335 The Red Army's Step-Tank Cooperation

When the blue army gave an order, the infantry immediately moved into action, deploying various anti-tank missiles.

As long as the Red Army's tanks get closer, they can shoot one after another, directly blasting the Red Army's tanks.

While the infantry of the blue army was preparing, the third company of the red army also began to prepare.

"Quick, move faster!" Fade Chen shouted as he strode forward.

At this time, the infantry chariot has already started.

All other preparatory work has been done, and now there is only one last thing left, which is to fix the vehicle-mounted anti-tank missile on the infantry fighting vehicle.



Since missiles such as the Red Arrow-8 need to deal with the problem of rear-throwing barrels, they cannot be mounted on infantry fighting vehicles. Therefore, a large number of infantry vehicles in our army have to use "one and a half" anti-tank missiles such as the Red Arrow-73. It is used for long-range anti-armor, and tracked mechanized vehicles, such as the Type 04 infantry fighting vehicle, are also limited by the diameter of the projectile. The APS series of artillery-launched missiles equipped with them are limited in power and cannot penetrate the main battle tanks currently in service in our army.

At this time, the Red Arrow 73 anti-tank missile was installed on the roof of the infantry fighting vehicle by the Red Third Company.

Red Arrow 73's official media has publicized the fact that Red Arrow 73 can pass through three targets in one shot many years ago, and even experienced fighters can pass through three moving targets at a time.However, the latest model of the Red Arrow 73 does not have this ability, because the latest model of the Red Arrow 73D and other improved versions use infrared guidance or TV angle measurement guidance. The single-shot hit rate is very high, but it needs to penetrate three targets with one shot It is impossible.The early Red Arrow 73 imitated the Soviet Union's "Sagar", which adopted the wire-controlled guidance method, which is actually a remote control guidance method. As long as soldiers with certain experience want one target and three bombs, it can also be done. .

There are also many ways to guide anti-tank missiles.

The Javelin missile is the most advanced and the fourth-generation anti-tank missile with the best attack effect. It completely realizes no matter after launch. It uses the infrared detection head of the missile to track the enemy tank, and then calculates the flight parameters through the chip to directly attack the target. The hit rate is Higher, better reliability.

However, this kind of missile itself needs to be equipped with an infrared detection head, a chip with computing and processing capabilities, and various other electronic components, which will greatly increase the cost, which is too expensive for ordinary troops to afford.

The second guidance method is wire guidance, what does it mean?There is a wire behind the butt of the missile. This wire is connected to the control device. The control device can see where the enemy is and how the enemy is moving, and transmit this information to the missile through this wire, and then adjust the flight parameters of the missile.

The benefits of this are obvious, the cost of the missile is low, and it does not require various components and infrared detection heads.But the disadvantage is that you have to drag a line behind your buttocks, the range is limited to a certain extent, and it is also affected by the terrain. If you are separated by a forest, it will be difficult to shoot.

Red Arrow 73 is such guidance.

However, at this time, the anti-tank missile used by Hong Sanlian is an improved type, and various data have been added by the data of the director department, so it is not much different from the most advanced missiles. Inside, it has basically achieved one-to-one accuracy.

The third guidance method of anti-tank missiles is laser frame guidance, such as the Ukrainian Stugna-P anti-tank missile, and the British Starlight anti-tank missile.

At this time, when Fade Chen gave an order, the soldiers of the Red Third Company immediately moved into action. They moved very quickly and installed the anti-tank missiles in a short while.

"Captain Huang, we are ready!" Fade Chen picked up the walkie-talkie and said.

"Company Commander Chen, let's start!"

"it is good!"


The tanks of the tank company roared, and a moment later, tanks lined up one after another, speeding towards the target.

After the tank drove out, the engine of the infantry chariot also roared, and it followed closely.

But the speed of the infantry fighting vehicle is not fast, and it has been following the tank.

The tank was rumbled, causing the ground to tremble, and the crushed dust gurgled into the sky, making the field of vision gray and unable to see anything.

The blue army was stunned when they saw the red army's tanks approaching like this.

"Damn it, the tank soldiers of the Red Army... are they out of their minds?"

Everyone was so shocked that they didn't even bother to complain.

Xue Qingyuan, the commander of the Blue Army, picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Everything is there, the missiles are powered on, ready to activate!"

Everyone quickly operated and aimed the missiles at their respective targets.

However, we can't fire yet, and the distance is too far. If we launch now, the missiles won't be able to penetrate the opponent's tank, so we can only wait.

"Calm down, don't panic, listen to my orders!" Xue Qingyuan urged in a deep voice.

His voice just fell, da da da——

The vehicle-mounted machine gun on the tank suddenly opened fire, shooting towards the blue army's position in bursts.

The tanks of the Red Army lined up, and the machine guns on one tank after another fired together.

In an instant, all the soldiers of the blue army were overwhelmed and couldn't lift their heads.

As long as they looked up, the lasers from the machine guns would hit the laser receivers on their helmets, and they would be finished, so everyone kept their heads down and hid in the trenches.

"Scan, scan, if you feel that there are too many bullets to use up, then scan! Anyway, my missiles are not in a hurry to launch, it's better if you get close!"

But to the surprise of the Blue Army, the tanks had advanced to a certain distance, that is, before they entered the optimal shooting distance of anti-tank missiles, they all stopped suddenly, and they just kept firing, pouring out machine gun bullets like rain.

Just when all the blue troops were stunned, in the vast dust, one after another infantry combat vehicles roared out, rushing towards the blue army's position at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour , but they didn't rush directly to the blue army's position, they bypassed the trench far away, and rushed out from another place.

When the soldiers of the blue army saw that something was wrong, they hurriedly remembered it, but the vehicles of the Red Army tank company fired continuously, not giving them a chance at all.

The infantry tank roared into the blue army's position, and when it came near the blue army's position, bang, bang, bang, the hatch opened, and soldiers jumped out of the vehicle one after another, but the infantry tank did not stop moving forward , After getting off the man, he continued to run forward, chasing and killing the blue army's tank.

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