Chapter 136
136 It's over
Page after page of the calendar was turned.

A class of changes, little by little, slowly accumulating.

This kind of change is not very huge for the time being, and most people don't notice it, but Hei Xuejun has noticed it.

"Fade Chen, what did you do to class one?" Hei Xuejun asked Fade Chen.

"Ah?" Fade Chen raised his head in amazement: "What's wrong, monitor? Is something wrong?"

Hei Xuejun is actually the captain of the district, but Fade Chen still likes to call him the squad leader. One is that he was indeed his squad leader. There is a saying in the army, once a squad leader is a lifetime squad leader, Fade Chen is willing to regard Hei Xuejun as his squad leader for the rest of his life.

"I feel that class one is not the same class as before!"

Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, then burst out laughing: "Squad leader, isn't this bad?"

"It must be good, I just can't figure out why the changes in the first class are so fast, what have you done?"

"Squad leader, what have I done, haven't I reported everything to you?"

"But those things, I've done them before!"

"." Fade Chen was silent, and he didn't know how to answer. The same thing was done by different people, but the effect was very different. Of course, this is not the cause of the matter, it can only be attributed to people.

"Hey——is it true that I'm not expected to be a squad leader?" Hei Xuejun raised his head and let out a long sigh.

"Squad leader."

"Okay, let's stop talking about this, let's talk about something else!" Hei Xuejun changed the subject: "Fade Chen, you have to be careful these two days!"

"Be careful?" Fade Chen was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"Several soldiers in the first squad have been a little too arrogant these days, talking about you everywhere, I'm worried that some people will not understand it, and will come to trouble you!"

"Come on, come here, who is afraid of whom!" Fade Chen smiled, disapproving.

"Don't be too careless, and don't be too conceited. There are several outstanding students in your group. For example, two of the third district team have played in the national Sanda rounds, and one has won the championship!"

"There are people like this?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

"There are people out there, there are people out there, Fade Chen, those who practice martial arts must maintain a humble heart. No matter how powerful a master is, he can be stabbed to death with a single knife. If he has a gun, a kid of four or five years old can also do it." Dead four or five masters, although you have been learning from me for a while, it is just a routine, but they are played in the arena one by one, passing on martial arts sounds good, and it looks good in practice, but it is about actual combat. Fade Chen, you want to be clear in your heart, don't fool yourself into limping yourself!"

"Thank you monitor, I'll remember it!" Fade Chen nodded and replied seriously.

He understood that Hei Xuejun was really doing it for his own good.

Hei Xuejun didn't say anything, just patted him on the shoulder, then turned and left.

Fade Chen watched silently.

Hei Xuejun's back gradually drifted away, and soon disappeared from his back.

"Bandei? Why are you here? Make it easy for us to find?"

Fade Chen was about to turn around when Zhao Zhigang walked over.

"what happened?"

"Bandai, come and teach us how to fight? We are all ready!"

"it is good!"

Chen Fei and Zhao Zhigang walked quickly to the training room together.

The teaching team has an indoor fighting field, which is specially used for fighting training. It is not big, and the venue is a bit old, but it is a holy place for many fighting lovers. Whether it is the head coach or the new trainees, they all like to come here to fight a few times. fist.

It is now July, and the training of the teaching team has entered the second month. In this month, the management of the teaching team is not as strict as the first month. We have given everyone some free time, and everyone is free. The time has been completely controlled. Today, the students from Class [-] seized the venue and prepared to conduct some combat training.

The fighting in class one is generally weak, not very strong, so Chen Fei asked everyone to strengthen it and practice more, at least not too bad.

After Fade Chen came to the training ground, he put on the protective gear and called Zhao Zhigang to the field first.

"Old Zhao, you come first and kick me!"


Zhao Zhigang raised his hands to protect his head, and slid his feet, pushing towards Fade Chen.

"Old Zhao, don't look at your feet, your eyes must always look at me, look at other places, you can only use your peripheral vision! Let's start again—"


Zhao Zhigang moved again, and soon, he kicked with a snap.

"The range of swing is too large. The most important point of your kick is to be unexpected. If the kick is too wide, others will see your intention at a glance. Do it again!"


Chen Fei and Zhao Zhigang trained over and over again.

Fade Chen is very strict, pointing out mistakes immediately, but his mood is very calm, and he will not get angry. Even if Zhao Zhigang made mistakes a hundred times, he just pointed out the mistakes and discussed the matter as it stands, without expanding it. So although he is very strict, but Everyone was not afraid of him, nor did they have any resistance. On the contrary, everyone admired him more and more.

"Go faster! Go faster! Go on! Go on!"

Fade Chen yelled while bearing Zhao Zhigang's whip attack.

pop - pop - pop -

There was sudden applause.

Chen Fei and Zhao Zhigang stopped their movements together and turned their heads together.

The rest of the class also turned their heads.

Everyone suddenly discovered that at three o'clock in the fighting field, a group of people had already stood there.

"Squad leader did a good job in fighting training. It's impressive. No wonder the two students in our class were beaten to pieces!"

Fade Chen frowned slightly, then turned his head to look at Zhao Zhigang, Zhao Zhigang hurriedly whispered in his ear: "This guy is called Zhang Heng, he is a student of the third district team, I heard that he is from the reconnaissance company! He Jianping and Yang Feilong went to their class to challenge yesterday. They defeated two soldiers in their squad, and they all defeated their opponents!"

"Oh——" Fade Chen suddenly realized, and understood it all at once.

During this period of time, he kept stirring up the fighting spirit of class one, and reversed the lifeless state of class one. From time to time, he challenged other classes, sometimes he won, and sometimes he was beaten "bruised and swollen". Chen Fei not only did not object to this practice, but usually encouraged it.

So what happened today would happen sooner or later, and he was already mentally prepared.

Fade Chen took off the protective gear and threw it to Zhao Zhigang, and smiled: "Having said so much, are you going to end in person?"

"Of course I'm going to end in person!" The guy jumped up and easily climbed over the railing.

Did not go through the front door.

"Zhang Heng, a student in Class 108 of the third district team, reconnaissance company of the [-]th Regiment."

The other party first reported his home.

And he also said which regiment and which company he was in, so this contest is not a matter between two people, it is the 108th Regiment against the 702nd Regiment, it is the Seventh Steel Company against the Reconnaissance Company, it is a battle of honor between the two collectives !

"Fade Chen, the Seventh Company of Steel Group 702!" Fade Chen also reported his family name.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you. I was specially recruited. I used to be a member of the National Sanda Team. How about it? Do you still dare to practice with me? If you don't dare, forget it and treat me as something Never said anything!"

Fade Chen didn't speak, just picked up a pair of gloves and threw them over, and then picked up a pair and put them on himself.

Nothing to say, just do it!
As a soldier, if you don't accept it, you're done. There are so many twists and turns!

(End of this chapter)

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