Chapter 16

16 Little Thoughts of Success

The arrangement meeting lasted until almost nine o'clock that night.

Shi Jin actually wanted to end it a long time ago, but Gao Cheng came to the interest, and the desire to brag was strongly aroused, so he kept talking for almost half an hour, which made the day's arrangement difficult. It was almost nine o'clock when it was not open, so Fade Chen was always bored.

Of course, this platoon meeting was not without good news. Fade Chen was the most excited, and of course, it was also the most exciting news for other recruits: in two days, everyone will start training on firearms and shooting.

A few days ago, the training of the recruit company basically focused on military theory, formation, internal affairs, and some basic physical fitness, but according to Gao Cheng, the recruit company will start training in two days, that is, next week at most Some basic military skills, such as shooting or something.

Hearing this news, Fade Chen was very excited, and the eyes of the other soldiers in the second row were also shining.

Guns and shooting, this is not only the expectation of Fade Chen alone, but also the expectation of the rest of the class.

There is no one in the recruit company who does not love guns. When they were children, everyone's favorite toy was a gun. There is no one.

This kind of love is engraved in the bones, innate, there is no reason, and there is no reason, I like it when I see it, I want to touch it twice, I want to fuck him a few times.

So when they heard that shooting training would start next, everyone was very excited. Even the guy who least wanted to be a soldier, they were eager to get their hands on a gun one day earlier and load a few bullets.

"Since shooting training is going to take place in two days, I have to start practicing ahead of time." Fade Chen touched his chin, thinking secretly.

He doesn't know if he has shooting talent like Chengcai, but it is estimated that there is a high probability that he does not have it, because he is not very good in many aspects, such as eyesight. His eyesight is actually not that good. Although he is not nearsighted, it is normal. Everyone's eyesight is 5.1, but his is only 5.0, which is measured by a general logarithmic eye chart. If it is measured by a pilot's eye chart, his eyesight will be even worse.

In addition, his hand-eye coordination is probably not much better, so if he wants to get a better score in the subject of shooting, he must pay more than ordinary people.

In the previous queue, he had good grades and performed well, but to be honest, the queue was also valued in the recruit company. If you go down to the company, who will tell you this thing?

Unless the guard of honor of the armed forces!
In the first-line troops, everyone competes for professional skills. The 702 regiment is an armored infantry regiment. As an infantry, shooting must be the top priority. Therefore, if you want to be successful in the 702 regiment in the future, you must get a very good shooting achievement.

"Yes, I have to start practicing now."

"Practice your eyesight first!"

Fade Chen thought for a while, and made a plan for himself.

Through these two days of research, Fade Chen became more comfortable in understanding and using the system.

If you want to make your progress the fastest and improve your grades most efficiently, you must first set a goal, then a plan, and after that, everything will be arranged around this goal, so that even if you work hard Things that are not directly related to this goal, but the system will still reward the attribute points of the relevant goal.

This time, Fade Chen wanted to test whether his groping was right or not.

So after the scheduled meeting that day, he came to a remote corner by himself, found a favorite angle and stood up, looking into the distance.

At this time, it was around [-]:[-] in the evening, the moon and stars were thin, and the scenery was very beautiful. Fade Chen stood upright, raised his head, and watched a star in the vast starry sky. He stared at him without blinking for a while, then retracted his gaze, observed the nearby target, and then stared at the starry sky again, alternately.

After watching for a while, he retracted his gaze, exhaled, blinked, and then began to do the m-word exercises for the eyes.

The so-called Mizi exercise is to roll your eyes and write a Mizi in your field of vision with your gaze.

It is said that this set of eye exercises is the method of eye health care for Air Force pilots, and it is very powerful.

Fade Chen doesn't know whether this method is the pilot's secret method, but he knows one thing, this kind of rice word exercises is very good for protecting eyesight, because he has tried it himself in his previous life, at least it is better than the foolish eyesight at school. The health exercises are much stronger, especially when the eyes are dry and the vision is blurred. If you practice it once, the effect will be immediate.

He practiced for about 3 minutes, and the voice of the system rang in his mind.

[Ding——you practice rice calligraphy over and over again, and you look into the distance from time to time. You also pay attention to protecting your eyesight in normal training and learning. You have put in a lot of effort to make yourself a sharpshooter. Your vision +3, shooting +3]

So you get 3 vision attribute points?
After hearing the sound of the system, Fade Chen's heart skipped a beat and he was very excited.

According to the judgment of the system, his current eyesight is only 0.8 if tested according to the C-shaped eye chart of Air Force pilots.
Of course, the requirements for the C-shaped vision chart are much more difficult than the common logarithmic vision chart, that is, the E-shaped vision chart that is common in hospitals. The E-word only needs to judge the four opening directions of up, down, left, and right, but the C-word has eight openings. Direction, and the opening of the letter C is smaller, making it harder to see clearly, so even a person with a good shooting talent like Chengcai has only 1.2 eyesight in letter C, so strictly speaking, Fade Chen's eyesight is not too bad. But it is still far from his expected goal. If you want to become a good shooter, you should have a vision of 1.5. If you can reach 2.0, that is of course the best.

Of course, it would be even better if he could achieve the 6.0 eyesight of some hunting tribes on the legendary African prairie, but obviously, it is almost impossible, so the goal Chen Fei set for himself was to achieve C word vision 1.5.
According to the system's instructions, in order to improve his vision from 0.8 to 0.9, he needs 5 vision attribute points, and to improve his vision from 0.9 to 1.0, he needs 1.2 attribute points. If you want to have 1.5, you need 50 attribute points. If you want to get 2.0 vision, you need 100 attribute points, so 2.0 is not very hopeful, but 1.5 is still very possible!

While he was thinking in a mess, he suddenly heard the sound of a tree branch being trampled below, not loud, but a very faint snap.

"Is there someone?" Fade Chen was taken aback. After recovering, he quickly leaned out and took a peek.

Looking at it, he found a familiar figure, but it was Chengcai.

That guy tiptoed, like a thief, and was touching a certain direction below, and his movement was like touching a whistle.

"What is this guy going to do?" Fade Chen regained his energy, blinked his eyes, and then quietly followed Chengcai.

After walking about ten meters away, he saw two shadows in front of Chengcai, as if two recruits were doing something furtively.

The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

In Fade Chen's mind, a sentence popped up in an instant. He couldn't help laughing, pulled out an arc, stood for a while, observed for a while, and then tiptoed and walked in another direction.

After getting closer, the two shadows can basically hear the general idea.

One of them said: "Let's do it tonight!"

"Tonight? Or let's forget about tonight. Tonight seems to be our platoon leader checking the night."

"Tonight is the best chance. If we don't leave tonight, we will have no chance!"


"It's nothing to worry about. It's tonight. After you go back, go to bed quickly, but don't fall asleep. You will come out around twelve o'clock at night, and we will meet in the toilet!"

After listening to it, Chen Fei probably understood what was going on. Those two guys probably wanted to be deserters!

Listening to the voice, he basically knew who those two guys were, one was Li Qing from Class [-], and the other was Wang Chen from Class [-].

Thinking of those two people, Fade Chen frowned suddenly. For a moment, he turned his head suddenly and looked at Cheng Cai. Sure enough, he saw Cheng Cai backing away on tiptoe, wanting to leave.

He immediately understood the ins and outs of this matter, and he also had a thorough grasp of the careful thinking of becoming a talent.

"Stop!" Fade Chen flashed out suddenly, and grabbed Cheng Cai's hand.

"Who?" When Chengcai saw Fade Chen, he jumped up in fright. He didn't realize who Fade Chen was for a while. The so-called guilty conscience was just like that. He also regarded Fade Chen as the platoon leader or squad leader of the recruit company. up.

When the two black shadows heard the movement here, they were so frightened that their souls flew away, and they ran away immediately.

"Deputy Chen Chen, you... why are you here?" After Cheng Cai came back to his senses, he grinned at Fade Chen, but he was too nervous, and his smile was uglier than crying, because he was too scared , The calves are shaking.

"Chengcai, Li Qing and Wang Chen want to be deserters, is it because of you?" Fade Chen grabbed Chengcai with sharp eyes and a cold tone.

"What?" Chengcai was so frightened that his legs gave way, and he almost knelt on the ground, but he reacted quickly, stabilized himself, and forced a smile: "Chen Banfu, can you really know how to joke?"

"Really?" Fade Chen sneered: "You overheard Wang Chen and Li Qing's complaints before, and they also told you that they wanted to leave this ghost place, so you deliberately tease them even more, implying that They said that if they don't want to be soldiers, they can escape in the middle of the night. As long as they leave the army, no one can control them-what the two of them don't know is that as long as they become deserters, you will report them , you think that as long as you report it, the company will give you credit, right?"

Chengcai was so frightened that he fell limp on the ground, but he still said firmly: "Chen Ban, you. You spouted blood. You. You." But he still couldn't say anything in the end, he just drooped his head in despondency.

Cheng Cai is very smart, but he is still very young after all. Now he is only a high school student, and he is from the countryside. In these respects, how can he be the opponent of Fade Chen, who has been a man for two lifetimes, so he just I can recognize it.

Fade Chen looked down at Chengcai, condescendingly, and said coldly: "You have two paths now, you can choose by yourself, one, you go back and quietly tell Wang Chen and Li Qing, tell them not to be deserters, the higher-ups have noticed It's up to them, and once they become deserters, it will not only affect their own life, but their parents and their future children will also be affected. His children will not even be able to take college entrance examinations. If you do this Do it, then let’s forget about this matter, just pretend that nothing happened, I will not tell the company commander and platoon commander, and I will not tell the third person about this matter; the second choice, you Do nothing, I will tell the company commander to my face!"

After hearing what Fade Chen said, Cheng Cai suddenly raised his head and looked at Fade Chen in disbelief.

"Don't look at me like that. The reason why I didn't report you is because it's unnecessary. If I report you, I won't get any benefits. I will also completely offend you, Xu Sanduo, Li Qing and the others. Moreover, regardless of the squad leader's platoon The commander, the company commander, or the instructor all hate the kind of person who can only report on his comrades. In the 702 regiment, whether it is the regiment leader Wang Qingrui or the squad leader Shi Jin, the kind of person he hates the most is betraying and betraying his comrades. If I go to inform, then the commander will not say anything, but I will never think about being looked down upon by him again in my life, let alone want to make a name for myself, so don't worry, I won't Tell me what happened tonight."

Chengcai stayed there for quite a while, and then he came back to his senses, his face was a little more bloody, but he still couldn't believe it: "Deputy Chen, really won't embarrass me?"

"Believe it or not!" Fade Chen didn't bother to pay attention, turned around and left.

Chengcai was silent for a few seconds at the back, then stood up abruptly, and hurriedly chased after him: "Deputy Chen, me, me."

Fade Chen didn't turn his head back, but slowed down his pace, and said calmly: "Chengcai, in fact, you and I are the same kind of person!"

"The same kind of people?"

"You and I both come from the countryside, and we don't have any background, but we don't want to go back to that poor place, so we all desperately want to stay in the army, take root in the army, and want to do a vigorous career in the army , for this, we can give everything, and we can even do whatever it takes!"

Fade Chen stopped, looked at Chengcai, and said word by word: "But I am a little bit smarter than you, I know this is the army, so no matter what I do, I have to follow the rules of the army, especially Follow the rules of the 702 regiment! Instead of unscrupulous methods without bottom line!"

After speaking, Fade Chen turned around and left.

[Ding——you accidentally discovered the little mind of becoming a talent, but you didn't sue him, and you didn't blackmail him. Instead, you used the means within your ability to instruct him. You are going farther and farther on the road to becoming an excellent soldier , your eyesight +1, shooting +1]

(End of this chapter)

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