Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 122 Acting Squad Leader

Chapter 122 Acting Squad Leader
122 acting squad leader
Time flies, time flies, and the days of the teaching team pass day by day.

Fade Chen also gradually got used to the discomfort from the beginning.

Now, apart from training and other tasks, he is busy with two things, one is practicing boxing, and the other is observing how other people are squad leaders.

Practicing boxing is very important. He must practice Tongbei boxing to more than 100 attribute points in these six months, because he will never have the opportunity to find someone to learn from after returning from the teaching team.

There are probably not many people in the whole country who know how to spread martial arts like Tongbeiquan. After returning to the Seventh Steel Company, even if he encounters problems, he can't find anyone to ask for advice, so he has to work hard during these few months. Learn Tong Bei Quan to an advanced level;
As for observing how other people act as squad leaders and lead troops, this is even more important.

Going back from here, he is the squad leader, and he has to start leading troops. From now on, the assessment and evaluation of him will no longer be how much he can run in [-] kilometers, but how much his soldiers can run in [-] kilometers. Therefore, he has to start learning how to be a squad leader and how to lead soldiers.

Of course, the teaching team will teach this matter, with both theory and practice, but Fade Chen feels that the teaching team is a role to lead the door. The master leads the door, and the learning is on his own. More things still need to be done by himself. After comprehending and contemplating, it is impossible for the teaching team to teach him by hand, so he started to take a small notebook and write a little bit of experience every day. When he has insights, he will take it up and write it down from time to time.

After observing for a while, he felt that he had some ideas.

Sure enough, the system sounded.

[Ding——you secretly observe, carefully summarize, and take notes from time to time, you are getting more and more experienced in how to be a good squad leader, your squad leader attribute +5]

After hearing this, Fade Chen was overjoyed.

"But now I can only talk about it on paper. If I want to really understand it, I have to practice it!"

"It would be great if I could be the squad leader for a while!"

"The monitor of our Class [-] is still the captain of the District [-] team. Judging from his performance during this period, he seems to be a bit overwhelmed."

Fade Chen rolled his eyes and began to think.

This day, after dinner, Fade Chen didn't go out with other people, nor did he stay in the dormitory, but walked towards the woods alone, where he wanted to get some fresh air and practice Tongbeiquan.

Walking halfway, he found that Hei Xuejun came back silently, with his head down, his face cold, and he looked in a bad mood.

"Squad leader?" Fade Chen went up to meet him.

"Oh, it's Fade Chen!" Hei Xuejun raised his head and smiled at him, but the perfunctory feeling was quite obvious.

"Squad leader, what's the matter?" Fade Chen asked.

"Nothing." Hei Xuejun replied.

Chen Fei originally wanted to chat with Hei Xuejun, but seeing him like this, he couldn't say anything more. He just smiled and said that the monitor, I'm going to practice boxing.

He had already walked several meters, when Hei Xuejun's voice suddenly came from behind him: "Fade Chen?"

Fade Chen hurriedly turned around: "Squad leader?"

Hei Xuejun looked at Fade Chen quietly, remained silent for three seconds, and then said: "Fade Chen, I treat you pretty well, right?"

"Squad leader, you are really kind to me, and I will remember your kindness for the rest of my life!"

"Since you think I treat you pretty well, can I ask you a favor? Fade Chen, can you tell me, what do you think is the main problem of our team in the first district? Why is our team in the first district The team's performance is not going up? You tell me the truth, don't take care of my face!"

Hei Xuejun now has two positions, one is the district captain of the first district team, and the other is the squad leader of the first class.

From this point of view, Zhou Ming really thinks highly of him, so Hei Xuejun is also ambitious and wants to make a good career.

But things are counterproductive. So far, no matter whether it is the first district team or the first class, the results are not very good, and the middle is lower.

Chen Fei lowered his head, thought for a while, raised his head to look at Hei Xuejun, and said seriously: "Squad leader, let me tell you my opinion, I think. The biggest problem for the first district team now is everyone's enthusiasm. They couldn’t be mobilized, and everyone’s willingness to train was average.”

"Activity?" Hei Xuejun was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled wryly: "Since the day you came in, the captain has repeatedly warned us to fully mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, and I have been making efforts in this regard, but I always You can't force everyone to train, can you?"

Fade Chen slandered in his heart, "Which one of your coaching teams doesn't force everyone to train?" But after thinking about it calmly, he also felt that he was emotional. Relatively speaking, Hei Xuejun is really good. Compared with the district captain, it's really nothing. The other district captains are chasing after him with a stick. Be tolerant, otherwise, there are several soldiers in their squad, and they must be beaten violently!
After thinking for a while, Fade Chen still answered truthfully: "Squad leader, that's because your method is wrong!"

"My method is wrong?" Hei Xuejun was taken aback.

"Squad leader, if you use a carrot to mobilize the enthusiasm of a tiger, of course the effect will not be good. Do you remember an example that the captain often said?"

"You mean Wu Liuyi?"

Fade Chen nodded.

Wu Liuyi was also in the teaching team last year, and he was the same group of students as Hei Xuejun, and, coincidentally, both of them were in the same district team and the same class, and both were soldiers of Zhou Ming.

In fact, last year, Wu Liuyi's training results were quite good, on par with Hei Xuejun, and both sides had their own strengths.

At that time, the teaching team had to select a few people from this group of soldiers to stay in the team. One of the candidates was from Wu Liuyi and the Hei Xuejun, but in the end, the higher-ups selected the Hei Xuejun.

At that time, the two sides worked very hard to fight for this spot. Both sides paid a lot, and the results of both sides were comparable!
But in the end Wu Liuyi was defeated. The key point was that Wu Liuyi forced the students in the class to improve their grades by forcing them to practice for a few hours a day, and that student was also stubborn and refused to bow his head. In the end, the conflict between the two sides intensified and a big fight broke out. Although the two sides were quickly separated without serious consequences, and neither side was even injured, this incident dealt a fatal blow to Wu Liuyi, and the Hei Xuejun won.

The monitors of the teaching team all wanted to improve the students' grades, so they showed their talents, some threatened, some lured, and some used both soft and hard methods. Wu Liuyi was a type of intimidation, but if he overdid it, something went wrong.

This incident dealt a big blow to Wu Liuyi, so this time when Fade Chen came to teach the team, although he also gave some suggestions to Fade Chen, he didn't say anything more about people and experience. Even Zhou Ming He didn't even mention his name, which gave Chen Fei a feeling that he seemed to be avoiding something.

But this incident also created a psychological shadow for Hei Xuejun. He didn't dare to use his strength today.

Zhou Ming didn't say these things, and Hei Xuejun didn't say them directly either. Fade Chen heard some of them, and he guessed some of them.

"Squad leader, why don't you let me be the acting squad leader of the first class, I have a way to inspire the fighting spirit of the first class, and then we will use the first class to drive the first district team, so that everyone can be ignited!"

The biggest problem for the team in the first district is that everyone's fighting spirit is not high, and they just pass by. On the one hand, it is because of everyone's personality. Many people are not competitive and have a peaceful mind. He has thinking, so he is very confident that he will work together in these two aspects to completely solve this problem!

Fade Chen thought for a while and expressed his thoughts.

"Let you be the acting squad leader?" Hei Xuejun was taken aback.

"Squad leader, you now have to be the squad leader and the district captain. The task is too heavy to care about either side. Why don't you let me be the acting squad leader of the first class, and then you focus on the entire district team. One of us is in the open and the other is in the dark, and we cooperate internally and externally to improve the results of the team in the first district."

Hei Xuejun frowned and said nothing.

Fade Chen glanced at it, and didn't say anything more.

His idea has already been thrown out, whether it can be realized or not is not up to him to decide.

Hard work depends on people, success depends on God!
Just do your best.

[Ding——You took the initiative to fight for it, dare to think and do it, you have taken an important step on the road to becoming a squad leader, your squad leader attribute +5]

The sound of the system sounded again.

(End of this chapter)

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