Soldier Assault Commander

Chapter 307 Training, Summary

307 training, summary
The sun was shining on the training ground.

An infantry chariot rushed past, the dust was flying, and nothing could be seen in the gray.

At the highest point, Fade Chen stood upright, holding a telescope in his hand, and was concentrating on observation.

In the field of vision of the telescope, an eight-wheeled infantry fighting vehicle numbered 303 roared over an obstacle, and then began to slow down, preparing to shoot a target with a vehicle-mounted machine gun.

Seeing that the vehicle was slowing down, Fade Chen suddenly put down the binoculars and handed it to the clerk standing aside. The clerk instinctively felt that something was wrong, held his breath, and quickly connected the telescope, and handed the walkie-talkie to Fade Chen. Here, he was afraid that if he did something wrong, Fade Chen's anger would be transferred to himself.

The channel of the walkie-talkie has been adjusted. Fade Chen took it and pressed it to use it. Fade Chen took the walkie-talkie and roared: "303, what are you doing? Who told you to slow down? When did I say that the shooting should slow down? This is Fire suppression is not precision shooting!"

The driver of the No. 303 tank is a soldier of the third company, an old non-commissioned officer, so he inevitably left some old habits of the third company, which are deeply ingrained and difficult to change. For example, he will endure when shooting a target with a machine gun. Can't help but slow down the speed of the tank so that the shooter can better control the machine gun and shoot the target.

This is what the old third company does. Their philosophy is precision shooting. All shooting, including rifle shooting and artillery shooting, must pursue precision. Since precision is the pursuit, then naturally, the speed must be reduced. The speed of the vehicle is reduced to a certain range, so that the turbulence of the chariot is minimized, so that the accuracy can be maintained.

But Chen Fei's philosophy is completely different. What he pursues is the concept of actual combat, which is absolutely fast. It has already been achieved, and no one will not avoid or evade after hearing the roar of the machine gun. Therefore, as long as the machine gun is fired, the goal of suppressing firepower will be achieved.

As for shooting accuracy, it is best to have accuracy. During daily training, you must try to be as accurate as possible, but the problem is, you can’t slow down the speed of the chariot for the sake of accuracy. , and then the relative alignment.

So, at this time, Fade Chen was very annoyed, yelling and merciless.

Chariot No. 303 accelerated rapidly, and the field was once again dusty.

The chariot galloped away, and the machine gunner ruthlessly fired the ammunition towards the target. Some of them missed the target, but about half of them also hit the target. Overall, the performance of the machine gunner was not bad.

Fade Chen immediately praised him. He picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Yang Ming, your machine gun is good. So far, you are ranked first!"

After a pause, he continued: "Li Yao, your car is also driving well. You are indeed the one who can take No.1 in the division's infantry chariot driving competition, and you will continue to maintain it in the future."

Chen Fei's philosophy is to praise in a timely manner, with a loud voice, and in front of as many people as possible.

Of course, some major mistakes should be seriously criticized. For example, just now, he yelled in front of the entire company. His voice could be transmitted to the radio of every soldier, but he just scolded After a while, he didn't say anything more at this time, but after the training was over, he would find those soldiers who made mistakes and criticize them individually. His criticism would be kept to a minimum as much as possible.

Training continues.

After the shooting training of the vehicle-mounted machine gun and vehicle-mounted artillery was over, Fade Chen then began to train the coordinated attack, one row at a time, and three squads in a row at the same time, coordinating with each other, and attacking a target together. With the fire support of the tanks, the soldiers did not swarm up, but coordinated to advance and cover each other.

Chen Fei held up the binoculars to observe the target area, then picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "First row, the second point and the ninth point are the enemy's firepower points. I order you to attack from the fourth line, take down the target within 3 minutes, and execute!"

With an order, a row of three squadrons of three infantry vehicles roared and rushed forward immediately.

The three infantry chariots did not advance side by side, but spread out in a certain formation, with a certain distance between them and an inclination angle, forming a cross-covering trend.

The three infantry vehicles quickly passed a roadblock at a speed of 68 kilometers per hour. After that, the hatch opened, and the soldiers jumped out of the vehicle, opened the distance, presented a gradient, alternately covered, and alternately moved forward.

Fade Chen once again raised the binoculars to observe. After watching for a while, he stayed in the first row and had already successfully captured the target point. Then he raised the walkie-talkie and commented: "The operation just now, the first team did a good job, and the third team did a good job. Yang Feng of the squad, when you and Li Jin were alternately covering, there was a problem with your coordination, Yang Feng, you didn't grasp the timing of your fire, and you were three seconds behind!"

[Ding——you set high standards for your company, and when your soldiers made mistakes, you pointed out on the spot. If your soldiers did a good job, you praised them vigorously. The officers and soldiers were very devoted to training and gained a lot. Your training has achieved results beyond expectations. With your efforts, the Red Three Company is getting closer to the great company. Your company-level command art +2, your company-level battlefield intuition +2, and the Red Three Company's combat effectiveness + 3, the spirit of the red triplet +3]

The inspiring voice sounded in Fade Chen's mind again.

In the evening of this day, after the training was completed, Fade Chen did not take everyone back immediately, but surrounded the officers and soldiers of the company in a circle, and he personally summarized today's training.

"Today's training is generally well done, but we will not talk about the good things now, but to summarize the problems exposed during today's training."

Fade Chen spread out his notebook, looked at it, then raised his head to look around, and said, "The biggest problem exposed today is still the problem of coordination."

"What is synergy? It is defined in textbooks. Synergy refers to the coordination and cooperation of various combat forces in accordance with a unified plan. Coordinated actions can make all forces have a collective effect. Joint operations are operations based on coordination. Form, synergy is the basis of union.

But the biggest problem we have exposed now is coordination, so our next focus is to do a good job in coordinated training, not only the coordinated training of internal arms, but also the coordinated training with other arms and even military arms. "

"So how can we do a good job in coordinated training? First, we need to strengthen combat training with information as the axis, so that the effectiveness of each element can be maximized. I think there is a classic old American saying-never send infantry to Take on the problems that can be solved with a single shot-this sentence, I hope everyone will keep it in mind.

We are a new type of infantry. After the combination of various elements, the tasks of each arm in combat will change greatly. Therefore, we must make the best use of our strengths and avoid weaknesses. Under the conditions of informationization, our coordinated actions should be based on information. Acquisition, processing, distribution, sharing and utilization to determine the tasks and collaborative actions of the elements.

During the training, we should focus on training elements such as intelligence reconnaissance, command and control, fire strike and comprehensive support based on the information system, so as to realize the smooth operation of the complete process of reconnaissance-judgment-strike-assessment. "

[Ding——you seized the opportunity and armed everyone's minds with the most advanced theories. You talked eloquently, and the officers and soldiers of the whole company admired your talent more and more. With your efforts, the Red Third Company is closer to the great company Yes, your company-level command art +2, your company-level battlefield intuition +2, the red three company combat power +3, the red three company spirit +3]

The pleasant voice sounded again.

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