Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 199 Fade Chen's Speech

Chapter 199 Fade Chen's Speech
199 Fade Chen's Speech
Fade Chen sat up from the bed.

After thinking about it, he stood up and walked out to the third shift.

But as soon as he reached the door, he heard Wu Liuyi and Bai Tiejun arguing.

Wu Liuyi roared angrily: "Bai Tiejun, you fucking say it again!"

Bai Tiejun seemed to be swearing as soon as he opened his mouth, but his mouth was covered by the people in the class. He couldn't hear what he said, and he could only make a whining sound.

"Bai Tiejun, stop talking!" Gan Xiaoning tried to persuade him to fight.

Fade Chen hastily stepped back a few steps, backed to the position at the door of Class [-], and then shouted: "Wu Liuyi! Wu Liuyi!"

After a while, Wu Liuyi came out from the third class dormitory: "Fade Chen, are you looking for me?"

"Come here." Fade Chen said with a smile, as if he didn't know anything. Of course, Wu Liuyi also acted very calmly, as if he wasn't the one who yelled just now.

"What's the matter?" Wu Liuyi walked over and asked.

"Do you know where the company commander has gone?" Fade Chen had nothing to say.

"Where do I know where the old man went!" Wu Liuyi said, he was calm on the surface, but deep down he still had some emotions, which he unknowingly let out.

"Do you think the company commander hid on purpose?" Fade Chen was again at a loss for words.

"I'm not a roundworm in the company commander's stomach, how would I know!" Wu Liuyi was still angry.

"The company commander is really, at the critical moment, when he is needed, he ran away, what a loss!"

"What's wrong?" Wu Liuyi turned his head to look at Fade Chen, his mood finally calmed down a bit.

"I want to discuss with him some ideas about infantry changes."

"Infantry reform?" Wu Liuyi was stunned, and then laughed dumbfounded: "Chen Fei, I said, are you full of food? Why do you care about these things as a big soldier? These things are experts from the headquarters, and our instructors research What does it matter to you?"

At this time, everyone called Wen Tiexin the instructor, or the chief instructor.

"You don't understand this, do you?" Fade Chen smiled: "The future is the era of infantry reform. If you want to get along in the army, if you don't know these things, how can you get along? The superiors must choose the appropriate grassroots officers. See if you understand these things? And this time, why did the instructor conduct this training camp? It is for this kind of work. If we understand both theory and practice, then we will become instructors. The top student in the school is born? Then our future is bright?"

"After all, you still want to hug someone's thigh!" Wu Liuyi dismissed it.

"Wu Liuyi, why didn't you say you hugged the company commander's thigh?"

Wu Liuyi exploded as soon as he heard it, like a kitten whose tail was stepped on, and immediately exploded: "Fade Chen, what the hell are you talking about? Did I hug my thigh? What did I ask the company commander for? What did I get from him?"

"You have been appreciated by the company commander, you have gained the company commander's attention, and the company commander thinks of you for every benefit, isn't that enough?"

"That's what I deserve!" Wu Liuyi said angrily.

"Yeah, that's what you deserve. Our platoon leader is no worse than you, right? Then why does he deserve so little? Not even as much as you? How dare you say there is nothing else here? The exact same thing, in your That's what you deserve, how come you're hugging me!"

"I, I. You are eloquent, I can't say no to you!" Wu Liuyi turned around angrily.

"Are you unable to say no to me, or you actually know what I said is right!" Fade Chen sneered.

"." Wu Liu hummed angrily and remained silent.

"Wu Liuyi, in fact, you and the company commander are all the same way, haven't you noticed? The company commander is obviously the son of Commander Gao. No one in the company knows, but he just doesn't want to admit it? I always feel that everything I have now is wrong. He did it by his own ability, but even the regiment commander knew that there was something good for him? Commander Gao came to inspect today. In order to avoid suspicion, the company commander ran away and hid. In fact, no one knows what happened The thing is, you are a fool, you can know the relationship between Commander Gao and him at a glance?"


Fade Chen patted Wu Liuyi on the shoulder, turned around and left without saying anything.

He had just taken two steps when someone shouted, "Fade Chen——"


"Chen Fei, come with me, the leader wants to hear your opinion on the infantry transformation!"

"Infantry transformation?"

"Well, didn't you talk a lot to Instructor Wen just now? The leader listened and was very interested. He wanted to communicate with you face to face!"


Chen Fei followed the other party and left quickly.


Wu Liuyi watched Fade Chen and the officer drift away, and then walked into a small three-story building together.

As he watched, his eyes gradually lost focus.

In his mind, those voices of Fade Chen echoed over and over again.

At this moment, Fade Chen walked into the conference room.

"Hello, all the chiefs." Fade Chen stood at attention with a snap, and saluted with a loud voice, and his movements were generous and unrestrained.

Gao Ming saw it and was very satisfied.

"Chen Fei, the chief executives are very interested in the ideas you told me about the transformation of the infantry, please tell everyone." Wen Tiexin said with a smile.


"Xiao Chen, don't be nervous, just make small talk, say whatever you think of, even if you say something wrong, it's okay, okay?" Gao Mingyuan spoke in a soft voice, encouraging Fade Chen.


"Sit down and talk, Xiao Li, turn on the microphone in front of Fade Chen!"

Fade Chen cleared his throat, and Lang Lang spoke.

He first talked about what he saw and heard during the training and exercises of the No. [-] Steel Company, and then he talked about the confrontation in the past two days. Of course, he also mentioned several military wars by the US military, and finally he summed it up.

"Dear leaders, I believe that the core of the army's overall strategic transformation is informatization, and the promotion of informatization must focus on improving the combat capabilities of systems based on information systems.

To promote the transformation of the infantry, a system platform should be built according to the uniform standards of the Army's integrated information system to provide basic support for internal integration and external communication.

The first is to unify information standards. Within the framework of the Army system, unify the standard formats of data, voice, and video, as well as the standards and protocols of network transmission equipment, establish a shared combat comprehensive database structure, and establish level-by-level information according to different information needs. The sharing mechanism clearly defines the authority to accept or release information, and realizes the optimization of information flow and the real-time flow of information.

The second is to open up information links to ensure the normal operation of the flat grid command system. With the support of necessary technical means, establish multi-channel and multi-standard data links, and strive to open up the chain of accusation, intelligence, attack, and coordination. The "four links" of the chain, that is, to open up the command link from the army campaign command post, the tactical command post of each arm, and the infantry battalion command post to the company, squad, and individual soldier, and open up the battlefield situation information that can be obtained in real time from the superior, and will The intelligence link uploaded and summarized by the front-end real-time intelligence of the reconnaissance can establish a special strike link with the artillery, army aviation, and air force, and open up the coordination link between the internal forces of the arms.

The third is to standardize the information flow.Focusing on the army's integrated combat needs, establish a standardized information flow system for intelligence, command, and coordination to ensure the standardized and orderly flow of various types of information.According to the process of battlefield perception, with the intelligence processing organization as the core, establish a unified information sharing system for information acquisition, information transmission, information processing, and information release; Establish a vertical command and control information flow system between command terminals; according to the process of combat coordination, establish a horizontal coordination information flow system between various arms of the Army and between different combat forces within each arm. "


After Fade Chen finished speaking, the applause was like thunder.

"Well said! Well said—" Gao Mingyuan applauded while applauding.

"Well, it's really good, well-founded, clear logic, novel viewpoint, refreshing, really well said!"

"If I didn't know, I would have thought Xiao Chen was an expert from the headquarters, haha!"

A voice of praise.

Chen Fei's first official appearance before Gao Mingyuan was a blockbuster.

After the applause settled down, Gao Mingyuan looked at Fade Chen and asked, "Xiao Chen, do you have any suggestions for this training camp?"

Fade Chen looked at Wen Tiexin, and Wen Tiexin encouraged him: "Xiao Chen, if you have any ideas, just say it. Didn't the chief just say it? Be straightforward. Even if you say something wrong, you won't be held accountable."

"Yes!" Fade Chen straightened himself up, and said loudly: "Chief, I think we can actually tell everyone the goals and tasks of the training camp before the training camp, so that everyone can understand what we are going to do. In addition, I think we can listen to the opinions and suggestions of grassroots officers and soldiers. Front-line soldiers may have no way to reform and transform infantry. There is no systematic cognition to say one, two, three, but some more real feelings, especially the pain points and difficulties in infantry combat, are deeply felt by everyone. We can listen to their feelings and ideas first, Then distill their feelings and thoughts into a theory”

(End of this chapter)

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