Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 140 Field Survival Training

Chapter 140 Field Survival Training
140 field survival training
After Shi Jin came to the coaching team, Fade Chen's life became much more colorful.

If there is nothing to do, he can go to Shi Jin for a chat, and there is one more place to go.

Moreover, Shi Jin is not just a coaching squad leader, he is the person in charge of the entire armor course, and he is equivalent to a small leader. There are people in the court who are good at being officials, and there are people above, so Chen Fei's training camp is naturally much more comfortable. It's easier to do something.

However, the first thing Fade Chen ushered in was not the training of the armor subject, but survival in the wild.

Survival in the wild is a common subject, whether it is armored soldiers, artillery, scouts, or other soldiers, they all have to learn it, and they must learn it well.

After the training was completed in the morning, the district teams assembled, and the district leader announced: "Starting tomorrow morning, we will carry out a five-day training in wilderness survival plus map recognition."

After hearing the district captain's announcement, the students reacted differently, some were very excited, some were mournful, and some seemed indifferent.

"Survival in the wild. Is it starting tomorrow?"

Chen Fei knew that the development of this field survival training means that from now on, there will be at least one small training session every month, and everyone will be taken out for field work training. For some people, this kind of course is happiness, but for For others, it's a nightmare.

But Fade Chen likes the wild, unrestrained, free, and can breathe fresh air, how nice.

The T Division is stationed near the capital, and there is no large jungle, let alone the endless virgin jungle, so relatively speaking, the T Division's wild survival is easier than those brother troops in the south and southwest, but overall it is still very easy. It is tormenting, because the place the teaching team is going to has high mountains and dense forests. After people get in, it is difficult to distinguish east, west, north, south, and it is also the rainy season at this time, with heavy rain and dense trees, so it is still difficult to survive in the wild.

However, Chen Fei still attaches great importance to the subject of survival in the wild.

Before coming to the teaching team, he had done one or two practical trainings in the No. 31 Steel Company. After coming to the teaching team, especially after the end of June, he began to deliberately store up relevant knowledge, such as asking the old squad leader, such as learning from others. He borrowed related books there, plus he still has the experience of his previous life, so as of now, his attribute of field survival has already reached [-] points, which is of course insufficient compared with those experienced old squad leaders, but better than the big ones. Most people are still much better off.

So for the training of this subject, Fade Chen is still full of confidence.

But others are different. Most of the students have only taken two theoretical classes a few days ago, and only half a day of field training on the nearby mountains to determine the direction, compare maps, identify wild plants in the wild, hunt and other wild survival skills. , this thing is completely not enough for survival in the wild.

So that night, after dinner, all the squadron captains, including the squad leader, were called to the conference room of the brigade headquarters for a concentrated meeting. Safety.

After the meeting, Zhou Ming stopped Fade Chen and told him specifically: "I asked Shi Jin before, although you have carried out field survival training, but since you have only been in company for a short time, the number of training sessions is not too much, and the experience is not very good. Rich, so for this mission, you must get 120 points and don't be careless."


"When the time comes, I will try my best to follow you. If you have any questions, please come to me immediately. Don't make claims!"


Before Zhou Ming left, Shi Jin came over again: "Fade Chen, these are some classic wilderness survival cases I wrote that I have experienced. Take time to read it tonight."

Fade Chen took it and looked at it. There were eight pages in total, all written on letterhead paper, block letters one after another. Shi Jin's handwriting wasn't very good, but he tried his best to write it neatly. It must have cost a lot. effort.

Fade Chen instantly felt that this item was heavy.

However, the words that came out of his mouth turned into ridicule: "Squad leader, have you also learned to write?"

Shi Jin didn't know how to write before, he didn't have the habit of writing articles, but since Fade Chen got him into the chariot of the research group, he began to bite the bullet and write. He never came to Chen Fei. Fei didn't find anyone, just groped silently by himself, first found articles to recite, silently wrote, and then started to imitate, gradually becoming better.

Gao Cheng commented on Shi Jin, saying that he neither said good nor bad, and buried it all in his heart. It is really not an exaggeration, he really is such a person.

According to gossip, Shi Jin now receives fifty times more letterheads from the company than in the past.

Chen Fei took a casual glance just now, and found that Shi Jin had made great progress in terms of writing and other things.

After hearing Fade Chen's ridicule, Shi Jin was not angry, but just punched him: "You kid."

At nine o'clock that night, Fade Chen returned to the row room.

He walked in first, followed by Hei Xuejun.

"Ban Dai, you're back!" Zhao Zhigang was the first to come up.

"What did you say?" Yang Feilong asked.

"Ban Dai, your complexion is not very good, is it a bit difficult for the training this time!"

Everyone is chattering, you talk to me.

But Chen Fei didn't answer, but just shouted: "Everyone, pick up your little horses and come to the meeting!"


The people around him dispersed immediately, and each of them crawled back to get their small mats. People in other classes also quickly took out their small benches.

"Listen to the password, put the stool!"




More than 30 people from the first district team sat down neatly.

"District Captain, get ready—"

Fade Chen gave up his seat and sat down on his pony pony.

The meeting was organized by the Black Academy.

Hei Xuejun looked around.

When he was unsmiling, his expression was very frightening, his eyes looked murderous, and when his eyes swept away, everyone straightened their chests again, kept their eyes straight, and sat upright.

"In the next five days, you will have a five-day, most interesting and most dangerous course training.

Military topography, understanding and using maps, marching according to maps, and survival in the wild are the abilities that a squad leader of a field army must have. Survive and find the troops again; or when you have to perform an interspersed mission, you won't get lost in the jungle and delay your fighter. "

Hei Xuejun spoke seriously, word by word, and when he finished speaking, he took out a stack of maps from his file bag and handed them to Fade Chen: "Send it, one copy per person."

After everyone got the map, he started to talk about "Survival in the wild and map recognition and use. Everyone has been in contact with it before. Two days ago, we used two special classes for training, so, Tomorrow is the exam.

We are going to march 200 kilometers with a load in five days, and we are fully equipped!Remember, put on your gun, rucksack and tactical vest tomorrow, as well as a gas mask, compass, machete, sapper shovel, etc., nothing less!Usually bragging - forcing me to say how good I was in the countryside when I was a child is useless. Tomorrow I will jump in the real mountains for five days. Is it a mule or a horse? Take it out for a walk! "

"Now open your map and look at the red line on it..."

"In the past five days, you must follow the route drawn by this red line. Remember, don't think about taking shortcuts! In the previous theory class, the teacher also told you the consequences of taking shortcuts. The reason for this customization is verified. , It's not random, it's thoughtful.

For these five days, I will supervise you all the way, and I will stay with you all the time, but I will not provide you with any help. If you go the wrong way, I am sorry!Your score will be zero!This is recorded and will be used as a reference when you graduate in the future, and it will be recorded on your mark sheet. "

"Every night, we will camp at the designated place, with the squadron as the unit, three squadrons, although the routes of each squadron are different, but the campsite at night is the same, that is to say, when you arrive at the campsite, you can rest, Looking for food! Well, I won’t emphasize anything else, sleep well tonight, the next five days will be very tiring, trust me, I won’t lie to you, I have experienced it and know what it feels like.”

(End of this chapter)

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