Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 275 Comprehensive training, new infantry formation

Chapter 275 Comprehensive training, new infantry formation

275 comprehensive training, new infantry formation

The combat capability of the red three companies and one row is already very strong.

However, Fade Chen did not stop moving forward.

He began to work on building a platoon's cooperative combat capability.

The previous focus of construction was mainly on individual soldiers, on the cultivation of individual soldiers' physical fitness and combat capabilities, but now, he has to focus on building the cooperative combat capabilities between squads and platoons, that is, squads and platoons of synthesis.

The way to build this capability is mainly training and training.

Chen Fei first trained the entire platoon on the theory and tactics of the new type of infantry, and waited until everyone had a complete map in their minds before starting actual combat training.

"The staffing of our new infantry squad is ten people."

Fade Chen wrote a string of words on the whiteboard.

The Red Third Company used to be a traditional infantry, but it was only equipped with an infantry fighting vehicle, so the previous staffing of the Red Third Company was still 12 people.

But now, the staffing of the third company has been reduced, and all teams have ten people.

"Squad leader, deputy squad leader, and other personnel, combat weapons are 95-1 assault rifles, two machine gunners are equipped with 95-type squad machine guns, and drone operators are also equipped with 95-1 assault rifles. All are equipped with optical sights. Except for the drone operator, the rest of the gunners are equipped with QLG10A35mm gun-mounted grenade launchers equipped with DFJ10 armor-piercing bullets. In addition, all personnel are equipped with individual combat information systems. Of course, bulletproof helmets are bulletproof Vests and the like are also standard equipment.”

Chen Fei first introduced the weapon equipment configuration of the new infantry squad.

Some of these weapons and equipment have been distributed to the Red Third Company before Fade Chen left the company, and the relevant training has also been in place. I am already familiar with using them, but there are only a few sets of weapons and equipment in a squad, and no one has one set, and it was not clear at the time that these will be standard configurations for everyone in the future.

If there is no accident, next week, all these weapons and equipment will be distributed, with one set of staff. In addition, one squad will have two squad machine guns and one quadrotor drone.

After listening to Fade Chen's introduction, all the fighters in a row of three squads brightened up.

A pair of optical sights per capita?

One gun-mounted grenade launcher per capita?

All staff are equipped with individual combat information systems!

Damn, this firepower is too strong!

I didn't dare to think about it before...

Fade Chen looked around, and after everyone calmed down, he continued: "Compared with the standard infantry squad, our new infantry squad has one difference, that is, there are no snipers. With the addition of the information system, the 95-1 assault rifle equipped in the squad can already be used as a precision marksman rifle.

The task of a precision shooter is to follow the team to support the team in combat at medium and close distances. There are three requirements for the rifle of a precision shooter. The first is to have a certain accuracy, the second is to have a certain rate of fire, and the third is that the firearm should not be too heavy or too heavy. Great, the 95-1 assault rifle just fits the bill!

Accurate shooters are not as demanding as snipers, so each squad can find multiple shooters to perform this task. "

Chen Fei analyzed them one by one and made his own judgment.

After talking about the personnel and weapon configuration between infantry squads and squads, Fade Chen changed the subject and talked about specific combat types.

"As I said before, the new infantry squad will face two types of warfare in the future. One is small-scale, high-tech offensive warfare, and the second is independent operations in complex terrain without armored fire support."

"We focus on independent combat without armored fire support in complex terrain. First, let's look at the first form of warfare, urban warfare. Urban warfare is very different from other forms of warfare. It has the following characteristics. First, urban warfare The population is dense, and combat operations are vulnerable to public surveillance, so the transparency of urban combat operations should be considered in combat operations."

"Second, the collateral damage of urban combat is very large"

Fade Chen speaks eloquently, explaining the profound things in a simple way, and is easy to understand.

The soldiers nodded frequently, and many of them picked up their pens from time to time and jotted down in their notebooks.

Chen Fei first trained all the members of the first row, and then brought out the three squad leaders to conduct special training, such as how to fight in urban warfare, how to fight in jungle warfare, how to fight in mountainous terrain, and how to cooperate in the class. How should the coordination between the three classes be arranged, and so on and so on.

When the three squad leaders were already familiar with various combat styles, he asked the three squad leaders to go back and train each squad.

But it's not just training, in addition to training, there is also assessment, which is used to replace training.

Chen Fei personally assessed, pulled them one by one in front of him, and conducted the assessment in the form of written answer sheets, questions and answers, and discussions. Only those who passed the test would be given a pass, otherwise it would be countless re-examinations.

After so many times, the soldiers in the first row had a deep understanding of the new infantry. Even if they couldn't speak clearly, they still knew what to do.

Of course, these are all on paper.

But obviously, talking on paper is the first step and the most critical step.

If you are clear on paper, then you can get twice the result with half the effort if you conduct actual combat drills.

Sure enough, when everyone figured out what the new infantry is all about in theory, and then went to the actual combat drills, the effect quickly became apparent. Everyone was a little jerky at the first time, but after seven or eight times, Basically, they are very familiar with each other. After half a month of training, the first row of new infantry combat has begun to show its proficiency.

The second row and the third row are similar, but their combat capabilities are not as strong as the first row.

At this time, the combat capability of the first platoon has 110 eight attributes, which is comparable to the eighth squadron of the Seventh Company of Steel.

Seeing that the timing was almost up, Fade Chen found the instructor He Hongtao and reported: "Instructor, our three platoons have initially formed combat effectiveness, especially our first platoon, which is very good in combat effectiveness. Would you take some time someday to check it out?" a bit?"

"Formed combat power? So fast?" He Hongtao was taken aback.

At this time, it was only two months before Fade Chen joined the company. It has just entered November. After two months of training, the new infantry has already formed combat effectiveness. Is it true?
He just felt a little dazed and couldn't believe it!

It wasn't that he doubted Fade Chen, but that he felt that happiness came too fast, and he couldn't believe it!
After staying there for a few seconds, he let out a breath, and said in a deep voice: "Okay, then you all get ready, I will report to the battalion commander now, and try to come and see it tomorrow!"

He didn't implement it personally, because he believed in Fade Chen, and he believed that Fade Chen would not draw big cakes for him. Although he also knew that Fade Chen loved to draw big cakes for soldiers in a row, he knew that Fade Chen knew very well which ones could draw big cakes. What must be told the truth, this kind of thing can't be joked at all, so since Chen Fei dares to guarantee it at this moment, he will not doubt it anymore, even if he is a little suspicious in his heart, he will never show it.

This is the cultivation of an old instructor.

"Yes!" Fade Chen stood at attention and saluted.

Not daring to delay, He Hongtao immediately went downstairs and trotted all the way to another newly built office building.

The battalion headquarters of the Red Third Company used to be separate and far away from other companies, but now, the superiors have re-planned, and the camps of each company have been re-adjusted. Together, they are not far apart. According to the arrangement above, the office space of the three companies will be concentrated in this newly built building. However, the offices of the three companies have not yet moved here, and only the battalion headquarters Relevant institutions are temporarily set up here.

He Hongtao came to the battalion commander's office quickly. Instead of knocking on the door, he stood at attention, took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then tidied up his appearance before knocking on the door: "Battlemaster, It's me, He Hongtao!"

"Old He—" Wen Tiexin opened the door, revealing a big smiling head.

"Commander, good news—"

"What good news?" Wen Tiexin was taken aback.

"Fade Chen came to report to me just now, saying that the third company has formed combat effectiveness, and he asked us to take a look at it some time?"

"Formed combat power? So fast?" Wen Tiexin was also taken aback.

He Hongtao nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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