Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 129 Fade Chen is going to do something again

Chapter 129 Fade Chen is going to do something again
129 Fade Chen Wants to Do Something Again
Today's business ends perfectly.

Under his operation, Class One finally got a little angry, and his mood finally rose, and he was no longer so dull.

But obviously, this is far from enough.

As long as time goes by, everyone will automatically return to the original state of lukewarmness, the training is not very active, it is enough to pass the test, the desire for competition is not so strong, and it is enough not to count down.

If this continues, the grades of class one will not be much better, and the higher-ups will not give a high opinion of the class leader, Fade Chen.

So, we have to do something.

A class of this kind of easy-going class has to use things to get him up, externally stimulated by pressure, and internally teased by emotions.

But what should we do?

Is there anything that everyone loves to see?
Is there anything that can arouse everyone's enthusiasm and make everyone think, wow, our monitor is awesome, I like our monitor!

When Fade Chen was thinking, there was a burst of singing: "The sunset is red and the mountains are flying, and the soldiers are shooting and returning to the camp."

"Have it!"

When Fade Chen heard the singing, his heart skipped a beat and he had an idea.

These singing voices came from the female students. They didn't know if they were pulling songs or what they were doing. Their singing voices were crisp and very pleasant.

Although there are female students in the teaching team, they are very mysterious. One is that they have a separate training ground, and the other is that they come and go alone and rarely have contact with male soldiers.

Therefore, female students are extremely mysterious in the eyes of male students.

As we all know, female soldiers are scarce in the army, male soldiers have an extremely strong curiosity and desire for female soldiers, and male soldiers have an extremely strong desire to be close to female soldiers. Say a few words to the female soldier.

But things backfired. Most of the male soldiers didn't get close to the female soldiers, they didn't even have a chance to look at them.

So...that's right, Fade Chen planned to start another wave of things with the female students.

After thinking for a while, Chen flew to the female student camp.

The female students' camp is in another place, like a courtyard, surrounded by walls, very closed, Fade Chen just walked to the door, and a sentry greeted him: "Comrade, what can I do for you?"

"Let me find your district captain. We have some work-related matters that we need to discuss." Fade Chen looked serious, but he didn't even know who the district captain was, and he had never made an appointment with anyone about it. things.

"District Captain?" The female student turned her head and glanced inside.

At this time, Fade Chen found a female soldier he knew passing by the door.

That guy is none other than Zhang Ting, a female soldier of the division's communications company.

In fact, he only met him once, that is, during the rehearsal that day, he chatted a few words and got to know the other person's name. In fact, he didn't know anything about other things.

But he was very thick-skinned, and immediately shouted very enthusiastically: "Zhang Ting——Zhang Ting—"

The tall and slender Zhang Ting saw it when she heard the words. Seeing that it was Fade Chen, her eyes lit up and she hurried out with small steps.

"Fade Chen, why are you here?" Zhang Ting was very happy and excited when she saw Fade Chen. People who are familiar with each other feel kind, let alone a person of the opposite sex.

At this time, the sentry post had retreated.

Fade Chen glanced at the two guards, lowered his voice, and whispered, "I want to find your district captain, but I don't know who she is? Can you introduce me?"

"You want to find our district captain?" Zhang Ting was very surprised.

"Yes!" Fade Chen nodded, looked around, put on a very mysterious look, and said in a low voice: "I want to have a social event with you, and I want to discuss it with your district captain."

"Social activities?" Zhang Ting's eyes lit up again.

She was born in literature and art, so she likes social activities more than ordinary people. Moreover, in the teaching team these days, they are trained to be inhumane every day, which is too hard. I've wanted to get in touch with some male soldiers for a long time, so when I heard what Fade Chen said, I immediately felt itchy.

After thinking about it, Zhang Ting said, "Okay, then wait for me, I'll go ask our district captain first!"

"it is good."

Zhang Ting was about to turn around.Fade Chen stopped her again: "Zhang Ting, what's the name of your district captain? Does she have any characteristics?"

"Our district captain is called Yang Yang. Her characteristic is that she is very strict, but she is very kind to the students, just like a big sister."

Fade Chen nodded, he understood a little bit!

"Okay, then I would trouble you to inform me. Just say that I am the squad leader of the first district team and the first squad. I was called by the district captain." Fade Chen made another nonsense without blushing.

"Are you the supervisor?" Zhang Ting looked at Fade Chen in surprise, with envy and admiration at the same time.

"Proxy!" Fade Chen chuckled.

"The agent is also the squad leader! Fade Chen, you are amazing!" Zhang Ting gave Fade Chen a thumbs up before turning back.

After Chen Fei waited for a while, Zhang Ting and a female soldier came out.

The female soldier was not tall, less than 1.6 meters, a little thinner, with a dark complexion, but she was full of energy and walked vigorously.

"Hello Captain Yang!" Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap, and saluted, showing enough respect.

The other party returned the gift, and then asked suspiciously: "I heard from Zhang Ting that you want to have a friendship with us?"

"Captain Yang, can we go in and talk?" Fade Chen asked, pointing to the female students' camp with his eyes.

Male students are generally not allowed to enter there, but if they are led by the district captain, that's a different matter.

Yang Yang was a little surprised, but he didn't think too much about it. He nodded and walked in with Fade Chen.

When passing by the two guards, the two guards saluted the group, Fade Chen returned the salute, and at the same time smiled back at the two female soldiers, and the two female soldiers returned their smiles. .

After entering the camp, Fade Chen found that most of the female soldiers happened to be sitting on the basketball court. They must have just finished training. They were sitting cross-legged together, not knowing what they were doing.

Fade Chen was very courageous, he didn't talk to Yang Yang first, but walked towards those female soldiers with a smile, and he said familiarly as he walked: "Team Yang, the training of your district team is doing well, according to me Look, your progress is much greater than ours!"

His voice was so loud that all the female soldiers turned their heads and looked at him curiously.

Fade Chen's purpose is to get acquainted, so that in the future, if he wants to enter the gate of the female student camp, the guards will not stop him.

Yang Yang was a little dissatisfied with Fade Chen's actions, and frowned, but he didn't say anything, because what Fade Chen said next made her feel better, and she unconsciously ignored the problems that Fade Chen made her have. Not fast!
"Our district team has been training hard, and we have made great progress!" She said calmly on the surface but secretly happily.

"Actually, Team Yang's management is good. Our side is also tired like a dog every day, but the improvement in grades is not as great as yours. It seems that I really came to the right place today. Team Yang, you have to teach me a little bit. My son’s secret, don’t keep it secret!”

Fade Chen is obviously just an acting squad leader and a student, but the way he speaks is always old-fashioned, as if he is also a district captain, which makes people feel extremely weird, but the problem is, those words he said always make the other party Joy, so even if the other party has some ideas, they can always be suppressed.

After listening to Chen Fei's words, Yang Yang smiled and nodded.

This scene was seen by those students, and everyone became more and more curious: "Who is this guy——looks like this, he is very familiar with the district captain, and he has a good relationship?"

(End of this chapter)

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