Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 267 He Hongtao and Miao Yan

Chapter 267 He Hongtao and Miao Yan
267 He Hongtao and Miao Yan
Fade Chen, Wu Liuyi, and Chengcai and Miao Yan sat together. The four of them talked and laughed, and the picture was very harmonious.

When the four of them sat together, the cafeteria was silent, and everyone looked at the four of them with strange eyes.

But after a while, the cafeteria gradually became lively again, and everyone's attention was turned to other places.

Chen Fei, Wu Liuyi, Chengcai, Miao Yan, the four talked and laughed very happily.

But at some point, the cafeteria suddenly fell silent again.

Fade Chen was the first to notice this change, and quickly raised his head to look.

It turned out that the instructor walked in.

The soldiers in the cafeteria fell silent when they saw He Hongtao walking in. They either stared at He Hongtao openly, or secretly watched what happened in the cafeteria.

Wu Liuyi, Chengcai, and Miao Yan also discovered He Hongtao's arrival.

Wu Liuyi and Cheng Cai were a little embarrassed, while Miao Yan was a little at a loss.

Chen Fei was as usual, very calm, he and He Hongtao looked at each other, exchanged a look, He Hongtao looked back, as if nothing had happened, went to eat by himself, found a place to have a good meal, and left quickly after eating. It wasn't until He Hongtao left that the cafeteria gradually became noisy again.

After eating, before leaving, Miao Yan called Fade Chen: "Platoon Leader Chen, I have something to tell you!"

Fade Chen winked at Wu Liuyi and Chengcai, and they bid farewell to Miao Yan first.

Miao Yan didn't say what he was going to say, but just pointed in a direction, and walked first, and Chen Fei followed suit.

After walking to a deserted place, Miao Yan looked at Fade Chen and said, "Platoon Leader Chen, there is a little conflict between me and the instructor. I think you know about it. You are sitting with me today. The instructor also saw the meal, so... so I think you should explain it to the instructor, otherwise"

Miao Yan looked cautious.

"Okay." Fade Chen nodded and replied with one word.

After saying goodbye to Miao Yan, Fade Chen did not go anywhere else, but went straight to the office to find He Hongtao.

dong dong dong.

He knocked on the door and called out a report.

"Come in!" He Hongtao's voice was very calm, without any emotion.

"Instructor?" Fade Chen walked in with a smile.

He Hongtao looked up at him, and smiled: "I guessed that you would come, did Miao Lian ask you to come?"

Fade Chen was startled, He Hongtao knew Miao Yan very well, and, on this occasion, He Hongtao still called Miao Yan Miao Lian instead of calling him by his first name.

After Fade Chen realized it, he quickly flattered him: "The instructor is really good at predicting things!"

When He Hongtao heard this, he laughed even more joyfully.

Thousands of wears and thousands of wears, it really is flattering and not wearing.

"Actually, I also wanted to talk to you about the matter between me and Miao Lian, but now it seems that I don't need to take action. Your kid's ability is more powerful than I expected. I guess, you have put Those things are taken care of, right?"

He Hongtao smiled and motioned for Fade Chen to sit down, and made a cup of tea for Fade Chen.

The two sat facing each other.

"Instructor, I feel that Miao Lian is easy to get along with." Fade Chen took a sip of tea, first opened the topic, deliberately pretended to be stupid, and asked questions.

"That's because you didn't know him before!" He Hongtao laughed: "Do you know what he was like when he first came to Hongsanlian?"

"What's it like?"

"At that time, he had just graduated from the military academy. He was high-spirited, his eyes were high above the top, and everyone felt inferior to him, and everything he saw was unreasonable. So as soon as he came to Hongsanlian, he couldn't look down on anything. To point fingers, he felt that this was wrong and that was wrong in Hongsanlian.

But at that time, he was only a platoon leader, he had no power, and many squad leaders ignored him, so he had no chance, so he kept holding his breath.

When he first joined the third company, he was the platoon leader of the third platoon. Because his training performance was mediocre when he first joined the company, many soldiers didn't pay much attention to him, and several squad leaders didn't take him seriously. Later, once, He didn't know what stimulated him, so he vowed to change, worked hard, practiced hard for half a year, and his training performance improved by leaps and bounds, almost reaching the excellent level of your old seventh company.

Just at this time, the old company commander was transferred away, and he was exceptionally promoted and became the company commander, so the breath he held back before, coupled with the excellent results at this time, made him swell immediately, and he became the company commander The first thing to do is to abolish the old rules of the three companies and carry out major reforms
Fade Chen, we have known each other for such a long time, and you should know me too. I am not an old antique, and it is not that I cannot accept reform, but reform should not be dreamy, but must be down-to-earth. The reason why many things have become what they are now is not because the company leader Officials do this intentionally, but it is the result of mutual games and mutual compromises among all parties.

For example, for the training performance of the third company, we also set a high standard like the old seventh company, but the problem is that the quality of the personnel source of the third company is like that. If you forcefully raise the standard, everyone will not be able to meet it.

If we also evaluate according to the standards of the seventh company, 60.00% of the people in the third company will fail to pass the test.

If 60.00% of the fighters in the entire three companies fail the assessment, what problems do you think will arise?
Everyone's enthusiasm must be frustrated, and many fighters will definitely break their cans!
Besides, if a person with 60.00% of the training fails to pass the training, what will the superiors think of us? "

"Also, for example, have you heard about the situation of the fifth class in the second row?" He Hongtao asked Fade Chen.

"I heard!" Fade Chen nodded.

"Squad [-] looks like that, to be honest, which company chief will not be angry when seeing them? Which company chief will be satisfied with their appearance?

But the problem is that the situation of the fifth class is special. In that place and in that environment, everyone will become like that, but what did Miao Lian do when he first took office? He asked the fifth class to strictly follow the rules of the third company Ask to do it.Then I want to ask, you asked Class Five to do that?Who will supervise?What if they can't do it?How do you deal with them?If you don't deal with it, then why did you change it? "

He Hongtao opened up the chatter box, and told all kinds of things in the past in one go.

Finally, he let out a long sigh: "I really can't do anything about it, the opinions from below are too big, if he continues to mess around, Sanlian will definitely be abolished, so I can only act as a villain and bring Sanlian back to normal!

However, Fade Chen, you can't learn from me now. No matter where, if there is a conflict between the two military chief officers of the company, it will definitely affect the development of the company, so I hope you can engage with Miao Lian. Good relationship, harmonious development.

After more than a year of tempering, Miao Lian has also matured a lot. At this time, whether it is some of his military thinking or some characteristics of his personality, he has matured a lot. Those small problems in the past should not be repeated. Fade Chen, I have no doubts about your ability. In addition, I deliberately suppressed you before. As long as you extend an olive branch, Miao Lian will definitely cooperate with you.

I am an old You Tiao, and the higher-ups know that I have conflicts with Miao Lian and are very dissatisfied, but there is no good way, because I am an old You Tiao, but Chen Fei, you are different, if you can’t handle the relationship with Miao Lian well , If there is a conflict, then the higher-ups will definitely have opinions on you.

Of course, Fade Chen, you still have to take on the role of the core and backbone for the matter of the third company. The battalion commander has high expectations for the third company, so you can't let him down!
I have worked in Sanlian for many years, and I have deep feelings for Sanlian. From my personal point of view, I also hope that Sanlian can become better and better!
Miao Lian has matured a lot, but he still has a lot to learn if he wants to build the Red Third Company into a new type of infantry demonstration company. host!

Although I am still the instructor of the third company, you also know that the focus of my work is gradually shifting to the instructor. Although the order from above has not yet come down, the battalion commander has asked me to start the relevant work first. up.

Regarding the instructor of the third company, I have already communicated with the battalion commander. We all hope that you can pick it up. Of course, before that, you must first do the job of the platoon leader well. If you can't even do the job of the platoon leader ok then"

"Instructor, don't worry, I will definitely do it according to your requirements, I will definitely do my job well, and I will never let you down!"

(End of this chapter)

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