Chapter 206
206 Difficult Search Mountain
Fade Chen lay on his stomach carefully.

But not motionless.

He fully perceives the location of the target.

It's just that the result is regrettable. After observing for a long time, he still couldn't determine the location of the target.

"Squad leader, what should we do?" Cheng Cai asked weakly on the radio channel.

After thinking for a while, Fade Chen said: "You stay where you are, I'll go ahead and have a look."

"Squad leader." Chengcai hesitated to speak, he was a little unwilling to resign to Fade Chen's instructions, but he didn't dare to refute. Just now he almost had an accident because he didn't listen to Fade Chen's persuasion.

"Excuting an order!"


Fade Chen looked around, pressed the radio and said, "Everyone is there, ready for battle, once you find the target, fire immediately, let me repeat our principle, absolutely fast, relatively accurate, do you understand?"


After explaining, Fade Chen stood up carefully, looked around, and then rushed out with a whoosh.

The woods are full of foliage and dense trees. To be honest, it is very inconvenient to move in it, but Fade Chen is like a wild beast that haunts this place all year round, with ease and speed. His long-term martial arts experience has made his skills very vigorous flexible.


He rushed out more than ten meters in one go.

After a while, he came to the side of the small tree that was interrupted just now.

Of course, he didn't come directly to Xiaoshu, he didn't have that much courage, he just hid close and observed at a close distance. After a while, he pressed the radio: "Judging from the cross-section, the target should use a 7.62mm bullet !"


The soldiers who heard these words were all startled, Chengcai even broke out in cold sweat.

Judging from the section, the bullet should have been shot from the direction of three o'clock!
After observing for a while, Fade Chen stood up and searched in the direction of three o'clock.

Strangely, after the shot just now, the target remained silent.

Was it just a misfire just now?

After searching, Fade Chen suddenly made a bold judgment in his heart.

The target didn't fire at them on purpose just now, it might just be too nervous and accidentally fired.

If that's the case, then it's clear that the target's first thing to do once the gun goes off is to get away and get out of the way.

Fade Chen had searched towards Xiaoshu's three o'clock direction before, but if the target was just a gunshot, then perhaps searching for the three o'clock direction was not the best choice.

But which side it is, to be honest, Fade Chen is not completely sure.

At this time, the commander needs to make a decisive judgment immediately.

After thinking for a while, Fade Chen came to a conclusion, and he searched in another direction.

The search and arrest of Steel Seventh Company at this time is called a carpet search in name, but in fact it is impossible to do a carpet search at all. The mountain is too big and there are too few people. If such a large mountain really needs to conduct a carpet search, at least two battalions, In this way, the distance between two individual soldiers can be guaranteed to be about three meters, but at this time, the distance between the two nearest people is ten meters. In some places, the distance between two individual soldiers will reach about 30 meters. In fact, all real searches are focused. If you feel that there will be people hiding, focus on searching. If there are no people, just search roughly.

Therefore, at this time, Fade Chen focused on the nine o'clock direction.

After searching for a while, Fade Chen became more confident in his judgment, and immediately pressed the radio station of the individual soldier, asking others to follow.

Everyone pulled the net to search the mountain again.

After searching for more than ten minutes, Fade Chen suddenly heard a strange sound, which was very weak and seemed to be absent. He didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly used tactical sign language to signal everyone to stop.

[Ding——you know that this battle is unusual, so you are very careful, take one step and watch three steps, your vigilance is very high, battlefield intuition +1]

A pleasant voice sounded in Fade Chen's mind.

After the sound sounded, Fade Chen suddenly felt a little strange. It was always a hazy feeling before, but now it seems to be much clearer, just like a nearsighted person who wears suitable glasses, and it is clear at once. .

His intuition told him that there was no danger here.


Fade Chen waved his hand and led the team forward quickly.

Because Fade Chen has battlefield intuition, his advancing speed is very fast, much faster than the other squads. After a while, they surpassed the search line of other squads, and they also exceeded the search line by a long distance.

The order of the third platoon leader Zhang Yang came down: "Chen Fei, control the speed, don't be greedy for success!"

Fade Chen stopped in his tracks, thought for a while, and said on the individual soldier radio: "Platoon leader, I have a feeling that the target should be on our line, so can we catch up first!"

"No!" Zhang Yang resolutely refused, his cold voice sounded over the radio: "Comrade Chen Fei, please execute the order, do you understand?"

"Understood!" Fade Chen had no choice but to answer.

He actually understood Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang is the platoon leader. Since he is the platoon leader, he is naturally responsible for the entire platoon. The three squads are originally a whole, relying on each other and covering each other. In this way, safety is greatly guaranteed, but if Chen Fei's eighth squad rushes forward quickly, then The other two squads couldn't provide him with support and cover, and the eighth squad was in danger, which obviously wasn't what he should do as a platoon leader.

Zhang Yang's first task is to ensure the safety of the team, not meritorious service.

In his eyes, the safety of soldiers is obviously more important than meritorious service.

So although Fade Chen was a little disappointed, he didn't say anything. He just ordered the team to search and advance according to Zhang Yang's request.

After searching for more than ten minutes, Fade Chen suddenly felt a thump in his heart, and a feeling of uneasiness emerged spontaneously.

"Everyone is there, stop moving forward and scout carefully, the target may be nearby!" Fade Chen immediately pressed the radio to order without hesitation.

The people in class eight squatted down immediately.

Fade Chen reported his judgment to Zhang Yang again.

Sure enough, Zhang Yang was very careful and immediately ordered the team to stop advancing.

However, although Chen Fei felt a little uneasy in his heart, it was not particularly strong, so he actually had no idea where the target was or how far away it was.

Everyone used various means to scout for a long time, but nothing was found.

"Squad leader, I didn't find it!"

"Not found!"

"No 1 found"

Everyone reports one after another.

Fade himself didn't find anything.

Is my feeling wrong?
He was a little puzzled.

His battlefield intuition at this time is not very strong, it is impossible to be [-]% accurate, and it is normal to make mistakes, so he executes it with the idea that he would rather make a mistake in his judgment than rush into it.

He frowned and observed for a while, but still found nothing. Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind and remembered something. He carefully recalled the map Wen Tiexin showed them just now. After a while, His heart skipped a beat, and he hastily radioed to Zhang Yang, "Platoon leader, 500 meters ahead is the Duantou Cliff, and there is no road behind the Duantou Cliff. If the target really came from here, and we kept sending them Pushed to the cliff."

Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat after hearing Fade Chen's judgment.

If the target is really here, then once they have no way out.
Thinking of this, Zhang Yang was also in a cold sweat.

"Everyone is there, ready for battle, the target may be nearby!" Zhang Yang ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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