Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 290 New Appointment, Red 3 Company Instructor

Chapter 290 New Appointment, Red Three Company Instructor

290 new appointment, red three company instructor

Fade Chen and Gan Xiaoning chatted for a while, and they didn't go back to the dormitory until the lights went off.

After washing up, the two of them got into their own beds and lay down. Fade Chen fell into a deep sleep after a while, but Gan Xiaoning tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep. This idea popped up in his mind, and then that thought again After tossing and turning for two hours, I finally felt a little sleepy.

"Okay, don't think about it, follow Chen Pai well from now on, yes, now I'm an instructor, just follow him well from now on, he told me to go east, never go west, just follow him all the time."

He has known Fade Chen for a long time, and he has known it before, but he has not had much time to get close to him. However, after getting along with him for a while, and secretly observing him for so many years, Gan Xiaoning feels that Fade Chen is still trustworthy. Yes, at least, he is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He will miss the past and will definitely help his old subordinates if he has the opportunity. This kind of person will not suffer if he hangs around with him.

Gan Xiaoning two years ago might not have thought this way, and he would not have thought that he would follow anyone in his life, but after more than two years of polishing, he has matured, and he has gradually understood a truth, no matter where he is, there are people who can help him. The road will be much easier to walk, and you can enjoy the shade under the big tree. If a person has no background, it doesn't matter, and he doesn't have the ability to defy the sky, then how far he can go depends on luck.

"Gan Xiaoning, remember, from now on, Fade Chen will be your guide. No matter when and where, you must unite closely around him. Even if he is transferred, you must always keep in touch with him. How far you can go in this life depends on how good your relationship with him is!"

Gan Xiaoning silently alerted himself.

Thinking about it, he felt that his eyelids gradually became heavy, and after a while, he also fell into a deep sleep.

At nine o'clock the next morning, the whole battalion of the 702st Battalion of the [-]nd Regiment assembled.

Today, the first battalion held a battalion-level meeting.

The first item on the agenda of the conference was the speech by the head of the delegation, Wang Qingrui.

After his speech was completed, the second major agenda was to read the letter of appointment of He Hongtao as an instructor of a battalion.

"In order to further strengthen the new infantry construction of the 702st Infantry Battalion of the 702 Regiment, give full play to the role of the party-organization-organization-battle fortress and the role of the party-member vanguard, and better help the effective development of the new infantry construction work of the [-] Regiment, the [-] Regiment After research, it was decided to appoint Comrade He Hongtao as the instructor of the First Infantry Battalion.”


The applause exploded like thunder.

The news of He Hongtao's transfer of a battalion instructor had already been widely circulated before, and it was only officially confirmed at this time.

He Hongtao has done pretty well in the past few years, so his promotion is well deserved, and everyone's congratulatory applause is very sincere.

He Hongtao stood up and expressed his opinion with high spirits and high fighting spirit.

After he made his statement, the conference entered the third agenda item.

"The appointment letter for the instructor of the Red Third Company of the First Battalion is announced below." Wen Tiexin stood up and announced loudly.

After a series of official language, Wen Tiexin read aloud: "The business department has made a decision to appoint Comrade Chen Fei as the political instructor of the Red Third Company."


Applause broke out again.

Unbelievably, the applause this time was even louder and more enthusiastic than He Hongtao's.

The 702 regiment was bullied by the old A. The grievance of that battle has been pressing on everyone's hearts. It has been two years and it has not been resolved. But just yesterday, Chen Fei led the red three companies and a row to score 702-[-]. Wu's excellent record has wiped out that shameful history. At this moment, every soldier of the [-] regiment feels that he can finally feel proud, and the big stone that was pressing on everyone's heart finally fell down.

In fact, the reason why this confrontation has so many results is due to various factors, not all due to the factors of a row of combat power, but everyone doesn't care about so many, everyone only looks at the results, just like old A didn't care about 702 There are so many unfavorable factors in the group, and they only look at the results. Therefore, at this time, the applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

On the stage, He Hongtao also applauded with a smile, and Wang Qingrui also applauded with a smile. No one was dissatisfied with the warmer applause given to Fade Chen. Everyone had bright smiles on their faces.

At this moment, everyone is really happy.

In the past two years, the 702 regiment has been very difficult, and the red three company is also very difficult. At this moment, the emotions that everyone has suppressed for a long time finally burst out.

I don't know how long it took before the applause gradually subsided.

"Next, I invite Comrade Chen Fei to come to the stage to make a statement."

Dressed in olive green summer uniform, Fade Chen strode up to the rostrum, all the way to the speaking place, he snapped to attention, saluted, and saluted in all directions.

After the ceremony, Fade Chen spoke.

"Respected leaders, dear comrades, first of all, I would like to thank all the leaders for cultivating me over the years. Without the 702 regiment, I would not be where I am today, Chen Fei. My recruit company is in the 702 regiment, and the squad leader is training in the 702 regiment. Growing up in the 702 regiment, it was the 702 regiment that tempered me from a rural cowherd boy to a qualified Chinese-Chinese-people-people-liberation-liberation-army-army-man, so, first of all, I want to be grateful, thank you Thank you to every leader and comrade-in-arms who have helped and cared for me over the years!"

Fade Chen saluted again!



But this time it was not so enthusiastic, and it was over soon.

In the next speech, Fade Chen was concise and not verbose. He had already made up his mind that he must get rid of the bad habit of being verbose and verbose among political workers in the future.

At the end of the meeting, Wang Qingrui found Fade Chen again.

"Xiao Chen, how do you feel now?"

"Very excited." Fade Chen didn't hide it either.

"At your age, many are still studying in military academy, but you have become an instructor. However, you must not be complacent. You must know that the work behind you will not be easy to carry out. The new infantry construction of the Red Third Company is now I have just started, and the most difficult and bitter part has not yet begun. At that time, no matter whether it is a soldier or an officer, there will be many thoughts in my mind. Trouble, you must pay enough attention to this point!"

"Thank you for your teaching, head, I will definitely keep your advice in mind, work hard, and never let the head down!"

Wang Qingrui patted Fade Chen on the shoulder, turned around and looked at Miao Yan: "Xiao Miao, you and Fade Chen must cooperate well in the future and be united. Only when the company commander and instructor develop harmoniously can the company's construction be done well. If there is any problem, sit down and talk about it, if there is any conflict, you must solve it with your heart and wisdom!"

"Regiment leader, please rest assured. From now on, I will definitely unite and cooperate with Comrade Chen Fei to build the Red Three Company together. I will never let the leaders down, and I will never lose face of the 702 regiment!"

(End of this chapter)

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