Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 12 Learning from the Honor Guard

Chapter 12 Learning from the Honor Guard
12 Learn from the guards of honor
To He Hongtao's astonishment, Fade Chen's queue performance was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, He Hongtao was even more shocked. He swept away the casualness just now, took off the big-brimmed hat and held it in his hand, focused all his attention, and once again directed Fade Chen.

As a result, Fade Chen's team became even better.

During the interaction between the two sides, Fade Chen unknowingly revealed his admiration for He Hongtao, because He Hongtao's excellence was beyond his imagination, and He Hongtao gradually showed his appreciation and love for Fade Chen, As a result, the two of them soon had a feeling that sesame met mung bean.

At the end of the training, He Hongtao put the big-brimmed hat on his head neatly, straightened it, and said to Fade Chen with satisfaction: "You are a good comrade, you work hard, and your grades are excellent, but you can't be proud. We must continue to work hard, strive to make ourselves an excellent recruit, and when the recruits leave the company, strive to be assigned to an excellent company."

Fade Chen agreed with his mouth, but he was secretly laughing in his heart. This guy is going to start selling melons to Wang Po and promoting their red triplets.

Sure enough, He Hongtao changed the subject and said: "Our 702 Regiment has many excellent companies, such as our Red Third Company." He turned his head and glanced at Fade Chen: "Do you know the Red Third Company?"

Fade Chen shook his head.

"Among all the grass-roots companies of our army, some companies have a long history. For example, our Red Third Company, as early as the beginning of our army's founding, under the command of Mao Zedong, fought all the way from south to north and established illustrious military exploits.

Although the personnel of our companies have changed over the past few decades, we have always maintained the glorious tradition that has been passed down since the revolutionary era-bloody, daring to fight tough battles, good at fighting hard battles, and winning repeated battles! "

He Hongtao deserves to be engaged in political and ideological work, and his mouth is really good at speaking. Even after hearing the stories he told, Fade Chen felt a little excited. I want to follow He Hongtao to Hongsanlian.

"Of course, the assignment of recruits is a serious job, which involves all aspects of the army. You can't go wherever you want. As a soldier, the only thing you can do is to improve your training results and speak for yourself with your results. , so, Comrade Fade Chen, come on—”

He Hongtao finally made a cheering and encouraging gesture, which was very deceptive.

Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap, and saluted: "Yes, instructor!"

"Okay, I have another meeting in a while, so I won't bother you. You can practice for a while, and then go back to rest. It's good to train hard, but you must also pay attention to the balance between work and rest!" He Hongtao did not forget to pat Chen Fei on the shoulder , and showed a kind smile to show encouragement.

"Yes, instructor!" Fade Chen was a little moved.

This He Hongtao speaks really nicely, and "demagogic" is called a consummate master.

After a while, He Hongtao walked away, and then Fade Chen shouted the password again, and practiced by himself.

He practiced for about ten minutes, and felt that it was almost done, so he walked back to the dormitory.

When he was 300 meters away from the dormitory, he met Gao Cheng at the corner.

Gao Cheng was walking and chatting with Wu Liuyi.

"Hello, company commander!" Fade Chen stood at attention and saluted. His voice was loud and generous. He was not like other recruits who were shy and timid. Seeing Gaocheng was like a sheep seeing a tiger.

"Are you going to practice again?" Gao Cheng replied with a salute, and then asked with a smile.

"Yes, the company commander. I'm about to elect the deputy squad leader. I have to hurry up and rush again."

Gao Cheng looked Fade Chen up and down: "Look at you, are you very confident?"

"To tell you the truth, company commander, I didn't have much confidence at first, but the instructor taught me some secrets just now, so now... I think I'm still [-] to [-]% sure."

Gao Cheng was taken aback when he heard this: "Instructor?"

He turned his head, glanced at the instructor's office of the recruit company, and thought to himself: "I just said that Lao He is a little weird today, so the root of the problem is here!"

Soon, his eyes were fixed: "This guy, Lao He, is worthless. A few days ago, he was indifferent to Fade Chen. How could he still think about giving him private tutoring today? Coming? Oh—yes—I’m afraid it was Wu Liuyi’s words that reminded him!”

Thinking of this, Gao Cheng laughed: "Fade Chen, then you have to train hard, don't let the instructor down—oh, by the way, did the instructor tell you about the glorious history of our 702 regiment company!"

Fade Chen secretly smiled, but his face remained calm: "Reporting to the company commander, the instructor didn't say much, just casually mentioned a few words about the glorious history of the Red Three Company, he also encouraged me and asked me to train hard, After the new recruits are assigned to an excellent company!"

Gao Cheng nodded, and his heart suddenly became brighter, but he didn't say much, he just looked at Fade Chen again meaningfully, and then asked: "Oh, by the way, how is your queue training going? Is your coordination better?"

"Reporting to the company commander, it is basically qualified, but the instructor also said that there is still a long distance from the pacesetter. He told me not to be proud, but to continue to work hard!"

"Pacesetter?" Gao Cheng's eyelids twitched again.

Without waiting for Gao Cheng to say anything, Fade Chen directly expressed his thoughts: "Company commander, do we have a videotape of the guard of honor here?"

"Guard of honor?" Gao Cheng was taken aback, and it took him two seconds to react: "What do you want the video of the guard of honor for?"

"Company commander, I think my movements are basically fine, but I lack the temperament and spirit of a soldier, so I want to see what the best soldiers are like, and I want to learn from them!"

"Is this what the instructor taught you?"

"No, the instructor didn't tell me, but I was inspired by what the instructor taught me. I think if I can see the queue of the guard of honor, I will definitely benefit a lot. My queue will definitely become better. it is good!"

After listening to what Fade Chen said, Gao Cheng finally looked at Fade Chen with admiration for the first time. He looked Fade Chen up and down.

This kid-

It's really becoming more and more invisible!
After thinking for a while, he made a decision. He wanted to see what Fade Chen could do, so he said, "The recruit company doesn't have the videotape of the guard of honor."

"No?" Fade Chen was disappointed for a while.

He also planned to absorb some attribute points from the video of the guard of honor, but now it seems that it was a joy for nothing.

He was disappointed, but Gao Cheng said: "However, our Seventh Steel Company has a lot."

"Seventh Steel Company?" Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, and after he realized it, he said almost reflexively: "Company Commander, can I borrow one from Seventh Steel Company to have a look?"

After he finished speaking, he felt that he was too reckless, so he raised his hand and scratched his head, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Company commander, if I'm wrong, you can criticize me."

Gao Cheng kept looking at Fade Chen, and for a while, he said: "Since you want to see it so much, why not do this, and ask Squad Leader Wu to take you to our Qilian to have a look!"

"Really?" Fade Chen was overjoyed.

"Wait!" Gao Cheng said suddenly.

As soon as his words came out, Fade Chen's heart skipped a beat. Gao Cheng didn't change his mind, did he?
That would be a little troublesome.

But before he came back to his senses, Gao Cheng said to Wu Liu, who was next to him, "Let's just forget about it. When you are free tomorrow, you and the second platoon leader will take everyone to our Gang Qi Company for a walk!"

"Huh?" Wu Liuyi was taken aback.

Is it appropriate to bring such a large group of people out of the recruit company?

But he is really a smart person, and he understood Gao Cheng's intentions in an instant.

Gao Cheng wanted Wu Liuyi to organize all the recruits from the No. [-] Company and bring them all to the No. [-] Company to let them see the excellence of the No. [-] Company. After these recruits saw the strength of the No. [-] Company, they would definitely want to go to the No. [-] Company. It's the Seventh Company. At that time, Gaocheng only needs a little encouragement. These recruits will train harder, and they will all clamor to go to the Seventh Company of Steel.

Although the recruits don't have much right to speak when the recruits are allocated, but - he Gaocheng can use this matter to make a fuss, at least he can increase the right to speak in the negotiation!

Wu Liu understood Gao Cheng's intention in an instant, so he put away his smile, stood at attention with a snap, and saluted: "I promise to complete the task!"

The next afternoon, after dinner, Gao Cheng took advantage of the fact that the instructor He Hongtao was out, and asked someone to gather all the recruits from the company.

"I gathered everyone together today because I heard some of our comrades say that they want to go to the real army to see and feel the real atmosphere of the army. It’s not far away, so—today, I’ll ask the second platoon leader to take everyone to Gangqi Company for a visit, do you think it’s okay?”

The recruits were locked up in this small camp every day, and the gate was hard to come by. They were already tired of it. Now that they could go out for a while, they were not happy, and they immediately shouted loudly: "Okay——"

After hearing this, Gao Cheng laughed even more joyfully, turned around and glanced at Shi Jin, and said proudly, "Second Platoon Leader, let's start early!"

Shi Jin trotted to the front of the team: "Everyone is there, take a rest, stand at attention—"

The recruits marched towards the No. [-] Steel Company in a mighty manner, and after a short walk they came to a magnificent gate.

"Wow, what a magnificent door!"

"This piece is all from the Seventh Steel Company? Isn't it too big?"

The recruits were all stunned by the scene before them.

The recruit company is the old barracks of the steel seventh company, and here is the headquarters of the entire 702 regiment. Most of the combat troops of the 702 regiment are stationed here. This area of ​​the camp is on a par.

Of course the veterans knew the difference, but how could the recruits understand? They thought that this gate belonged to the Seventh Steel Company, and this large camp was also owned by the Seventh Steel Company. I took joining the Seventh Steel Company as my ideal in life.

"If only I could come to Steel Seventh Company!"

"Yes, I really want to be a soldier in the Seventh Steel Company!"

Everyone couldn't help but make all kinds of clicks.

Fade Chen also looked up at the majestic gate of the 702 regiment, especially the August [-]st military emblem on the gate that glistened in the setting sun, and he said silently: "I want to come to Steel Seventh Company too!"

[Ding——you were deeply shocked by the front gate of the 702 regiment, and your determination to become the best soldier in the best unit became more and more determined, and you secretly swore that you would train harder after returning home, your Queue +1, stamina +1]

A pleasant voice sounded in Fade Chen's mind.

Entering the 702 Regiment's resident, Gaocheng led everyone, and walked towards the No. [-] Steel Company's garrison arrogantly: "Look, everyone, this is the training ground of our No. [-] Steel Company. What you see now is a class of No. [-] Steel Company armored reconnaissance vehicle!"

The soldiers of the No. [-] Steel Company had received their orders a long time ago, and none of them had a rest, but were training with their armored vehicles in full swing.

Punch, turn, and even play with drifts.

The veterans came up with their unique skills, bluffing a group of new recruits who had never seen anything in the world.

After visiting the training of armored vehicles, Gao Cheng took everyone to the small conference room. Under his instruction, Shi Jin showed everyone the multimedia video of the Seventh Steel Company, showing the glorious history of the Seventh Steel Company with pictures, text and sound. It was released in a way of combining , shadow and shadow.

After reading these things, everyone's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they couldn't wait to join the No. [-] Steel Company as a soldier.

When Gao Cheng saw this, he couldn't stop laughing from ear to ear.

"Old He, Old He, although you are an instructor and are good at doing ideological work, I, Gaocheng, are not bad at this aspect. How about it, your hard work for more than ten days was not defeated by me!"

He was secretly proud, when a loud "report" woke him up.

Fade Chen?

After seeing the person calling for the report, Gao Cheng felt a little strange.

"Fade Chen, what's the matter?"

Gao Cheng had long forgotten about agreeing to Fade Chen to play the videotape of the guard of honor for him.

"Report to the company commander, can you show us the video of the guard of honor?" Fade Chen was a little anxious.

This guy Gao Cheng is using the pretense of taking him to see the guard of honor, but he is selling his Seventh Steel Company. If he doesn't hurry up, he may lose his chance. After all, it is getting late, and the instructor may be coming back soon.

Sure enough, after hearing what he said, Gao Cheng suddenly remembered, but he raised his watch and looked at it, a little embarrassed: "It's a bit late!"

If you don't go back, the instructor will come back. If he catches you on the spot, it will be difficult!

Fade Chen hurriedly said: "Company Commander, it's rare for us to come to Gangqi Company once, so you can satisfy our little wish?"

Gao Cheng turned his head to look at Shi Jin, and quickly waved his hand: "Second platoon leader, show them the video of the guard of honor for a few minutes!"

He is in a good mood today, so he doesn't bother to worry about these small things.

Shi Jin got the order, and quickly stuffed a video tape that he had prepared for a long time into the video recorder. After a while, a group of stately guards of honor appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This is the military parade in 19XX.

Uniform queues, majestic music, inspiring weapons and equipment, and exciting slogans, when this scene came into view, even Xu Sanduo was so excited that his chest heaved up and down.

Fade Chen was also very involved, but he focused more on the queue of the guard of honor.

[Ding——you are attentively observing the queue of the guard of honor, analyzing the gap between you and them, absorbing their advantages, your queue awareness is getting stronger and stronger, your queue +10, stamina +1]

Fade Chen's queue attribute finally broke through the fifty mark that night.

But before he had time to be happy, He Hongtao appeared, and He Hongtao walked in with a grim expression: "Commander Gao—"

The smile on Gao Cheng's face froze for a moment.

"Hehe—that—Old He—you came just in time, I have something to discuss with you—"

Gao Cheng reacted quickly, then walked out of the small meeting room, and forced He Hongtao out.

Before going out, he gave Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi a wink, so when Gao Cheng and He Hongtao walked away, Shi Jin and Wu Liuyi immediately fled away with the recruits of the recruit company. After a while, he ran back to the recruit company, and when He Hongtao reacted, it was too late.

"Old Gao, you—you—" He Hongtao pointed at Gao Cheng, too angry to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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