Chapter 132

132 Doing it Again

Zhou Ming calmed down quickly, and he gestured to Hei Xuejun next to him. Hei Xuejun and him were really connected, and he immediately understood what he meant, and quickly put a Bayi-type automatic rifle and a towel brought it over.

Like other students before him, he was blindfolded, ready to disassemble and combine the Bayi automatic rifle.

"Get ready—start!" Hei Xuejun raised his stopwatch and shouted.

Everyone felt a blur in front of their eyes, Zhou Ming's hands moved like flying, and after a while, parts were placed on the rain cloth one after another.

"it is good!"

Zhou Ming called out simply and neatly.

Hei Xuejun pinched the stopwatch, looked at it, and shouted: "15 seconds!"


The audience turned pale and lost their voices in shock.

Zhou Ming tore off the towel and looked around: "Just now we have performed a total of three disassembly and combination, the first time is yours, normal operation, the second time is also yours, blindfolded operation, the third time is mine, blindfolded operate!

What are the scores of the three times? Everyone heard it just now, right?
The first time, the best 20 seconds, the worst, 43 seconds!
The second time the gap is even bigger.

Last time, mine, 15 seconds!
These three results, the best and the worst, how big the gap is, everyone knows, right?

Before you came to teach the team, you were number one, but now, are you still number one?
Before you came to teach the team, you thought you were very strong, now, do you still think you are very good? "

Zhou Ming looked around with a solemn expression: "So, everyone should have a correct understanding of themselves, and be clear about their own grades!"

"Always remember that there are mountains beyond mountains, and there are people beyond people. There will never be an end in the pursuit of progress. We must constantly surpass ourselves and break through ourselves."

"My score is 15 seconds, but am I the best? Tell you, no, there is something more shocking than 15 seconds. If I remember correctly, the record of our group army is 12 seconds!"

After approving a pass, Zhou Ming changed the subject: "However, there are some who performed very well today, such as Class One."

After saying this sentence, Zhou Ming paused for a while, looked at Fade Chen, and looked at the other members of Class [-] with a pleasant smile.

"When Class One first came in, I remember that the grades in this subject were not very good. I was deeply impressed. At that time, Comrade Hei Xuejun, the monitor of Class One, asked me for instructions, saying that he wanted to test everyone's other subjects. I agreed. Yes, and he asked about the results specifically. He told me that the subject of the first class’s decomposition and integration, except for a few students, the overall situation is quite not optimistic. Most of them are around 35 seconds, so when we discussed the training plan last night , I told him again and again that he must focus on this subject."

"But I didn't expect that in the past month, the decomposition and integration of class one have undergone such earth-shaking changes, and what's even more commendable is that we haven't started formal training yet, and the improvement in class one's performance all comes from I have worked hard in private, so today, I am here to praise the progress of the first class. The comrades in the first class have done a good job, and the comrades in the other classes should learn from the first class. Poor grades are not a mistake, but if you don’t work hard, you Wrong! So, below, let us give the warmest applause to Class One!"


Zhou Ming applauded first, and the other soldiers followed suit.

The applause fell.


Fade Chen straightened himself up and shouted.

"Speak!" Zhou Ming looked over at him.

"Captain, you promised me last time that as long as the grades of our first class improve, you will agree to the friendship between our first class and the eighth district team. Captain, our grades of firearm disassembly and combination are not bad. It's what you said just now, captain, so can we hold a social activity with the eighth district team?"

"Okay, approved!" Zhou Ming replied very simply.

After hearing this, Fade Chen was overjoyed, turned around with a snap, looked at the students in class one, and said in a voice that everyone could hear: "Brothers in class one, everyone remember, after dinner tonight, Let's go to the eighth district team to have a friendship! Does everyone know?"


The students in class one raised their voices and answered loudly, declaring their pride and pride.

The students in other classes looked dumbfounded.

Eighth team?
Isn't that the women's district team?
In other words, class one is going to have a friendship with female soldiers tonight?

I fuck-

The other students immediately exploded.

Why can the first group go and they can't?
They want to go too!
"Report—" someone from Class [-] shouted.

"Speak!" Zhou Ming looked at the other party.

"Captain, we also want to go to the eighth district team to have a friendship!"

Zhou Ming looked at each other jokingly for a while, and then said with a half-smile: "Do you think the eighth district team is your own home? Do you think you can go there if you want?"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and looked at Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, tell them, how can we go to the eighth district team for friendship!"

"Report, Captain Yang of the eighth district team said that the eighth district team only has friendship with classes with good training results!" Fade Chen replied loudly.

"Did you hear that?" Zhou Ming asked the student, "I only want good grades!"

The student still refused to accept it, and said with a stiff neck: "Captain, our third class is not as good as class one in today's firearms decomposition. In other subjects, our class is very good, and our class is not weaker than class one!"

"Report—" Fade Chen shouted.


"Captain, our class [-] training performance is not good. That's old history. Now, our class [-] is not what it used to be. Our class [-] has long stopped considering class [-] as a competitor. Our current competitor is The second squadron and the third squad are no longer in our eyes, so they don't meet the requirements of the eighth district team for the time being!"

When the students in class three heard it, their lungs exploded in anger.

Fade Chen said in front of the entire squadron that they were cowardly, which is tolerable and unbearable, and the student immediately shouted angrily: "Comrade Chen Fei, don't talk nonsense, our third class will not be as good as your first class? Why don't our two classes come to practice now, in front of the entire squadron, let everyone see who is the class with poor grades?"

"Practice as soon as you practice, who is afraid of whom?" Fade Chen has been waiting for this day for a long time. In order to improve the atmosphere of the first district team, he and Hei Xuejun secretly muttered for a long time and thought of many ways. At this moment, the initial results were finally achieved, of course he was excited, so he seized the opportunity, fanned the flames, and continued to work hard: "It's not that I'm boasting, as far as our current level is concerned, let alone your third class, even the other classes, we won't let go." In my eyes, if anyone refuses to accept it, you - just let it go!"

this kid!
When the students in other classes heard this, they were also annoyed.

Why did you bring me up too!
If I didn't react at all, wouldn't it appear that I was really cowardly?
"Comrade Chen Fei, since you are so confident, that's fine, our two classes will practice today!"

"Our fifth class will also practice with you!"

"There are three classes of us!"

There was a turmoil on the training ground for a while.

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen, Xuejun Hei, and Ming Zhou exchanged glances with each other, and couldn't help being happy.

(End of this chapter)

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