Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 244 Chen Fei's Arrangement, Xu Sanduo Goes to the Division Headquarters

Chapter 244 Chen Fei's arrangement, Xu Sanduo went to the division
244 Fade Chen's Arrangement, Xu Sanduo Goes to the Division Headquarters
When the sun rose, the 702 regiment returned by car.

Fade Chen didn't talk much along the way. He closed his eyes and found a remote place. He seemed to be sleeping, but he was just thinking about something.

The battle is over, the exercise is over, and he will have to leave the No. [-] Steel Company in a while, so he has to arrange some things.

He wanted to leave, and he wanted to leave when he became a talent. Both of them were admitted to the military academy. Except for the two of them, Lin Yu was also leaving. He was admitted to the military academy by himself.

In this way, the three backbones of the eighth class all left.

If he didn't arrange it properly, the eighth squad would probably be disbanded, falling out of the first echelon of the seventh steel company, and going straight to the last.

Although Steel Qilian's days are numbered!
Although his arrangement may actually be useless, it can't change anything!
But Fade Chen still wanted to do more for Class [-] and Steel Company [-] if possible.

Man proposes, God disposes.

Do your best and obey the destiny.

Do what you can, and leave the rest to fate!
After thinking all the way and scratching his head, Fade Chen reluctantly made a decision, that is to let Xu Shuai act as the squad leader for the time being, and let Xu Sanduo be the deputy squad leader.

Xu Shuai's personal professional ability is not strong, at least not the top of the eighth class, but he has a flexible mind, many ideas, dare to think and do, generous, responsible, and suitable for being a squad leader. Xu Sanduo's personal leadership ability is not good, but his personal combat ability is outstanding. He should be able to assist Xu Shuai.

Moreover, if there is no accident, Xu Sanduo may have to go to the division headquarters. After returning, it will be logical to take over as the squad leader.

But this thing only exists in Fade Chen's heart for the time being, and he hasn't told anyone about it yet.

In the afternoon of this day, everyone returned to the company.

The next few days are adjustments, there is not so much training, and the schedule is not so strict. It can be regarded as a relaxation for everyone.

This continued for five days.

On the fifth day, the secretary came to Fade Chen: "Fade Chen, the company commander asked you to go."


Fade Chen also had something to discuss with Gao Cheng. He ran in small steps and came to the door of Gao Cheng's office, knocked on the door, and called for a report.

"Come in!"

Fade Chen walked in.

Gao Cheng didn't say anything, just threw an order over.

The regiment ordered Xu Sanduo to go to the division headquarters tomorrow for a night shooting demonstration.

Everything is similar to that in the TV series, the only difference is that Shi Jin has already gone to the regiment headquarters, and the squad leader at this time is Chen Fei.

"Company commander, I'll arrange for Xu Sanduo to get ready soon!"

Gao Cheng nodded, and immediately asked, "How do you plan to arrange your class?"

"Company commander, I think Xu Shuai can act as the squad leader, and Xu Sanduo can be the deputy squad leader!"

Gao Cheng frowned, he didn't like Xu Shuai very much.

"Company commander, this is the best choice. I believe that such an arrangement should not cause any problems!"

Gao Cheng sighed: "That's the only way to go, you can arrange it as soon as possible, let them get acquainted with each other first, forget about your eighth class, and do as you said first."

"Yes!" Fade Chen naturally knew what Gao Cheng was thinking, but he didn't explain. He just stood up and agreed.

When Fade returned to the dormitory, he first talked to Xu Shuai, and after completing Xu Shuai's ideological work, he went to Xu Sanduo alone.

"Xu Sanduo, the regiment ordered you to go to the division headquarters tomorrow for a night shooting demonstration!"

"Night shooting demonstration?" Xu Sanduo was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, "Squad leader, when shall we leave?"

"I'm not going, just you."

Xu Sanduo's eyes widened immediately: "Squad leader, why didn't you go? You taught me how to shoot at night!"

Fade Chen patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder: "Xu Sanduo, you will be alone in the future. If you have a question, don't always think about asking others for answers. Learn to think for yourself and make your own decisions!"

Xu Sanduo looked at Fade Chen blankly.

"After a while, I, Chengcai, Lin Yu, we are all leaving. I have already told the company commander that I want you to be the deputy squad leader, so you have to slowly learn to use the standards of a deputy squad leader to demand yourself Now, stop asking others about everything, learn to make up your own mind!"

Xu Sanduo didn't speak in a daze, but just looked at Fade Chen blankly.

"Xu Sanduo, I want you to swear to me now, in the future, you must make your own decisions and figure out your own way! Swear—"

Xu Sanduo slowly raised his hand, and before he could speak, tears flowed down his face uncontrollably.

"Squad leader, I swear, in the future, no matter when, I will find my own way and make my own decisions!"

Fade Chen patted Xu Sanduo's shoulder with satisfaction.

Xu Sanduo's luck was not very good. When he arrived at the division headquarters the next day, it was cloudy and the wind was howling. When he performed, it rained heavily.

The night rain drenches the faintly flickering lights in the distance.

On the shooting range, gunshots rang rhythmically at intervals.

Many leaders of the division stood in the stands. Everyone was an expert. With a glance, they knew whether they were successful or not.

"Next, Xu Sanduo!" the host shouted.


Xu Sanduo let out a deep breath, lifted the Bayi Bar and came to the shooting position.

"Xu Sanduo, you are alone now, you have to figure out a way and make a decision by yourself, you can't let the squad leader down!"

After muttering silently for a while, Xu Sanduo got down on the ground and started shooting.

For Xu Sanduo, this kind of nighttime shooting display is as simple as breathing, only occasionally stopping to change magazines or change a weapon.

Followed by a shimmer shot.

The lights went out, and Xu Sanduo put on a pair of low-light night vision goggles.

Targets in green vision are even harder to spot.

But for Xu Sanduo, it was still simple. The training in the eighth class was many times more difficult than this. He shot, reloaded, shot, changed weapons, and shot.

The frequency is almost exactly the same as daylight shooting.

There were more and more spectators at his shooting position, officers who were far above him in rank.

After the shooting, the host came to his side and asked on behalf of the observation group: "Xu Sanduo, you shot the best shot just now, can you talk about your experience?"

"Report, my experience is aiming and shooting. Our squad leader said that no matter what the environment, all shooting is to do these two things well!"

He didn't know what came to mind, and immediately added: "My squad leader is better than me, and the snipers in our class are also better than me... I just follow their methods."

Wang Qingrui was also in the crowd.

He has always been one of the onlookers. At this time, he couldn't help but speak up, and put in a good word for Xu Sanduo: "This soldier is humble. He is like a cow grazing with his head down. He eats the most. He thinks like a cow chewing its cud. Seriously." , he is one of the few soldiers I have seen who can think."

The officers chuckled and nodded approvingly.

Xu Sanduo stood expressionless, like any soldier would do.

Xu Sanduo really wanted to say, Commander, no, the soldiers are very good at thinking, and they are thinking while obeying orders.But soldiers should not express their thoughts in public.

An officer patted Xu Sanduo on the shoulder: "Xu Sanduo, can you teach others?"


"Then stay, one month."

"obey orders."

(End of this chapter)

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