Chapter 115
115 Bombing
The preliminary examination was finally completed.

Unbelievably, after the exam, the teaching team gave everyone a half-day off.

A quarter of a day to be exact.

After the last subject assessment in the afternoon was completed, the black-faced squad leader Hei Xuejun gave an order: "Everyone is free to move around for the next period of time. Dinner will be served at six o'clock in the evening. Don't be late, disband—"

free time?

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, I can't believe it.

Although some people were excited, they didn't dare to do anything, for fear that there might be some kind of conspiracy involved, until the figure of the black-faced squad leader disappeared from the field of vision, everyone suddenly cheered: "Oh - finally free!" Already!"

Fade Chen looked at his watch, it was four o'clock, and there were still two hours before six o'clock, so he could take a good rest.

He was about to call Zhao Zhigang, but when he turned his head, he saw Zhao Zhigang raised his head, looked at the blue sky, and sighed faintly: "The storm is coming!"

A storm is coming?
Fade Chen looked up and realized what Zhao Zhigang meant.

But he didn't think so, smiled and said: "Come on, come on, soldiers will block you, water will come to cover you, just let nature take its course!"

"I'm worried that I'll be drowned first!" Zhao Zhigang said with a sigh.

"No!" Fade Chen kindly comforted him.

At this time, the people around him had already scattered away, some rushed back to the dormitory, some ran to the basketball court, and some disappeared.

"Shall we go there for a walk?" Zhao Zhigang pointed to a small forest on the other side of the training ground with his eyes.

Fade Chen also had this intention, and he couldn't sleep when he returned to the dormitory, so he might as well take this opportunity to wander around the teaching team and walk around.

The two of them walked slowly and chatted. After walking a few steps, they saw Zhou Ming walking towards them with a few people pushing a flatbed cart full of brand new camouflage uniforms.

Seeing Zhou Ming, Zhao Zhigang's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but hide behind Fade Chen. However, Fade Chen's reaction was completely opposite. Instead, he walked up to Zhou Ming and asked with a smile, "Captain, do you want to help?"

"No need." Zhou Ming replied in a nonchalant manner, giving people a feeling of refusal. If it were an ordinary person, he would have given a shy smile and retreated. However, Fade Chen was very thick-skinned, and then asked: "Captain, Are these clothes sent to us?"

"Yeah!" Zhou Ming rarely explained a few more sentences: "Each of you has three sets!"

Three sets per person?

Fade Chen was taken aback when he heard this number, but Zhao Zhigang, who was hiding behind Fade Chen, trembled all over when he heard the number, and his face turned pale with fright.

After Zhou Ming walked away, Zhao Zhigang said with a mournful face: "It's over, it's over, our army usually only distributes one set of training uniforms a year, but here, one person has three sets of training uniforms and three pairs of shoes, damn it!" , They are going to kill us to death, they will destroy four sets of our clothes in six months, damn, the teaching team is really too scary—”

"You only know now!" Fade Chen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Zhao Zhigang sighed, and then said: "The coaching team is like hell, I have known this for a long time, but I was just lucky, always thinking that our year may be different from previous years, but now alas——Obviously, a little There is no chance of getting lucky!"

Before Fade Chen could react, he saw Zhao Zhigang suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed: "Storm! The storm is coming! But I am a brave petrel, flying proudly on the roaring sea and among the lightning; this is victory." The soothsayer is crying - let the storm come harder!"

Oh, it turned out to be a poet!

Fade Chen secretly smiled.

After venting, Zhao Zhigang finally calmed down, and the two walked towards the training ground together.

Before they knew it, the two of them walked to the bombing training ground.

"Yo, the bombing training ground!" Fade Chen's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but want to try it.

They have been trained on the subject of bombing before, but relatively speaking, there is not much training, because in the eyes of Gaocheng, this subject does not have much gold content. For an armored scout, it is enough to basically pass the bombing. So they didn't train much, at least not as many as the 400km and [-]m obstacles, and naturally, their results were not so good.

"Hey, training bombs!" Zhao Zhigang was also a little excited when he saw it. He trotted two steps and walked to a basket: "Fade Chen, how is your score in the subject of bomb throwing? Let me tell you, in this subject, I am sure Can be the best in the coaching team."

He had just begun his words, "Hey, what are you doing?" At this moment, a squad leader suddenly yelled.

"Squad leader, can we try?" Seeing that Zhao Zhigang was frightened, Chen Fei answered the question quickly.

"Okay, but you have to wait!" said the veteran.

For the subject of bomb throwing, the syllabus stipulates that 45 meters is excellent, and the teaching team requires 55 meters. Fade Chen used to start with 50 meters. Now he hasn't thrown for a long time, and he doesn't know how much he can throw.

After more than ten seconds, the veteran stood at the other end and shouted: "Aren't you going to try it? Can you do it?"

Fade Chen looked at Zhao Zhigang: "You come first?"

Zhao Zhigang was polite: "Fade Chen, you go first!"

"Okay!" Fade Chen was not polite, and picked up a grenade from the basket.

This is just a training round, not a live round.

However, this kind of training ammunition is done vividly, just like the real thing.

This is a type 67 grenade with a wooden handle. According to the unified and standardized bombing method, before the bombing, you must unscrew the safety cover, pierce the moisture-proof paper, put the fire ring on the little finger, and then complete the bombing action.

Fade Chen took the grenade in his hand as required.

"Strange, why does this bomb feel heavier than the average one?"

But Fade Chen didn't think much about it, the coaching team, everything is different.

He let out a deep breath and brewed for two seconds.

Throwing a bomb is a process in which the muscle state of the body changes from relaxation to tension in an instant. From the run-up to the deduction process, and even the recovery process after the shot, the body should be in a relaxed state. The more complete the relaxation, the greater the explosive force when throwing the shot. In order to obtain a greater initial velocity;

The body is tense only at the moment before the arm is swung to the shot. The reason why it is tense is to transmit the resultant force of the kick on the same side of the bomber and the waist turning to the arm, and at the same time ensure that the arm swings forward and backward. The shooting angle is controlled at about 45 degrees.

A moment later, Fade Chen threw the grenade out with a whoosh.

As soon as the grenade hit the ground, the veteran shouted, "Fuck, 67 meters!"

Fade Chen was taken aback.

It's much stronger than when the recruits first joined the company, but it's not that strong, and they couldn't even break through 70 meters.

In the bomb-throwing training of soldiers, the throwing distance is generally required to reach 30 meters, and the better result is 50 meters.However, soldiers are generally strict with themselves at a super-excellent level.Therefore, in the long-term training, practice makes perfect, and after mastering certain tricks, you can easily throw to about 70 meters.

It is said that a soldier named Song Fudan set a record of 102 meters in the team's throwing competition;

Fade Chen's grades are really nothing compared to those great people, not even shit.

He clapped his hands, turned around and looked at Zhao Zhigang: "Old Zhao, it's your turn!"

"I, I, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable in my hands, I will not vote today, let's go, let's go over there and see, there seems to be a small pond over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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