Chapter 154

154 The First Shift Meeting
The atmosphere of Class Eight has gradually changed.

It's not that it has become better, but that the silent confrontation and confrontation before have disappeared, and it has returned to a normal state.

But this is still far from Fade Chen's expectations, and the distance is not small.

If you want to increase the combat effectiveness of Class [-], you must first inspire the fighting spirit of Class [-]. If you want everyone to strive to be advanced, you must let everyone go forward. At this time, this kind of muddling is easy to satisfy without the spirit of higher pursuit. Status, definitely not.

So, that night, Fade Chen held a class meeting.

This was the first class meeting he held after he became the monitor of Class [-]. Although he had talked to someone before, he hadn't held a formal meeting yet.

"Comrades, it's time for a meeting." Fade Chen said in a deep voice, with a serious look on his face.

Bang, bang, the sound of everyone putting the ponytail on the ground echoed in the dormitory, and in the blink of an eye, five people from Class [-] were already sitting in two rows.

Fade Chen took his ponytail and put it down, turned around and looked at everyone: "Comrades, from today onwards, our shift meeting will not sit like this, we will form a circle."

In a circle?
Chengcai and Xu Sanduo looked at each other, both were strange.

Lin Yu raised his head at once, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Xu Shuai poked Ma Chao once, and the eyes of the two opened immediately.

"Yes!" Everyone quickly answered in unison.

Xu Sanduo and Chengcai immediately sat down on Fade Chen's left and right sides, and the others sat around one by one.

In fact, there is still a very spacious area in the dormitory, which is a bit crowded, and a circle of ten people is more than enough. At this time, there are only six people, which is even more relaxed.

Everyone sat down, well-behaved, with their bodies straight, with their hands flat on their thighs, and they were in good condition.

Fade Chen looked around, his eyes made contact with everyone, and finally returned to the original point, and then he said: "Before the meeting, I will announce one thing first. After my proposal and the research of the company department, the deputy squad leader of the eighth class Comrade Chengcai will be in charge for the time being!"

Chengcai was startled, and shot his gaze at Fade Chen. Surprised and delighted, he straightened his body upright, and his sitting posture became more standard.

Xu Sanduo turned Chengcai with his elbow, showing his white teeth and smiling brightly.

Ma Chao and Xu Shuai looked at each other with a genuine expression.

Lin Yu is as motionless as a mountain, neither sad nor happy, neither surprised nor surprised.

From the corner of Chen Fei's eyes, everyone's gazes had already been taken into consideration, but he didn't say much, he just turned his head and looked at Cheng Cai: "Comrade Cheng Cai, I hope you can hold yourself to stricter standards. , to improve my grades, but at the same time, I can warmly care about everyone, help everyone, and improve the combat effectiveness of our eighth class together!"

"Yes!" Cheng Cai stood up abruptly, knocking over the ponytail, but he didn't care, he just stood up straight, straightened his body, raised his head, and answered loudly, the sound was not too loud The dormitory was humming.

"Sit!" Fade Chen motioned.


Fade Chen looked around: "I don't care what Class [-] was like before, I just care about what Class [-] will be like in the future. I hope that Class [-] will be a united, loving and powerful class. Inside, we are good brothers together. , live a happy life, unite and love each other, outside, everyone clenched into a fist, whoever meets whoever hits whomever, is unstoppable!"

After a pause, Fade Chen continued: "Steel Seventh Company is the sharp knife of the 702 regiment, so our eighth class should be the sharp knife of Steel Seventh Company!"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Sanduo grinned, very happy.

Steel No. [-] Company is a sharp knife, and the tip of this sharp knife has always been the third class. The company commander said it several times in meetings, but now, the eighth class is going to be the tip of this sharp knife, so he is naturally very happy.

When Chengcai heard this, his eyes lit up, and in his chest, an unprecedented heroism and fighting spirit burned fiercely.

The squad leader before the eighth class was more Buddhist, and he didn't fight or grab, and didn't care much about these.

But now, all this has changed.

But this is what Chengcai expects, and it is also what he likes.

Only the more competitive the class, the more he can find a sense of existence, and the more valuable his existence is.

After hearing this, Lin Yu squinted his eyes and let out a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

Among all the people, only Ma Chao and Xu Shuai had bitter expressions on their faces when they heard this, and their eyelids couldn't help twitching. Both of them couldn't help crying in their hearts: "Oh my god-there will be no good days in the future!"

Fade Chen was silent for about five seconds, giving everyone a certain amount of time to digest the emotions in their hearts. After that, he said again: "I, the monitor, have also set a task for myself. My task is to help everyone realize their ideals. And goals, so, comrades, let’s talk about our ideals and goals in turn, and the others will be a witness together, and we will supervise and help each other from now on, and help him realize it together.”

"Chengcai, you come first!"

"Report!" Cheng Cai stood up abruptly.

"Sit down and talk!" Fade Chen raised his hand and pressed down: "We just communicate, we don't need to be so formal."

"Yes!" Chengcai sat down, drew a signature arc, and then said: "Squad leader, my goal is to become a real deputy squad leader."

Although he is the deputy squad leader at this time, he is only appointed by the company and can be revoked at any time, and once revoked, he is nothing, because he has not been trained as a squad leader and is not a non-commissioned officer.

The company's requirements for the deputy squad leader are relatively casual. Some are non-commissioned officers, and some are directly served by private soldiers with good training results.

So at this moment, he is not the real deputy squad leader. If Fade Chen is unhappy one day and withdraws him, he will become a leader again, but if he becomes the real squad leader, he will be a non-commissioned officer, the most in the company. He can be transferred to some unnecessary places, but his rank cannot be revoked.

Therefore, the meaning of becoming a talent is very clear, he is going to participate in the training of the squad leader in advance.

"Okay!" Fade Chen nodded: "I will remember your ideal, and everyone will also keep it in mind. If Comrade Chengcai slacks up in the future, everyone will urge him together!"

"Xu Sanduo, it's your turn!" Fade Chen turned his head to look at Xu Sanduo with a smirk on his face.

"Me?" Xu Sanduo was a little puzzled, frowned, scratched his head, thought for a while, then raised his eyelids to look at Fade Chen, and said weakly: "Squad leader, I don't know what my ideal and goal are?"

Xu Sanduo lowered his head slightly at this time, but raised his eyelids and looked at Fade Chen obliquely. This is his signature action, which makes him look extremely innocent and pitiful. In the past, Shijin, every time he met Xu Sanduo This look is really helpless, helpless and distressed.

Chen Fei would not be affected by Xu Sanduo's eyes, he said directly: "It doesn't matter if you didn't have one before, you can order one for yourself now! If a person doesn't even have ideals, what is the difference with salted fish? People must have ideals. So, you get yourself one now."

"Determine one now?" Xu Sanduo scratched his head, thought for a long time, and finally pursed his lips, and looked at Fade Chen with those innocent eyes: "Squad leader, I can't decide!"

(End of this chapter)

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