Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 152 Another deal

Chapter 152 Another deal

152 Another deal

It took Lin Yu a while to calm down.

He seemed to be a different person, the previous lazy and lazy temperament that you can do whatever you want, anyway, I'm lying flat, is gone.

He has fighting spirit, hope, and the desire to change without being satisfied with the status quo.

This is easy to do.

"Lin Yu—" Fade Chen patted Lin Yu's shoulder, and slapped twice, neither light nor heavy.

"Squad leader!" Lin Yu raised his head and looked directly at Fade Chen, his eyes became much brighter.

"Lin Yu, what kind of person am I? You should know that the company commander likes me, and the instructor treats me well. The company commander and the instructor can still listen to what I say, and I also have some ideas. In addition, I I also know some people in the teacher, and they can also talk, and many of them dare not speak. It is very easy to inquire about some information, such as helping you find your first love, I just ask them to help, so, my ability How about it, you should know something in your heart, right? Shi Jin can enter the fourth term of non-commissioned officer, to be honest, I have contributed a lot!"

Chen Fei boasted and put gold on his face, but what he said was true and false, and the truth was more than the false, but the false was the key thing, and most people didn't know it, so most people were stunned when they heard it. stunned.

"So I dare not say 90.00% of what I just said, but [-]% of it is still possible! So as long as you follow me, whether you are promoted to a military academy or pre-selected for squad leader training, there is hope!"

"Well, I'll listen to the monitor!" Lin Yu finally made his promise.

"I have carefully analyzed your situation for you. You are doing well in all aspects, and your development is relatively balanced, but there are no particularly outstanding subjects. But whether you want to advance or participate in the pre-squad leader training, you need a very It's an eye-catching subject. After I analyzed it, I think it's the most promising for you to take part in the 400-meter obstacle. Your explosive power and endurance are very good, and your body is flexible, agility and body flexibility are good. Let's go for 400 meters Most hopeful! My 400m is not bad, you can practice with me in the future, as long as you reach my level, it shouldn’t be a big problem to win a championship in the division competition.”

"Okay!" Lin Yu nodded.

"As long as you win the championship, you won't be able to get away with a second-class merit. At that time, I will personally go to the company commander to find the regiment leader, and I will give you a promotion. If you are promoted, you can go to the military academy to study. I will see you later. Your first love, there is light on your face!"

Lin Yu pursed his lips, and his heart gradually became agitated.

Seeing this, Fade Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. The busy work during this period of time was finally not in vain, and the hard work finally paid off.

After finishing Lin Yu, Fade Chen started to attack Xu Shuai non-stop.

But this guy is easier to deal with, he's not tough, he can just coax and cheat.

That night, Fade Chen blocked Xu Shuai outside the dormitory building.

The guy didn't know where he went, and he came back leisurely shaking.

"Shuai Xu!" Fade Chen stepped out from behind the bushes.

"Squad monitor?" Xu Shuai was taken aback.

"Xu Shuai, are you okay now?"

"It's okay." Xu Shuai struggled for a moment, not knowing whether to answer yes or nothing.

Chen Fei's performance today made him still have lingering fears.

He thinks that Fade Chen has too many eyes, and he plays with people between applause without knowing it, so it's best not to provoke Fade Chen. If you can hide, you can hide. If you can't hide, then obey. What is Fade Chen calling for? He does whatever he wants, just like Xu Sanduo.

"If it's okay, let's go there for a walk!" Fade Chen pointed to the small garden on the west side of the camp.

"Huh?" Xu Shuai was terrified.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not a monster, can I still eat you?" Fade Chen couldn't help but said, hugged Xu Shuai and walked in that direction.

Xu Shuai was so frightened that he followed Fade Chen stiffly.

After reaching the small garden, Fade Chen let him go.

"Xu Shuai, where are you from?"

"Danjiang!" Xu Shuai hesitated for a while, and finally decided to only talk about the small county where his family is located.

His hometown is in an unknown small county, and most people don't know it. His family is in the county town of this county, and the conditions are not bad.

What he didn't expect was that when Fade Chen heard this, his eyes lit up, and he asked in surprise, "Danjiang? Is that Danjiang from XX?"

Xu Shuai was taken aback.

Fade Chen actually knew that place?

After a daze, he nodded his head: "Yes, monitor, my hometown is there!"

"Danjiang, that's a good place. I like it very much. The mountains and rivers and people there are good, especially the sky there is so blue and pure. I don't think there is any bluer sky in the world." Fade Chen seemed to be trapped in memories, and he started talking endlessly.

Xu Shuai pouted secretly.

Here comes this set again.

Is it too corny?

But he didn't expect that, while talking, Fade Chen suddenly said: "Everything in your Danjiang is good, but the building in the county is too ugly!"

"Huh?" Xu Shuai was taken aback.

"The name is nice, Danjiang Building. People who don't know it think it's a skyscraper with [-] or [-] floors. And his design is really ugly, like a broken leg!"

Xu Shuai was very surprised and couldn't help asking: "Squad leader, have you been to our Danjiang?"

"I've been there once, but I was very impressed. I think the most beautiful people in Danjiang are the local girls, tsk tsk, that water spirit" Fade Chen said so much that his saliva was about to flow out.

Xu Shuai's eyes lit up.

Women are a common topic for all men, not to mention that Chen Fei is talking about women from his hometown, he is excited and proud.

But as he was talking, Chen Fei suddenly changed his subject: "However, Xu Shuai, how could such a good place like Danjiang cultivate such a freak like you? There is something wrong with your taste!"

"Huh?" Xu Shuai was puzzled.

"Why do you like actresses like XX? Do you want a butt, no butt, long legs, no big legs, no breasts, no face?"

When Xu Shuai heard that Fade Chen belittled his idol, he was immediately excited: "Squad leader, you don't understand. Although she has a bad figure and looks, she has a nice voice!"

"Fuck, Xu Shuai, so you are a voice actor!"

"Voice actor?" Xu Shuai was a little confused when he heard this word for the first time.

Chen Fei turned his head and looked a little surprised: "What? Don't you know the actresses of the island country?"

Xu Shuai's eyes lit up again.


Fellow people!
In an instant, he felt that the distance between Fade Chen and him was much closer.

"A voice actress means that you fell in love with her because you liked her voice." Fade Chen explained, and then scolded: "Shuai Xu, I really can't tell, so you have such a special taste! But you still have such a special taste! Needless to say, her voice is really nice!"

"Squad leader, so my aesthetics are okay?"

"No problem, no problem. In fact, I'm also a voice actor, but I don't like yours!"

(End of this chapter)

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