reached the finish line, he returned the same way and rushed to the finish line.

"Nineteen minutes and four seconds!"

Hei Xuejun pressed the stopwatch for him at the finish line.

"Nineteen minutes and four seconds?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

This result is not very good. His best score in the No. [-] steel company was a little over [-] points. Today's five kilometers, he felt very good, why did he still run with [-] points?
"Squad leader, did you make a mistake?"

"Wrong? Are you kidding me? Do you think I'm someone who can't even read a stopwatch?" Hei Xuejun glared at him.

Fade Chen smiled sarcastically.

Forget it, don't care, it's the first one to finish anyway.

He turned and went to rest.

Just as he sat down, the squad leader who led the team came running out of breath, and he rushed to Hei Chenxue's side: "Old Hei, how much did that kid run?"

"Nineteen minutes and four seconds?"

"What? Nineteen minutes and four seconds?"

"Yeah, what's the matter with you? There's no fuss about it, this result can only be regarded as a pass in the teaching team!" Hei Xuejun snorted.

"But he ran the fourth line, the most difficult one? I think he ran too easily, so I pointed out the hardest one to him?"

"What? Line [-]? Nineteen minutes and four seconds?" Hei Xuejun was dumbfounded.

[Ding——you shocked several squad leaders of the teaching team with your powerful strength, you became a blockbuster, you made the people in the teaching team and other students look at you with admiration, your personal charm +1, good luck +1]

At this moment, a pleasant voice sounded in Fade Chen's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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