Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 212 But They Have

Chapter 212 But They Have
212 But they have
Fade Chen didn't immediately fight Gao Cheng for 360 rounds.

That didn't fit the personality he set up in front of Gaocheng before.

So he pretends that he doesn't understand anything, and he needs a certain amount of time to study and research.

After coming out of Gaocheng's office, Fade Chen turned to Wu Liudao: "I want to go to the regiment headquarters library, will you go?"

"No, no, no!" Wu Liu shook his head like a rattle.

He is afraid of reading.

Reading can kill him.

He used to be forced to join the army because he didn't like reading and his grades were not good.

Now, he sometimes has to borrow some books to read, but to be honest, every time he bites the bullet, he really doesn't want to have anything to do with books unless he has to.

"Then I'll go by myself!" Fade Chen happily went to the regiment headquarters.

Two days later, Fade Chen found Gao Cheng, full of confidence and fighting spirit: "Company commander, come for a game! Come for a game!"

"Really?" Gao Cheng looked at Fade Chen with a half-smile.

He has been studying these things for the past two days, and he feels that he has gained a lot and made great progress, so he looks at Fade Chen like a master looking at a rookie just getting started.

"Of course it's true, company commander, look, I've read so many books? Is it a joke?"

With a bang, Chen Fei slapped a stack of books he borrowed from the library on Gaocheng's desk.

The reason why I did this was not to pretend to be coercive, but to tell Gao Cheng plainly, I am not joking with you, what I am going to say and do next is not just my mouth, nor is it made up by me, it has a lot of background of.

He was vaccinating Gaocheng.

"Okay, let's kill a game first!" Gao Cheng was upright, seeing him now, he immediately cleaned up the table and took out the war game.

The one Gaocheng bought is actually the lowest level of wargames, very rough and very simple in composition.

The best wargame deduction is of course Laomei. They use supercomputers to simulate, and each deduction involves a large number of participants, which consumes a lot of manpower and material resources. In addition, each deduction can be as little as a month, as long as two months or even three months.

Naturally, this thing in Gaocheng cannot be compared with others.

"Company commander, let's formulate the rules first."

"of course."

"Company commander, this time, you represent the Red Army, which is the 702nd Regiment, and I represent the Blue Army, which is the attacking side."

"Okay!" Gao Cheng had nothing to do.

The two people first took out the weapons and equipment of the 702 regiment and put them on paper, how many people, how many vehicles, how many guns, how fast each main battle tank is running in different regions, how effective is the strike, and how many people are there. How strong the firepower of the infantry combat vehicle is, all of these are on the paper. In addition, the response time of the command system is also stipulated, such as the front line discovers the target, how many kilometers away from the command post, and the front line troops send the information back to the headquarters. The headquarters, the headquarters then ordered, and the orders were issued layer by layer, and finally reached the frontline troops. The two sides also agreed on how long it would take before and after.

In a professional wargame deduction, professional personnel are responsible for these matters, but obviously, this deduction at this time cannot be done at all, and all things can only be discussed by Fade Chen and Gao Cheng. The hand is the referee again.

The Red Army's equipment and tactics were all replicas of the 702 regiment, so Gaocheng didn't have much objection, and an agreement was quickly reached.

The next step is to agree on the equipment and style of play of the Blue Army.

"Company commander, my blue army is a professional blue army, so my weapons, equipment and tactics are somewhat different from your red army. We have to agree on this first, otherwise you will resign later It’s not fun anymore!”

Gao Cheng was slightly surprised, but he didn't say much, just nodded.

"First of all, my army has become a single-soldier special warfare!"

Individual special warfare?
Gao Cheng raised his head and looked at Fade Chen in astonishment.

But Fade Chen just explained to himself: "Every one of my soldiers is a top-level special forces soldier, so every soldier has a pair of individual radio stations, bulletproof vests, helmets, night vision goggles, everything you need. This one of mine The troops can fight 24 hours a day, and in addition, sea, land and air are all within my combat scope."

"You are too exaggerated!" Gao Cheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But he didn't say much. He knew something about the Special Operations Brigade. What's more, the Seventh Steel Company had just conducted confrontation training with the Group Army's Special Operations Brigade some time ago. The opponent's equipment was advanced and their combat capabilities were strong. , He has also seen it with his own eyes, so although he has an idea at this time, it is still acceptable.

Fade Chen continued: "Because we have extremely strong communication capabilities, we don't have a headquarters!"

"No headquarters?" Gao Cheng frowned suddenly.

His favorite tactic is to concentrate firepower, attack fiercely, penetrate the enemy's heart, and bombard the command post, but if the blue army does not have a command post
How can this be?

How could there be no headquarters in combat?
After Gao Cheng came back to his senses, he looked at Fade Chen with dissatisfaction: "Nonsense! Fade Chen! You are simply fooling around! Don't you feel ashamed that you, a squad leader, say such things?"

"Company commander, to be precise, I don't have a command post, but my command post is set up on a helicopter. My helicopter flies around in the sky at any time, without a fixed location, and , your equipment can't detect me, and can't strike me, so in your eyes, I don't seem to have a command post!"

"Playing the piano!" Gao Cheng was dissatisfied: "Even if it's just a battalion-level command post, a helicopter can't hold it, Fade Chen." He was about to criticize Fade Chen, and he was about to leave his mouth, when he remembered something He shook his head and sighed: "But it's not your fault, you have never been in a helicopter, last time it was Squad Leader Wu and the others, Fade Chen, then let me tell you what the real helicopter looks like, Even the largest transport aircraft."

But Fade Chen interrupted: "Company commander, have you forgotten, we are an army with advanced informatization, we don't need so many people, and a lot of work can be done with informatization equipment, so if you add it all up, seven or eight people are enough Yes, one transport plane is enough to load!"

"." Gao Cheng opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Fade Chen continued: "Company Commander, in addition, our tactics are different from yours. We use acupoints and leapfrog attacks. When the reconnaissance team finds your coordinates, the transport plane takes off immediately and airlifts our tactics. The personnel arrived at the corresponding coordinates, concentrated firepower to quickly destroy them, and then flew away by helicopter again, and by the time your support troops arrived, we had already flown hundreds of kilometers away.”

Fade Chen explained the old A's tactics and combat thinking.

Gao Cheng's face turned blue and red, because he understood that with his army, with Chen Fei's army, it was impossible to fight. Listen, he slapped the table: "Nonsense, Chen Fei, you really Nonsense, where in the world is there such an army?"

"Lao Mei has it!" Fade Chen said lightly.

"You?" Gao Cheng sprayed out a word, but he couldn't say anything after that.


Old beauty has——

My old beauty has already had it!
(End of this chapter)

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