Chapter 258

258 Fade Chen Gives a Report

Chen Fei started the most difficult journey since joining the army.

He gets up on time at six o'clock every morning, does morning exercises for half an hour, then washes up, and then has breakfast. After finishing all this, he starts working, turns on the computer, and starts writing. There are thick piles of information on the side to look up, and sometimes I use the school’s internal network to look up information, think about deduction, and then continue to write.

In this way, from morning to night, day after day, Fade Chen worked for 28 days in one go.

No.20 Nine days, Fade Chen reviewed it for the last time, reading word by word and reflecting on line by line and paragraph by paragraph.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Fade Chen reviewed the last paragraph.

"Based on the characteristics of future information warfare, this paper conducts a comprehensive study on the new infantry squad. The main work and conclusions are as follows: First, through the analysis and research of the current situation and development direction of various types of infantry squads at home and abroad, combined with the existing technical equipment level of our army, And according to the needs of our army's future war operations, the ideal organization of our army's future infantry squads is imagined. Through analysis, major changes will occur in the combat forms and content of new infantry squads and traditional infantry squads, effective use of combat networks and strengthening of man-machine coordination It will be an important trend of infantry squads in the future, and in response to this trend, this paper constructs a comprehensive index system suitable for new infantry squads."

At [-]:[-] in the evening, Fade Chen clicked the close button in the upper right corner of the document, and then sent a copy of the document to Li Li, Ma Mingwen Tiexin and several other important people through the internal network.

After finishing all this, he stood up, stretched himself, lazily walked out of the room, and walked towards the dormitory.

He was so tired that he didn't wash his face or feet, so he fell asleep and slept until nine o'clock the next morning.

After opening his eyes, he didn't rush to get up, but stared blankly on the bed for a while with his eyes open. After about five or six minutes, he got up, washed, poured a glass of water to drink, and opened the door.

Outside the door, two sentries saw him coming out, they straightened up and said nothing, but they all cast admiring gazes.

Chen Fei turned around, but everything was quiet, and there was no one beside him.

Li Li wasn't there, Ma Ming wasn't there, Wen Tiexin wasn't there, and none of the other academy leaders were there.

"Where did the old dean go?" Fade Chen asked a sentinel.

"Report—the old dean and the others seem to have gone to a meeting. The old dean said that if you wake up, tell you to wait a while, and wait for them to talk about something when they come back."

Fade Chen nodded, returned to the dormitory and sat down.

After a while, the sentinel brought breakfast, it was very simple, a piece of freshly baked bread and a cup of hot milk, Fade Chen was not picky, he ate all of them, and then waited quietly.

At [-]:[-] in the morning, Li Li came back and saw that Fade Chen had woken up. She was very happy: "Fade Chen, two things. The preliminary inspection has been carried out, and everyone's feedback is very good, so all members of the research team unanimously agree that you join our research team, and the relevant procedures have been submitted. No accidents, it will be approved next week; the second thing, the research project The team summarized what you wrote and our previous achievements, and reported it to the headquarters. It is estimated that the higher-ups will soon send a working group to listen to the official report. If there is no accident, when the higher-ups come, you have to do it Let's report."

"Okay!" Fade Chen nodded.

After waiting for a week, the leader of the headquarters came.

"Fade Chen, it's time for your report, come with me!"


Fade followed Li Li out of the small courtyard, turned to the right, and walked towards the office building.

After a while, Li Li creaked and pushed open the door of a conference room.

"Everyone, Fade Chen is here!" Li Li reported in a deep voice.

Chen Fei stood at attention and saluted one by one.

"Hello, chiefs!"

In the conference room, all the participants sat quietly around a rectangular conference table. Seeing Fade Chen, everyone raised their heads together, either curiously or admiringly or sized up, and all looked over.

There are a lot of people in the conference room, most of them are middle-aged people in their 50s and 60s. Of course, there are also people in their 30s like Li Li, but not many. There are men and women, but two-thirds are men. Yes, there are fewer women.

Fade Chen has never met many people, but there are a few who are vaguely familiar. Fade Chen doesn't remember where he met him, but he guesses that it should be in newspapers or on TV. In other words, sitting here at this time These people are all high-ranking and powerful, and they are all bigwigs.

"Comrade Chen Fei, can you briefly explain to us your original intention and process of writing this article, as well as some of your views?"

A middle-aged man's deep voice came.

Fade Chen followed the voice and saw that guy was a familiar type, but Fade Chen was not sure about his identity, but he guessed that he was probably the big boss of the Capital Military Region.

"Report, yes!" Fade Chen replied cleanly.

"Okay, Comrade Fade Chen, please tell me first. If we have any questions, we will ask them later!"


Fade Chen adjusted his standing posture and was about to start speaking. The middle-aged man just now spoke again: "Comrade Fade Chen, sit down and talk. The empty seat is reserved for you. Sit there and talk!"

Fade Chen was taken aback.

That seat is facing the middle-aged man who is talking. He is a new student who just joined the military academy. Can he sit?

"Now you are the protagonist, don't be afraid, sit down and talk." The middle-aged man encouraged.

"Yes!" Fade Chen answered loudly, without being coy, and generously, without being tight.

He walked over, and Li Li pulled out the chair for him first. After he sat down, Li Li turned on the microphone and gave him an encouraging look.

Fade Chen cleared his throat and started talking.

"Leaders and heads of state, good morning, everyone. Let me share some of my thoughts and thoughts on writing this paper."

"First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. Before entering the Luyuan, I was a soldier of the Seventh Steel Company of the 702nd Regiment of the T Division of the C Group Army of the Capital Military Region. Our Seventh Steel Company is an armored reconnaissance company. In a sense, we The seventh company should be regarded as a typical representative of the most advanced army combat squad in the current Chinese army. Man-vehicle coordination, mechanization, mobility and firepower output are all unattainable for infantry squads in the last century, but in training and exercises , and various tasks, we still encountered various difficulties and problems.”

Fade Chen talked eloquently.

He started from his own experience and feelings, and then talked about the current construction of infantry squads in various countries and their understanding of the future infantry, and then talked about the combat environment and combat forms that our army may face in the future, and then logically deduced The form and function of the infantry squad our military will require in the future.

Afterwards, he deduced from some capabilities that the infantry squad should have, and introduced the form of our army's future infantry squad, including staffing, weapons and equipment. Our army's future infantry needs helmets, so what type of helmet is this, what level should the required parameters reach, what types of helmets are currently equipped by our army or which manufacturers' helmets can meet, what is the price, and if all Staff equipment, whether it is achievable, whether the funds can support it, he has written all of these.

The leader only asked him to speak concisely, but he began to speak systematically, but no one interrupted, on the contrary, everyone listened with interest.

After talking about infantry equipment, he talked about infantry selection, training, and the various combat styles that infantry will face in the future. Finally, he also summarized a set of indicators and systems to evaluate the results of infantry construction.

In a word, his paper is like an encyclopedia of a new type of infantry, covering all aspects and considering every detail. It can even be said that with this paper, a new type of infantry can be directly formed. The infantry squad came out.

Fade Chen eloquently expressed his thoughts.

In the conference room, all the heads and leaders either listened attentively, or wrote hard to keep records firmly. No matter who they were, they nodded from time to time, showing praise, appreciation, and admiration to Fade Chen.

"Report, the report is over!"


The middle-aged man sitting opposite Fade Chen took the lead, and the others quickly followed. The applause was like thunder and lasted for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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