Chapter 284
284 Grenade opens the way and captures the roof
The three infantry chariots rushed towards the target building like lightning.

But it is not the No. 100 building that everyone wants to capture in the end, but the No. [-] building about [-] meters away from the No. [-] building.


The chariot brakes suddenly.

The hatch had already been opened before the car stopped, so when the chariot just stopped, the soldiers in the car jumped out of the car one by one.

But not all the personnel got out of the car, and there was a driver in each car who was responsible for driving, and drove the infantry fighting vehicle to another location.

Someone got out of every infantry vehicle, and most of the soldiers got out of the vehicle.

However, the fighters of the three classes have different goals and tasks.

Fade Chen led a squad whose task was to seize and control Building No. [-], and the other two squads, one squad was responsible for covering the first squad, and the other squad was responsible for ambushing the blue army who came to destroy the infantry tanks.

Chen Fei guessed that after the blue army saw the infantry chariot of the Red Sanlian, they would definitely send someone over to destroy it, because once the infantry chariot was destroyed, the red army would be cut off from the rear, and could only be "closed door" , It is even more difficult to turn the tables.

So Fade Chen planned to use this to make a fuss, using three infantry vehicles as bait to lure the blue army into the bait, and then use heavy firepower to deal a devastating blow to the invading blue army.

At this time, Fade Chen led a group into the stairs of Building No. [-]. Everyone planned to rush to the roof from here, and then go straight to the top of the building and directly to Building No. [-].

Fade Chen worked with one soldier in a squad, and the two rushed to the front line, covering each other and taking the lead.

Fade Chen raised his head and patted the other soldier's shoulder, and pointed to the top of the stairs with his finger. The soldier nodded and took cover with his gun.


Fade Chen rushed up the first flight of stairs like lightning.

His battlefield instinct told him that there was no danger here.

Sure enough, when he rushed to the corner of the stairs, there was no blue army blocking him.

Fade Chen came to the corner, pointing the muzzle at the maximum tangent position. He didn't make any moves, but the soldier who cooperated with him had already known his intention. rushed up.

This guy's assault ability is very strong. If he is in the special forces, he can be an assaulter.

He came to the stairs on the second floor, quickly scouted, found no enemy situation, immediately stood still, armed with a gun.


Fade Chen continued to rush upwards.

When he rushed to the corner of the next staircase, he moved his ears and heard the faint sound of military boots stepping on the stairs. At this moment, his heart skipped a beat and he became nervous.

He didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately took out a grenade from his body, pulled it away, and smashed it out with a whoosh.

His grenade was not thrown directly on the stairs above, but directly on a wall at the corner of the stairs.

The moment Fade Chen threw it out with great force, the grenade bounced back after hitting the wall. Coincidentally, after the grenade bounced back, it exploded just in the air on the upper flight of stairs.


A Blue Army soldier who was going down to ambush Fade Chen was shot dead instantly, and the smoke from his body gurgled out.

Before the lingering sound of the grenade explosion dissipated, the assaulter who was working with Fade Chen had rushed up, and the Blue Army soldier who happened to rush down from the upper flight of stairs had no time to react, and was hit by the assaulter. The shuttle bullet is killed, and the concept of absolutely fast alignment, that guy understands very deeply and applies it to the extreme.

When he rushed to the corner of the next flight of stairs, he followed Fade Chen's lead and threw a grenade in a swish. The grenade was unbiased, and it also bounced off the wall and exploded at the flight of stairs they were about to search.

For the latter ones, the first squad all adopted the grenade-first method, so even if there were one or two blue troops, they were blown upside down.

The Blue Army has limited hands, a total of more than ten people, most of them are used to guard Building No. [-], and there are only three or four in this building, and they are quickly cleared by Fade Chen and his team.

Everyone rushed to the top of the building as fast as possible.

"Chen Pai, the danger on the roof has been cleared, we can move on to the next step, over!"

Fade Chen pushed open the patio cover and jumped to the top of the building, when a sound came out from the earphones, it was the report from Class [-] monitor Yang Ting.

"Understood!" Fade Chen was overjoyed.

He wanted to slide directly from the roof to the roof of Building No. [-]. This building was one floor higher than Building No. [-], and it was just right for him to slide over.

However, there will definitely be people from the Blue Army ambushing on the roof, so he first let the third squad rush to another floor, set up a counter-sniper position on the roof, and wipe out the snipers of the Blue Army.

At this time, the squad leader of the third squad reported that the snipers of the Blue Army ambushing on the roof had been killed by them.

Hearing Yang Ting's report, Fade Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Yang Ting's individual combat ability is really not something to boast about.

Fade Chen took aim with the gun, and his eyes shot out from the white light scope. He scanned it quickly, but he didn't find any threat, so he immediately waved his hand, and a soldier immediately stepped forward, picked up a gun, and pointed at the surrounding area. There was a shot on one of the walls of the No. [-] building.


A rope flew out, and at the front of the rope was a sharp barb, which was nailed into the wall, and the soldier tied the rope firmly in one place at this end, and a rope was quickly established.


He hung a carabiner on a rope, slipped out like a zip line, and soon landed on the roof of Building No. [-], opened the carabiner, and immediately set up a position according to the gun alert.

Fade Chen waved his hand.

The other fighters immediately slid over one by one, and not long after, all the fighters in Squad [-] and Fade Chen all slid to the roof of Building No. [-].

Just as Fade Chen landed on the roof of Building No. [-], the earphones rang. It was Shi Mingjun's voice. Shi Mingjun reported excitedly: "Chen Pai, the Blue Army really wants to attack our infantry tanks as you said. But now they are taken by us!"

After hearing this, Fade Chen let out a sigh of relief, and was also secretly excited.

"Proceed as planned!" he ordered.


Fade Chen waved his hand, and a soldier immediately stepped forward to open the door. As soon as the door was opened, three grenades flew in. Boom, boom, boom, the grenade exploded. A blue army that ambushed Fade Chen and the others was blown out immediately.

In the next paragraph, Fade Chen and the others used grenades to open the way, blowing all the way down.

All I could hear was the endless explosions. If it wasn't for the group of people wearing noise-cancelling headphones, their ears would be deafened at this moment, and they would be temporarily deaf.

Grenade is really a good thing, especially when used to open the way. Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, you need enough grenades. Fortunately, the firepower of the first row is strong enough today, and the number of belts is enough.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will intersperse tactics, and if you are rich, you will explode.

(End of this chapter)

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