Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 169 Shooting Genius

Chapter 169 Shooting Genius
169 Shooting Genius
Chen Fei went all the way to explain to Chengcai how to be a good monitor.

Chengcai is very smart, he can understand a little bit, and he can learn it as soon as he learns it.

The reason why Fade Chen is so supportive and successful is that on the one hand, Chengcai is not bad. Although he has many shortcomings, he also has many advantages and is worth cultivating;

On the other hand, after he has cultivated a talent, he can leave all the trivial matters such as training to the talent, and he can concentrate his time and energy on other things. his free labor.


He pushed open the door of the dormitory.

"Squad leader! Squad deputy!"

Everyone quickly stood up and greeted with a smile.

"Is everyone waiting in a hurry? Chengcai, let's hurry up!"

Fade Chen and Cheng Cai hurriedly washed their hands, and then lined up with the others to the cafeteria.

"Why are you here now? Don't you see so many people waiting for you?"

Gao Cheng came out of the cafeteria, complaining a little.

His voice was so loud that everyone could hear it.

But anyone could tell that he was complaining on the surface, but he was actually implying that Fade Chen had a good relationship with him.

So far, only Fade Chen and Wu Liuyi in the Seventh Steel Company can fight and scold Gao Cheng in public, while the others either dare not or are not so capable.

"Chen Fei, you can't do it in Class [-], why don't you just dawdle like this for a meal?" Wu Liuyi also came out and said with a smile.

"Squad Leader Wu, correct me, we have changed our name now, we are called Hunter Squad!"

"Cut—return hunter? Don't we want to call it a shotgun!" Wu Liu sneered at Fade Chen's tricks.

"Alright, alright, everyone is here, Lage! Let's eat quickly, your chest is sticking to your back!" Gao Cheng walked into the dining hall while muttering.

Naturally, it was Fade Chen who came out to direct. After the high-pitched and powerful "Unity is Strength", everyone had dinner in order.

"Xu Shuai, you go and take a seat first, our hunter team will all sit together!"


Xu Shuai trotted out. As for his meal, Ma Chao asked Ma Chao to help him.

Ten soldiers from Squad Eight sat next to each other.

"How is it? Are you used to the food here?" Fade Chen chatted with a few recruits while eating.

"It's okay!" Nangong Yuan said.

"Much better than the recruit company!" Xiao Zhigong said.

"He Jun, what do you think?"

"Me?" He Jun was taken aback, raised his head and glanced at Fade Chen, then lowered his head, not knowing how to answer.

"If only there was a fish!" Li Mu said.

"Fish?" Fade Chen was taken aback.

The food in the cafeteria is actually not bad, but there is still a lack of seafood.

"Li Mu's family is from the south, where they like to eat fish!" Nangong Yuan helped explain.

"Oh—" Fade Chen suddenly realized.

Just as he was talking, a soldier from the cooking class happened to walk over.

"Old Zhang, come here!" Fade hurriedly called out to him.

"what happened?"

"Can you add some seafood in the future?" Fade Chen said.

"Add seafood? Yes, you can ask the company commander to allocate money to our cooking team. As long as the money is in place, arrange it immediately!"

"Old Zhang, I'm serious!"

"Fade Chen, I'm serious too!"

"Okay, okay, then it's okay to buy a fish to eat, right?"

"Fish? That's fine!"

"Then remember to tell your squad leader!"

"Yes, yes, do we dare not listen to what your class leader Chen said? Let's go—" The guy patted Chen Fei on the shoulder and turned to leave.

"and many more!"

"Squad leader Chen, what orders do you have?"

"Bring some Sichuan dishes to eat at night, and the mouth will fade out like a bird!"

"Zunzhi——" the other party imitated the tone of the eunuch, and dragged out a long ending sound.

Fade Chen waved his hand with a smile, turned back, looked at a few recruits and said: "This meal will be over, let's see if we can improve it for dinner? Tell me what you want to eat in the future, and I will go to the cooking class Negotiate!"

"Thank you, Captain!"

"Thank you, Captain!"

"Squad leader, you are really kind to us!"

Several recruits were so moved that they were about to cry.

Although He Jun still lowered his head and said nothing, his eyes were red, and he seemed very moved.

[Ding——you take care of every recruit in the class with your heart, and you try to make them eat and drink well. Your every move hits the softest part of the recruits' hearts. Everyone is very moved. Everyone is very grateful to the eighth class. The sense of belonging has increased a lot, the cohesion of the hunter team +3, combat power +2]

After lunch, everyone walked back to the dormitory for lunch break.

In the afternoon of this day, everyone had shooting training.

Because the recruits have just been sent to the company, they mainly conduct the second shooting practice.

The veterans practice on their own, and the main target is the recruits.

"Chengcai, tell me!" Fade Chen turned his head and glanced at Chengcai.

"Me?" Cheng Cai was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Okay! Squad leader, let me tell the story!"

He was excited and wanted to show.

"Don't be long-winded, be concise and clear, use more everyday language and less technical jargon!" Fade Chen whispered in his ear.


Cheng Cai picked up an eight-one bar and stood in front of the four recruits.

"Today we are mainly going to learn the second shooting practice! This practice, everyone should have been in contact with it in the recruit company, so we will first review the basics today!"

Become a talent while teaching and demonstrating.

Fade Chen stood in the distance, observing secretly.

Overall, the shooting performance of these four recruits from Class [-] is not bad, because today is an empty gun practice, and they cannot shoot with live ammunition, so they can only see if they are not in place.

Chen Fei watched and observed one by one, first Nan Gongyuan, then Li Mu, the third was Xiao Zhigong, and the last one was He Jun.

"He Jun, it's your turn!" Cheng Cai ordered.


He Jun agreed, his voice was not too loud, but still soft, without any sense of strength, he took a step, stretched out his hands, and took the Bayi Bar from Cheng Cai's hand.

"Huh?" Fade Chen's eyes lit up.

He took two quick steps forward because he wanted to see better.

He found that He Jun's demeanor changed suddenly from the moment he received the gun. Of course, the change was not that big. If he hadn't been staring at him, he might not have noticed it, but Fade Chen I have been paying attention to this taciturn and extremely introverted little guy, so I saw it at a glance.

How would you describe that change?
Just like a down and out pianist, poor and destitute, eating his last meal, wandering around, his eyes are worn out by life, but suddenly, the best piano in the world is placed in front of him.

"This guy!"

Fade Chen widened his eyes and continued to observe.


He Jun was doing various tactical actions under the command of Chengcai.

The more Fade Chen looked at it, the more surprised he became.

He Jun's feeling about firearms
"He Jun!"

Fade Chen strode over.

"Squad leader?" He Jun was taken aback, and the Bayi bar in his hand almost fell to the ground: "Squad leader, what's wrong?"

"Come with me!" Fade Chen grabbed He Jun.

"Become a talent, you continue to train others!"

Fade Chen said as he grabbed He Jun and walked out.

He was lucky, as soon as he reached the main road, he saw Gao Cheng coming in a jeep.

"Company commander, take a ride!" Fade Chen stood in the middle of the road to stop the car.

"Stinky boy, you are impatient to live—" Gao Cheng kicked the accelerator, poked his head out and cursed, and then asked, "Where are you going?"


"What are you doing at the shooting range? We're not shooting targets today?"

"Red Sanlian is shooting targets today!"

Gao Cheng looked at Fade Chen in surprise, as if he didn't know him.

"Company Commander, I'll ask He Jun to go over and try to shoot twice!" Fade Chen didn't hide his thoughts, and expressed his thoughts.

"Him?" Gao Cheng looked He Jun up and down, then turned to look at Fade Chen.

"Company Commander, I'll report to you at a specific night, so hurry up and drive, or they're going to end!"

"You kid—let me be your driver—"

Having said that, Gao Cheng clicked into first gear, hit the accelerator, and drove straight towards the shooting range.

As Fade Chen expected, He Jun's shooting performance was very good.

In fact, during the assessment of the recruit company before, He Jun's shooting performance was already very good. He was the only one in the eighth class who scored excellent, and the other three were only good.

But now Chen Fei discovered that He Jun's excellence is different from other recruits who have played excellently. Other recruits are excellent because they tried their best, but He Jun is excellent because he is the best. The grades are simply outstanding!

"I found the treasure!" Fade Chen was extremely excited. He patted He Jun on the shoulder heavily: "He Jun, you see, you are a shooting genius! The best in the history of our Seventh Steel Company Sagittarius, it should be you!"

Fade Chen was not stingy with his praise.

He Jun stood in a daze, at a loss.

[Ding——You discovered the strengths and strengths of the recruits with your heart, your words and deeds greatly boosted He Jun's morale, you made He Jun's gratitude to you like a surging river, the cohesion of the hunter team +5, combat power +5]

(End of this chapter)

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