Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 238 A draw, the railway door

Chapter 238 A draw, the railway door

238 draw, railway door

Exercise code-named Change 2006 - over.

While waiting with trepidation, the director's department gave the final verdict. This exercise ended in a draw between the red and blue sides.

The results are exactly the same as in the TV series and novels, without any change.

Fade Chen tried his best and at the same time achieved the best results, but in the face of the overwhelming trend, his little effort was like a drop of water, without waves.


When they first heard this result, many people were stunned, unacceptable, and incomprehensible, regardless of whether they were red or blue.

The 702nd regiment felt that their troops were going to be crippled, and they were no longer organized. How could there be a draw? They should have been defeated.

And old a thinks that his goal is 25 to [-], but at this time old a's situation is so miserable, how can it be a draw?Old A should be defeated!

So for this result, the old a and the 702 regiment did not accept it, and both sides filed complaints to the above.

To be honest, it is difficult to accept the result of the defeat, whether it is the 702 regiment or the old a, but whether it is the 702 regiment or the old a, it is a proud army. For a proud army, defeat is If you are defeated, you must not only dare to accept it, but also never allow yourself to find excuses to shirk. For a proud army, a failure is not terrible. stand up!

Whether it is for the 702 regiment or the old a, they all think they have lost this exercise.

Especially the 702 regiment!
In this exercise, the 702 regiment was originally the offensive side, but in real battles, they were unable to attack or defend.

The 702 regiment, known as the attacking side, launched a decent offensive without any gaps throughout the process. Many times, they couldn't even shrink back.

The defender's blue army attacked from all directions with inferior forces at the beginning, and turned from offense to defense, while the numerical advantage and firepower advantage of the 702 regiment's heavily armed troops were completely unable to play... The battle loss ratio across the board was as high as [-] to [-]... The attacking side Forced to defend, this is considered a loss.

Therefore, Wang Qingrui stubbornly amplified the word "lost". Instead of accepting the decision of the director department, he notified the whole group that the 702 group had lost.

In this exercise, regardless of whether the 702 regiment or the old A, after returning home, they must immediately reflect and summarize. Such a fiasco will never be allowed to happen again.

Therefore, both parties feel that they are the loser.

But for the director department, making such a decision is also deliberate and not a hot-headed one.

The exercise is over, but the command center of the 702 regiment is busy.

Wang Qingrui and several regiment leaders were still surrounded by the simple sand table, watching, studying and summarizing with rapt attention.

The official review meeting has not yet been held, but the leaders of the 702 regiment have already started their own review.


The roar of the helicopter came suddenly.

Wang Qingrui raised his head and looked out in astonishment, but the military tent blocked his sight and he couldn't see anything.

He withdrew his gaze, exchanged glances with the political commissar, and the chief of staff also cast their gazes over. The three of them exchanged glances, and immediately went out together to check the reason.

In the air, a domestically-made transport plane flew over roaringly, and after a while, it stopped firmly in an open space not far from the command center of the 702 regiment. The headquarters of the 702 regiment was gray.

The guard company of the Red Army stood ready, the bullets were loaded, the safety was released, and the guns were pointed at a group of people who got off the helicopter vigilantly.

Those people were dressed in completely different clothes, and they didn't seem to have come to a strange place, but they seemed to be returning to their own home. They knew the way and walked straight towards Wang Qingrui.

Wang Qingrui knew the guy at the head, that was his old friend, old colleague, the railway.

But it wasn't until this moment that he realized one thing. It turned out that the so-called supreme commander of the blue army was him.

His old friend the railroad.

The two of them once joined the army together, served under Gao Mingyuan's subordinates together, and became Gao Mingyuan's confidants together, but the times changed later, and they each embarked on different development trajectories.

Of course, the railway is more knowledgeable and better developed than him, and the relationship with Gao Mingyuan is getting closer than him, and he is slowly walking out of the small circle that he used to be, walking silently by himself.

Wang Qingrui did not expect that the meeting between him and the railway after many years would be carried out in this way.

His heart was a little complicated, and he remained silent.

He didn't mean to warmly welcome the railway, but the railway didn't care, or the railway was not in the mood to care about these thoughts at this time, he just walked towards Wang Qingrui, walked straight into the command center of the 702 regiment, and walked straight to the sand table stand still.

The railway stared at the combat sand table of the 702 regiment for a long time.

Wang Qingrui gestured to the head of the regiment and the chief of staff beside him, then walked to the side of the railway, and stood together, still not speaking, just silent.

I don't know how long it took before the railway arrived at Wang Qingrui's field chair and sat down.

Wang Qingrui looked at him.

He looked at Wang Qingrui.

Wang Qingrui took out a cigarette from the cigarette case at hand and put it in his mouth, and it seemed obvious that he didn't intend to give one to the railway.

Railway took one by itself, and picked up Wang Qingrui's lighter from the table and ignited it with a snap. He wanted to use Wang Qingrui's lighter to light a cigarette for himself, and it seemed that he definitely did not intend to light Wang Qingrui.

Wang Qingrui grabbed the hand of the railway, dragged the still burning fire to his own cigarette, and lit it first.

The two are like good brothers who are eager to win, and they have to fight for one or two in everything.

The headquarters of the 702 regiment, the officers and soldiers of the 702 regiment were all dumbfounded.

The officers of the special operations brigade of old A were also a little dazed.

Wang Qingrui and the railway were in a stalemate without speaking.

After an unknown amount of time, the railway first broke the silence: "Do you intend to use your headquarters as a bait?"


The railway said angrily: "I was fooled."

"It was fooled."

"Is this actually part of your Stinger plan?"

Wang Qingrui nodded.

"Eating your headquarters is a complete victory. But once the war starts, how many complete victories will there be? I should actually try my best to destroy your logistics supply line. I have done a lot of special operations, and I seem to be a little dazed by the beheading. As soon as you hit him, you want to behead, no matter whether there are conditions or whether it is necessary, you just want to behead, but the fact is, beheading is not the goal, beheading is just a means, we can't behead for the sake of beheading, we are indeed a little dazed , this point needs to be changed!"

Wang Qingrui nodded: "I also have a question, is your headquarters really installed in a helicopter?"

"Really!" Railway nodded.

"It's really just a helicopter?"

The railway nodded: "I can instantly communicate with any of my fighters and attack any of your nodes."

"How many people, your headquarters?"


"Nine?" Wang Qingrui's eyes widened, still a little unbelievable.

The railroad nodded again.

I don't know how long it took before Wang Qingrui sighed: "I'm old, I'm old, I'm really old, I still can't believe that a headquarters really only needs nine people. ?”

At this time, the railway suddenly smiled: "Are you really old? I don't think so, I always think we are still young!"

"Of course you are young!"

"But we joined the army together!" Railroad smiled.

"." Wang Qingrui didn't know how to answer.

"You're not getting old, you're just not progressing!"

(End of this chapter)

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