Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 305 New Year's Training, the Violent Aesthetics of Red 3rd Company

305 New Year's training, the violent aesthetics of Red Sanlian
This year's Spring Festival passes very fast. If you don't pay attention, the Spring Festival will be gone.

Everyone still has more ideas, and the training order was issued.

On this day, at nine o'clock in the morning, with the warm sun hanging high, Fade Chen walked up to the rostrum, looked around, and didn't make a long speech, but just shouted: "I order, the 2009 military training of the Red Third Company - start Training!"

Fade Chen's voice was very loud and deep, as if it contained great power. His voice was transmitted through the stereo, shaking the entire Hongsanlian.


The spring breeze rises suddenly.

The company flag of the third company suddenly fluttered, making a hunting sound, and the heartbeat of the soldiers of the third company accelerated, and they felt that their blood seemed to be burning, boiling endlessly.

When Fade Chen gave an order, all the three companies of the Red Company started immediately.

"One row, turn right—turn!"

Gan Xiaoning, the acting platoon leader of the first row, gave an order with a roar.

"Second row, rest a moment! Stand at attention!" Cheng Cai, the leader of the second row, also ordered loudly.

The third row soon started to move.

In the garage, the nine infantry vehicles were already rumbling, and they were all idling. Upon hearing Fade Chen's command, the drivers of each class immediately stepped on the clutches and shifted gears, and drove the infantry vehicles out of the garage. , drove to the largest avenue in Hongsanlian.

When the soldiers trotted over, the infantry chariots were all in place.

"Squad [-], get on the bus!" Bai Tiejun, the acting squad leader of the first shift, changed from his usual hippie smile, with a solemn expression, sharp eyes, a calm voice, full of confidence.

As soon as he gave an order, the soldiers of the first group immediately trotted forward. The first soldier slammed open the hatch and stood on the side while pulling the hatch door. The second soldier bowed and jumped in. In the cabin, I sat in the innermost position on the left, and the people behind entered one by one. At the last moment, the soldier who opened the door stepped into the cabin and closed the cabin door with a bang. All soldiers seem to be riveted with procedures, fast and precise, without the slightest deviation. Veterans have already practiced this series of movements smoothly, and the recruits who joined the company in December last year have also practiced these things well. Handy, the soldiers themselves have worked hard, and Fade Chen's system is unknowingly working hard, so at this time, the boarding action of Hong Sanlian is like a blockbuster movie, which is endlessly memorable.

On the rostrum, Fade Chen watched carefully. From one row to one class, he saw three rows of nine classes. The boarding of these nine classes was strong or weak, good or bad, but the weakest class was also inferior. Compared with the seven steel companies in those days.

Fade Chen was very satisfied. He nodded and drew a gentle arc.

After waiting until the hatch of the last infantry vehicle was closed, Fade Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Every shift, go according to plan, let's go—"


The first chariot roared like a lion, and it let out a roar. A puff of black smoke sprayed out from the chariot. Diesel was sucked into the engine, and instantly transformed into surging power. The wheeled chariot It was ejected in the blink of an eye, and turned into another place in an instant, and disappeared from Fade Chen's sight.

The driving style of the red three-step chariot is infinitely close to that of Fade Chen. It is very violent and often overclocked. The manual stipulates that it can only drive to this speed, but the driver of the three-company often exceeds the specified speed by about 20.00%, driving at the limit.

Of course, these operations are not decided by any driver privately, but Chen Fei communicated with the manufacturer's technicians in detail, got permission, and then allowed the people below to do it.

The manufacturer's data is generally redundant, exceeding a certain amount will not actually cause substantial damage to the vehicle, so Hong Sanlian's approach seems violent, rude, and ignorant, but it is actually very particular.

Fighting a war is all about taking surprises. One of the things that can surprise the enemy the most is the maneuvering speed. Everyone thinks that the maneuvering speed of the Red Third Company can only reach [-] kilometers per hour, but the Red Third Company can actually reach [-] kilometers per hour. Kilometers per hour, the enemy will definitely not be able to predict it, and they will be able to catch the opponent by surprise!

One infantry vehicle after another left.

The clerk Zhang Yang trotted up: "Company Commander, shall we go too?"

"Okay!" Fade Chen nodded.

He jumped off the podium and strode toward a jeep.

Zhang Yang took two steps ahead, and slammed open the co-pilot's door. After Fade Chen got in, he immediately closed the door. He ran to the driver's seat in two big strides, opened the car door, got in and sat down, started the car, and quickly Overtook the infantry vehicle in front.

The clerk Zhang Yang is a very quiet and shy person, with a delicate mind, otherwise he would not be able to write ancient songs that both Cai Cai admires very much, but under the influence of Chen Fei, this boy has gradually exposed his wild and unrestrained man For example, when driving a jeep at this time, he is very wild, soaring directly to the limit speed. When encountering an obstacle, he does not go around it, but runs over it directly. Fade Chen is sitting in the co-pilot, even if he is wearing a seat belt. You have to hold the handle with one hand, otherwise you will be thrown from the seat from time to time.

When the little jeep chased after the last chariot, Fade Chen asked, "What did Shi Jin say? Do you want us to pick him up?"

In today's training, Fade Chen asked the infantry vehicle to advance at full speed, and everything was carried out according to actual combat requirements, so it was inevitable that there would be no problems, such as the infantry vehicle breaking down or something. Therefore, he made an appointment with Shi Jin early on, please Come down to sit in town today, just in case, if the chariot breaks down, then repair it quickly.

Shi Jin is now an expert on armored vehicles in the regiment. Repairing the vehicle is extremely easy. Often, as long as you stand next to the vehicle and listen to the sound of the engine, you will know what is wrong with the vehicle. I wanted to transfer him for the first time, but because the first battalion was building a new type of infantry and was newly equipped with infantry fighting vehicles, and the 702nd regiment was about to start building a combined brigade, so there was a great need for such an old non-commissioned officer with rich experience and excellent capabilities, so He was guarded desperately by Wang Qingrui and he was not allowed to leave.

After hearing Fade Chen's question, Zhang Yang stared at the road and swung to the right while answering: "Squad Leader Shi said he was waiting for us halfway, so we don't need to pick him up."

Fade Chen nodded, indicating that he knew.

Shi Jin didn't come empty-handed, he wanted to drive his car, which contained the tools he repaired, and of course, brought his apprentice.

After driving for about half an hour, the convoy finally left the camp and entered the training base.

The 702nd Regiment has a professional training base, where infantry combat vehicles are speeding, and various driving skills are trained. Of course, man-vehicle coordination, artillery and machine gun shooting are also trained.

Chen Fei looked at it for a while, then grabbed the car walkie-talkie, pressed it, and then shouted: "Attention everyone, don't go the old way, the first row, you take the third line, the second row, you take the fourth line, the third row Platoons, take Line [-], which one will arrive last, and which one will be the last to eat tonight!"

Fade Chen also carried forward the style of Steel Seventh Company, which compares everything to one level. For example, in the mobile training at this time, three platoons are high and low, and the last platoon can only wait for the other two platoons for dinner. Only when people have finished eating can they enter the cafeteria. Otherwise, they can only stand at the door and watch dryly, and they are not allowed to go to other places or do other things. They can only stand at the door of the cafeteria and watch people eat meat Eat a big bowl of soup.

Before the Red Third Company went out for training, they always took the widest, largest and flattest road, but Chen Fei asked everyone to take the small road, which was difficult to walk, and it was a test of driving skills and courage. Fear everything, go forward, fierce as fire.

Training is like actual combat, and actual combat is like training. He slowly integrated this practice into the Red Three Company.

"Received in a row!"

"Second row received!"

"Three rows received!"

The three platoon leaders answered one after another.


The three rows of infantry vehicles slammed to the right and rushed towards a small path.

After driving for a while, the chariot encountered a low wall, and behind the low wall was a small piece of trees.

"Break away and run over, don't stop!" Wu Liuyi, the leader of the third platoon, yelled at the driver.


The infantry chariot roared, did not stop, and went straight over. The pine trees with a diameter of more than 40 centimeters and the two-story red brick low wall could not block the eighth squadron's infantry chariot at all.

When they encountered a mound of dirt, they did not take a detour like other vehicles, but ran over it directly. The rocks lying across the road were also directly crushed by giant wheels. On the uneven dirt road, the chariot still maintained The maximum maneuvering speed, such as walking on flat ground, difficult mountain roads, and slopes of more than 30 degrees, directly kicks the accelerator, even if the tires are suspended in the air, it is nothing in front of the eighth class. What's more, it's not a problem, just take it easy.

The wheeled infantry fighting vehicle currently equipped by the Red Third Company has a total weight of 16 tons. The crew consists of 3 people and carries 7 soldiers. It adopts the layout of the international wheeled fighting vehicle standard. The commander is located on the left side of the power compartment, the fighting compartment is in the center, and the rear is the crew compartment.

The engine power is 330 kilowatts, the maximum speed is as high as 100 kilometers per hour, and the maximum stroke is 800 kilometers.

The most important thing is that the battlefield information acquisition capability and maneuverability of this wheeled infantry fighting vehicle are significantly improved compared with similar equipment previously developed.The commander can observe the surrounding situation with the help of a remote camera.Moreover, the driver is equipped with a color display in the car, which can display all necessary data information.

In addition, under Fade Chen's strong request, the manufacturer also equipped this infantry fighting vehicle with an integrated information command system, so that the occupants in the vehicle can exchange data or transmit data to other users outside the vehicle.

When the infantry chariots of the three platoons of the Hongsan Company charged forward like a storm, Shi Jin drove his repair car over without a hurry.

His position was at the top, just condescending, and he had a clear view of several infantry chariots of the Red Third Company.

Seeing the rampage of Hong Sanlian's infantry tanks, he couldn't help his eyelids twitching, his flesh ached. He was a car repairer, and seeing Chen Fei and the others abuse the infantry tanks so violently, he naturally felt a little heartbroken, but He also knew that it was right to do so, the car was meant to be used for driving, otherwise it would lose its value if it was cared for too much.

"Squad leader, is Hong Sanlian driving so violently?" His apprentice was also taken aback by the scene in front of him.

"This is the violent aesthetics of Hong Sanlian, you just have to experience it, it will open your eyes!" Shi Jin grinned.

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