Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 147 Chen Fei and Wu 61 Bet

Chapter 147 Fade Chen and Wu Liuyi Bet
147 Chen Fei and Wu Liuyi Bet
There are still six people in Class [-], Chen Fei, Xu Sanduo, Cheng Cai, Lin Yu, Ma Chao, and Xu Shuai.

Xu Sanduo and Chengcai have already been taken down by Fade Chen, so now, there are three more people who must be taken down as soon as possible.

In a few days, the new recruits will go to the company. At that time, the eighth squad must use a united and uplifting new look to welcome the four new brothers.

Among the three, Ma Chao and Xu Shuai are both second-year soldiers, and only Lin Yu is in the third year. In other words, Lin Yu will be discharged in one year, and it looks like there is no hope for him to stay in the team.

This kind of soldier is the most difficult to deal with. He has no hope in his heart, has no interest in anything, and many things are like a mirror, and it is impossible to fool him.

Moreover, Lin Yu is an urban soldier, and he also comes from a big city. The sense of superiority he built up since childhood made him bold and thoughtful, and because his family conditions are not bad, so he is very angry, too lazy to act according to people's colors, and just don't do it if he doesn't want to do it. , the big deal is that I am the last one, so I don't care anyway.

It is precisely because of this that Chengcai said that the best person in the eighth squad is Lin Yu, and he is also the most difficult soldier to deal with.

After talking with Chengcai and Xu Sanduo, Fade Chen waved the two of them away. He wanted to walk alone and think carefully about how to go in the future.

He wandered around the steel seven company's camp for a while, and when he looked up, he suddenly found Wu Liuyi looking at him.

"Squad Leader Wu!" Fade Chen had a smile on his face. He was thinking just now, but there was no smile on his face.

"Squad leader Chen!" Wu Liuyi said, but these three words seemed to be pushed out from his dry and blocked throat, a little not so smooth and silky.

"Squad Leader Wu, just call me by my name. I am your soldier at any time. How dare I call you the squad leader in front of you."

Fade Chen kept his posture very low.

After hearing this, Wu Liuyi felt much more comfortable. He smiled and said, "You are now the squad leader of the eighth squad appointed by the company commander. Why can't I call you squad leader Chen?"

"Squad Leader Wu, why don't you do this? In private, you can call me by my name, and I'll call you Brother Wu. If you think Brother Wu is not good, Brother Yi is fine too. What do you think?"

"I'm still the first brother? People who don't know think I'm a gangster?" Wu Liuyi chuckled: "Forget it, don't make such a mess, let's just call me by my name."

"It's okay!" Fade Chen didn't insist anymore, he just expressed an attitude, and didn't really want to call Wu Liuyi respectfully.

"Go, walk over there!" Wu Liuyi raised his chin slightly and pointed to the direction of eleven o'clock.

"Okay!" Fade Chen also wanted to talk to Wu Liuyi, so he didn't object, and agreed immediately.

On the wide road of the No. 1.8 Steel Company, two young soldiers, one tall and one short, walked side by side. Fade Chen was 1.7 meters tall and Wu Liuyi was [-] meters tall.

"Chen Fei, the current situation of your eighth class is a bit complicated, you have to be mentally prepared." After walking a few steps, Wu Liuyi raised his head and looked at the distant sky, giving a very serious reminder.

"I also got to know Chengcai and Xu Sanduo just now. It is indeed a little troublesome. Lin Yu is a soldier in the third year. He has no hope of staying in the team. He is a bit self-defeating. Ma Chao and Xu Shuai are both urban soldiers. Their families are in good conditions. They were spoiled since childhood. , can't bear hardships, and they don't have much pursuit of the future. It's a bit difficult for them to improve their training. The few recruits who come will definitely be greatly affected."

Chen Fei didn't hide it, and said all the things he thought of.

Wu Liuyi heard this, and turned to look at Fade Chen, very surprised: "Oh, I can't see it, the progress is so great, it seems that I really learned something by teaching the team this time!"

"That's for sure, I'm not dawdling in it!"

"I'll give you a suggestion!" Wu Liuyi said after walking a few steps.

"You said."

"For Lin Yu, the stick is the main thing. For Ma Chao and Xu Shuai, the carrot is the main thing."

"Huh?" Fade Chen turned his head abruptly.

But Wu Liuyi didn't explain anything, just walked forward and said: "It's just my suggestion, whether you use it or not, you decide for yourself!"

Fade Chen was stunned for a while, and after recovering, he hurriedly caught up with Wu Liuyi.

"Thank you." Fade Chen said to Wu Liuyi.

"You don't need to thank me. If Shi Jin hadn't told you again and again, I wouldn't bother to mention you." Wu Liuyi said flatly.

But Chen Fei knew that it had nothing to do with Shi Jin, all of this was just Wu Liu's concern for him, he was just blunt and didn't want to admit it.

"Wu Liuyi, aren't you afraid that if you help me like this, I will take your first place instead?" Fade Chen asked jokingly.

"You still want to take the first place?" Wu Liuyi stopped and turned around and stared at Fade Chen with wide eyes. After a moment, he nodded and gave a thumbs up: "Fade Chen, you are awesome! You have ambition ! The bottom one in the whole company actually wants to compete with me for the first place in the whole company, you can do it, you are this!"

Fade Chen said seriously: "Wu Liuyi, I'm not joking with you. I'm serious. The company commander asked me to be the monitor of the eighth squad. He just wanted me to lead the eighth squad to be number one in the company!"

"Yo, that's such a coincidence!" Wu Liu laughed loudly: "The company commander asked me to talk to me to be the squad leader of the third squad, and he also wanted me to bring the third squad to the first place in the company!"

"In this way, both of us have been tricked by the company commander!" Fade Chen laughed.

"It's not that the company commander is teasing us, but that the company commander wants us to compete against each other!" Wu Liuyi looked at Fade Chen and said every word.

"Wu Liuyi, then you have to be prepared to fail!" Fade Chen said.

"Me? Failure?" Wu Liuyi was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Fade Chen, I know you have always been very confident, but you are too confident!"

Fade Chen smiled, but didn't speak.

Wu Liuyi will definitely fail, that's for sure, because he has a system, but Wu Liuyi doesn't, so Wu Liuyi's failure is inevitable.

But in this matter, Fade Chen didn't want to be merciful. He just wanted to let Wu Liuyi understand a truth, don't be too proud, don't think that you can solve everything, don't think that you can be the best in the world as long as you work hard, you should ask your friends to help You still have to accept it sometimes, don't do everything by yourself, Wu Liuyi actually understands these truths, but he hasn't experienced an unforgettable failure, the kind of thing in his heart is hard to change.

Wu Liuyi needed this defeat.

Therefore, Chen Fei must go all out in the next game, so that Wu Liuyi can be convinced that he will lose without any luck!
"Chen Fei, how about this, let's make a bet, half a year later, we will have a match between the two classes to see who is better?"

"Okay—but what if you lose?"

"I lost? How could I lose?"

"But what if you lose?"

"I lost, I will let you tell me, I will do whatever you tell me to do!"


"a man of his words."

"Okay, then let's make a deal!"

"A word is settled!"

Fade Chen didn't say what he would do if he lost.

First of all he won't lose.

But if he really loses, he will renege on the debt, anyway, he didn't say what he would do if he lost!
After the lights were turned off that night, Wu Liuyi tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep, thinking about it, he sat up suddenly: "No, today Chen Fei didn't promise him what he would do if he lost?"

"This kid? How dare you play tricks on me! See how I will settle accounts with him tomorrow!"

But soon he lay down in relief.

"Forget it, stop arguing with the kid, I'll just hit him in the face with real results in the end!"

"Do you still want to go to the third class? Fade Chen, you really dare to think about it!"

Wu Liuyi's face was written in big words——

Do not believe!

(End of this chapter)

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